» Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:27 pm
I'm starting over with a brand new main character Bromethious, yeah, random name.
Just made him and I'm taking a break, I'll take some pictures soon.
Race - Khajiit.
"Class" - All out Assassin.
Weapons - Bows, and maybe Daggers if I get stuck in a close range battle.
Bio - Is upset about how his fellow Khajiit are being treated by the Empire. He traveled to Whiterun just to find them sitting outside the gates in tents, where the only source of heat is a fire in the middle of the camp. Bromethious swore to them they would not live like this forever. After his attempted execution and now this, Bromethious is planning to travel to Windhelm, to join with the Storm Cloaks. To Brom, their are no rules and nobody tells him what to do or how to do it, with the exception of those who earn his respect, which is not easily earned. Brom still hasn't accepted the fact that dragons are actually returning, and that he has something to do with their return.
Kinda made that up on my own their, but yup, that's Bromethious.
All your screen shots encouraged me to create him, so thanks guys!