Gakken Shadbuk. Male Orsimer, deliberately didn't follow the X gro-Y naming convention for reasons below.
His backstory is that he was the only child of disgraced parents; they had been members of a tribe in High Rock, but he was an inefficient warrior and an even more inefficient smith, and she had too scholarly an opinion of magic to be deemed appropriate. And so they had been shunned, eventually decided to leave together and ended up migrating west until they hit Markarth. Here they eked out a living working in the mines, and where they had their only child - Gakken. Not being of a tribe anymore they had no appropriate surname to give him, but used the name of their former tribe, without the 'gro'.
Gakken spent his childhood around Markarth, where he grew accustomed to the ways of men, trading and such like. He also spent some times with the Orsimer in Markarth and grew to be ashamed of his parents; it was the Orsimer smith who taught him basic smithing skills, and he found a courageous friend in a miner friend of his parents, Annekke. When she married and moved to Darkwater Crossing to found her own mine, Gakken no longer had a reason to stay in Markarth. Determined to bring honour back to his family, he left and became a wandering mercenary.
He wasn't a terribly good one, but he was desperate enough to take on jobs no one else would, which earned him a certain reputation. After a few decades, he received a letter from his old friend - her mine had been attacked by bandits, she needed him to retrieve her stolen good. He went to join her, but was accidentally captured within sight of her house. She saw what what happening and tried to save him, but he was already halfway to Helgen by the time she got anyone to believe her, and it was too late. She believed him executed, she didn't connect the tales of the dragon attack at Helgen and her oldest friend.
And so, he became a wanderer once more, although perhaps a wanderer with a little more purpose this time, seeing the power he could use to bring honour back to his family. He was a generally good guy, although his desperation did sometimes drive him to 'not good' activities, such as aligning himself with the Daedric prince Malacath. But he was still a bit of a coward and his years spent immersed in human society never really allowed him to become a full Orsimer. He married in the traditional Nordic way to the daughter of Annekke, Sylgia, felt most at home in the College of Winterhold (it's implied he's related to Urag the Librarian) and after his defeat of Alduin in Sovngarde, he returned to their home in Riften and became a wood chopper.
I mainly had him versed in the traditional warrior skills: two handed (he used Volendrung after he got it, an Orcish warhammer until that point), heavy armour, smithing... But I also had him involved in enchanting and sneaking, stemming from his cowardice and the interest in magical pursuits that runs in the family.
Spoiler When I first read the title, my thought was 'Orcs or GTFO'.