Show Us Your Screenshots! #113

Post » Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:46 pm

Screenshot Guidelines ( MUST READ BEFORE POSTING! ):
(Thanks to bashur and Matthew Kaine(?) for the original versions of this set of guidelines over in the Oblivion Mods section )

  • No criticism should be directed at a person - only constructive criticism at the posters work
    • How you should not post criticism: "That screenshot is really lame! The poster needs to learn how to screenshot!"
    • How you should post criticism: "I'm not really a fan of that screenshot; In my opinion it could use a little more flair. Maybe try to have the angle at a diagonal slant with the sun behind them, that will give them a nice silhouette."
  • If you find a post offensive, REPORT IT !
    • Moderators know to to quickly deal with any situation of this nature, and will remove any offensive posts.
    • Arguing, instigating, or making demands regarding the post invariably ends up worsening the situation.
    • Not following the above rules could result in all involved parties getting a warning, even those defending themselves.
  • Commenting on a posters style of play in screenshots:
    • Members have a wide variety of playing styles and of capturing screenshots.
    • No subjective (or moral, ethnic, political, religious, cultural, social, sixual, etc.) preferences should be dictated to others as right or wrong in this thread.
    • All members are encouraged to post their screenshots regardless of their style of play, as long as they stay within the rules of this forum and thread.

Messages from the Moderators regarding this thread
"If someone barrels in and decides that the opening post guidelines for this thread are not applicable to them,
just report them, don't bother responding. Criticism for screenshots is fine, as long as it's constructive.
"I think it's stupid" and comments of that ilk? Are not criticism. They're just rather belligerant.
Don't like a particular screenshot - then don't bloody comment." - Leydenne

"This is not the place to troll, flame, or spam others. You all are here to share ideas, converse, and have a good time.
We don't want anyone to spoil the party, so if someone happens to come along with those intentions
please use the report button and ignore that person's post (Do not reply to them or acknowledge them).
We will then take the appropriate action to cull the situation and remove the problem." - DreadLord

"You cannot take assets from another game and use them in Oblivion, and that includes other BGS games.
What you do on your own computer is up to you but we don't want to hear about it or see it." - Rohugh

"User made and modified in game characters depicting children must be fully clothed and not be posed in a way to be considered provocative.
The moderators have full authority to determine this and issue warns/suspensions/bans if required.
Likewise any screenshots depicting child killing will also be dealt with accordingly." - From Moderators and Forum Admin


"If you don't care for a particular screenshot, you do not need to comment on it. If you have constructive feedback, that is fine. And people receiving polite feedback, don't get your back up.

But just because you don't like some of the looks, or feel they show too much skin, or whatever, as long as they do not break our forum rules, you'll have to restrain yourself. Sorry- no one cares if you don't like the skimpy shots. Sure, some of them may be over the top or whatever, or simply not to one's taste, but again- if they do not break our screenshot rules, then they are fine.

Post screenshots that are pretty, that are fun, or funny or scenic. Be kind to each other. Or don't bother with the thread."- Leydenne

Tips (under development)
Camera Tips (for basic screenshots without a third-party program):


  • Press F on your keyboard to switch back and forth from first, to third-person view
  • Press and hold F to change the camera angle by moving your mouse around. This will rotate the camera around your character.
    • A side-to-side mouse movement will rotate the camera around your player
    • A forwards-backwards mouse movement will tilt the camera angle above or below your character
    • The mouse scroll wheel will move the camera closer or farther away
  • You can equip your weapon and/or cast a spell in this position as long as you continue to hold F
  • Press the "Print Screen" or "Prt Scr" button at any time to take your shot.
    • Be careful not to take them too close together or you'll accidentally capture the "screen shot created" message in your shot if your UI is still enabled (see below).

How to disable the UI (Stats Bars, Compass, etc):

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TM
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • Your UI (User Interface) should now be gone
    • To re-enable your UI, type TM in the console again using the steps above

How to enable Free-Flying Camera mode:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TFC
  • OR type TFC 1 to pause the action and enable the free camera.
  • CAUTION: Animations and gametime passage may be suspended with TFC 1, but script functions are not. Scripts may still trigger events even while the actors or props they manipulate are still frozen.
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • You can then move the camera around using the same keys you would normally use to move your character.
    • To go back to normal, type TFC in the console again using the steps above
  • To change the speed in which the freecam moves, use the console command SUCSM (x), where (x) is the speed multiplier. Default appears to be about 10, which may be unwieldy.

How to panrotate camera while walking:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type ANIMCAM
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • You can now rotate the camera around your character while walking/fighting etc.
    • To go back to normal, type ANIMCAM in the console again using the steps above

How to Disable the AI of any Creature/NPC:


  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TAI
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • Entering the command while no actor is selected will cause all actors to stand at idle (but still have idle animation).
  • Using while an actor is selected will freeze them in-place.
  • To return to normal, type TAI in the console again, and press enter.

