@Zinni Fantastic Khajiit! Females are so hard for me but yours looks great!
Thanks, been making pretty kitties for quite a few years now

First time I've personally seen a female Khajiiti picture! Awesome pics. I wish our kitties could be friends. :3c
Well, if you're on pc, we could set up companions when the CK is released. They'd get along great as mine is also a sneaky, light armored marksman who dabbles in the crafting. And your hard work payed off.. she's quite the looker!
These and the new four above this post... awesome job
Yea, that definitely doesn't look like it feels good
http://i.imgur.com/aGnBH.jpg doing what he does best. Decked out in Blades armor with his new freezing and burning ebony waraxe. I'll get some nice pictures of his face and such in good light later, I've done some updates again. But for now, enjoy this bandit learning a hard lesson in picking the right mark.
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/--yvimIWEufc/Ts0T5TxuLAI/AAAAAAAABmw/2c2ZpRFfOHw/TESV%2525202011-11-22%25252021-11-47-77-edit.jpg (Repost)
Dig how the eyes match the spells in hand
Like him
Conan and Red Sonja?
What is this I don't even...
Looks like a My Little Pony