A WIP thread for the community
This is a thread intended for the community as a whole. A place to show and discuss with the community what you are working on without the obligation that a "WIP" thread generally implies, for those who are just not quite to the point where their project warrants a formal "WIP" thread, or for whatever reason you might have for not wishing to start a "WIP" thread.
As this is in the Morrowind modding forum please keep whatever you are showing here limited to Morrowind mods or projects that you intend to implement into your game.
So, lets see what you're up to
This is a thread intended for the community as a whole. A place to show and discuss with the community what you are working on without the obligation that a "WIP" thread generally implies, for those who are just not quite to the point where their project warrants a formal "WIP" thread, or for whatever reason you might have for not wishing to start a "WIP" thread.
As this is in the Morrowind modding forum please keep whatever you are showing here limited to Morrowind mods or projects that you intend to implement into your game.
So, lets see what you're up to
I'll start with the last posts from the previous thread:
I see that Morrowind Acoustic Overhaul has become quite popular
Glad you like it guys. Unfortunately we discovered a huge problem with how MWSE handle NPC list loops (or maybe it's just an error within MAO scripts?). Everyone interested in future progress and with knowledge about MWSE scripting please read this topic: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1415006-xfirstnpc-xnextref-npc-list-loop-is-broken-please-prove-me-wrong/

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42876609/SG%20Teaser.jpg (Teaser)
I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, so I've cobbled together my own. This is getting near done (I worked on it yesterday). I just have to implement how the player gets the tools now.
This mod merges scripts from the Soul Gem Crafting resource by Kendarus and Graphic Herbalism. Now you can use a special Toning Hammer and Chisel (left and right) to cut away gem fragments from the magical resonance crystals seen in mage caves and Telvanni settlements. These fragments can then be used on the Infuser device (center) to concentrate the fragments by infusing them with magicka.
I'm not sure if I'm %100 satisfied with the infuser mesh. I kinda wanted something more scientific and less "magically arcane." If anyone has concepts for a magical device they think might suit the infuser better, please show them to me and I can try my hand at modeling that instead. Thanks!
edit: Oh, forgot to mention. None of these scripts have been tested yet. And given my track record with scripting, they'll still require considerable work... so I may be asking for help with those before this is done.
I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, so I've cobbled together my own. This is getting near done (I worked on it yesterday). I just have to implement how the player gets the tools now.
This mod merges scripts from the Soul Gem Crafting resource by Kendarus and Graphic Herbalism. Now you can use a special Toning Hammer and Chisel (left and right) to cut away gem fragments from the magical resonance crystals seen in mage caves and Telvanni settlements. These fragments can then be used on the Infuser device (center) to concentrate the fragments by infusing them with magicka.
I'm not sure if I'm %100 satisfied with the infuser mesh. I kinda wanted something more scientific and less "magically arcane." If anyone has concepts for a magical device they think might suit the infuser better, please show them to me and I can try my hand at modeling that instead. Thanks!
edit: Oh, forgot to mention. None of these scripts have been tested yet. And given my track record with scripting, they'll still require considerable work... so I may be asking for help with those before this is done.
A taste of what the northern reaches of Tamriel Rebuilt's Veloth release will look like, courtesy of Nemon: http://i.imgur.com/ieYab.jpg