How to remove Collision from your Character (Clipping):


  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TCL
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • To return to normal, type TCL in the console again, and press enter

How to post your screenshots


  • Upload to an image hosting site. There are many popular options for doing so, including a built-in service with Steam. Per asgard: From steam's screenshot manager, you simply select a pic, then hit the upload button. Then you click on 'View online library'where you can manage all your uploaded pics.
  • Copy the URL for your image. The image hosting site you choose usually has a box with code to pick from. You'll want to get the code that refers to BBCode, and a direct URL. Do not bother with getting BBCode Image coding, as this forum does not support embedded images in posts.
  • When you post your screenshot, it's often nice to include some flavor text, rather than just posting an undescriptive URL.
  • The best way to do that is to type out the following: [ url = " TYPE YOUR URL HERE " ] TYPE NAME HERE [ / url ](without spaces)

How to swap out animations (pre CK, PC only)


  • Until pose mods come out, this method is the best option for making your character do things that NPCs can do!
  • You'll need a .bsa extractor. I (Eisoj5) am using a Fallout3 extractor for the time being, but there are more options out there.
  • Open the Skyrim - Animations.bsa file in your .bsa extractor. The animations for character and NPCs are located in themeshes\actors\character\animationsfolder within that file.
  • Extract the animations you want to play with. I (Eisoj5) have a separate folder for all the random stuff I like to mess with/add to Skyrim, so I put them in that folder.
  • Rename the animation you want to use ingame to sneakmtidle.hkx .
  • Copy your new sneakmtidle.hkx to Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations. (You will have to create these subfolders if they do not already exist in your directory.)
  • In game, simply press the sneak button and your swapped animation should begin to play! Keep in mind this is only when you're sneaking and not moving. Moving will return to the regular sneak motion animation.
  • To get back to the normal sneak idle animation, just delete sneakmtidle.hkx fromSkyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations.

Lighting Tips (courtesy of UKnightwatch)


To avoid bad lighting, I try to;

  • Not have a bright light directly behind subject
  • Not have a very bright light too close to front of subject
  • Not aim camera directly at a bright light
  • Turn my character into good lighting
  • Make good use of character items such as torch or spells that cast light and such if available

On PC;

Make use of the 'tfc' feature to move the camera accordingly to avoid bad lighting - see begining of this thread

I realise we are not all super smart when it comes to using art packages on PC (points at self as example of dimness) and we do not all have access to professional software - this has its problems.

If you are using a PC, there are some free to download image manipulating programs available - your search engine is your friend! Free software can be very basic but that is all we need. A little time taken to learn the basics of such free programs can pay off really well and bring our screenshots [more] to life.

Using FOV


FOV, or "field-of-view/vision", can help you zoom in for even better close-up shots.

  • Open the console using the ` key.
  • Type fov ##, where lower numbers equal a tighter zoom and higher numbers a wide angle. Close the console.
  • The game is preset to fov 65. FOVs lower than 50 are great for close-ups, but can be hard to frame if your TFC speed is high.
  • To get back to your normal setting, open the console and type either just fov again or fov 65.



Here's a small list of mods to make your screenshots more interesting and actractive

  • This mod brings you a figurines allowing you to control yourself, and a special spell that can turn any NPC into brainless puppet doing any animation you want.
  • Pinup style poses for your female character... or your male, if you're into that sort of thing ( needed for the mod to work)
  • Removes most of the blurriness from finisher moves and reduce the number of camera cuts in most moves
  • Removes drop of blood from screen
  • Adds footprints to the player, NPCs, and creatures
  • Adds a snowy visual effect to the player and NPCs when snow is falling. Effects all live and deceased NPCs and wildlife with-in a set radius.
  • When drawing an arrow, the arrowhead rests on the hand of all places. Unless you like having a sliced up hand, resting an arrow's head on your hand while it's nocked and drawn is a bad idea.

You may find these guide useful:, so you won't be lost in all those awesome animations and poses

Dragonborn and Dawnguard pictures can be posted in here. Please advise in your post that the following links are from the two DLC. Not everyone has played them.

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Post » Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:08 pm

Shameless repost.

Because I have played Mjolene the Bloody a little further ahead then I would like, here is an update/introduction for her. I hope you enjoy. Her history is on contained in the spoiler tags so as to not leave you with a wall of text if your just here for the pics. :smile:


Her father, Valfar fought in the Great War against the Altmeri Dominion and when the war was over he returned to Skyrim and settled down with a nice maiden whom he later married. A short time after that, Mjolene was born. But the quiet life after the war was not to be. Her father, a huge supporter of Skyrim for the Nords was often away from home helping snuff out any thalmor presence in Skyrim along side Galmar and the young Ulfric Stormcloak. He even had a hand in the Markarth Incident... a bloody mess he does little to deny ever happening. But this is not about him... this is about her.

Do to her father being gone from home a lot, Mjolene was raised by her mother. When ever her father was home, he trained her in the use of weapons such as bows and large swords. No daughter of his was going to grow up to be some tavern wench or bard. He wanted her to be tough as the best of them and to one day be able to serve the people of Skyrim in fighting for their freedom.

However one day while he was away, tragedy struck. Her mother became ill and passed away. When her father returned, knowing his wife died while he was gone seemed to change him. He stayed home less and less... seeming withdrawn and not caring anymore about anything, including his daughter. Eventually she gave up waiting for him to come home herself. It was time to be tough like he taught her, and to survive on her own. One day he returned home to find she had left.

There was not much for a young woman with her skills to do other then become a mercenary for hire. That soon changed as she fell in with a bandit group. Raiding towns, caravans and farmers became an every day occurrence for her. She saw that power gave her what she wanted so she began to use her skills to her advantage. She took what she wanted by the strength of her arm, killing all those that got in her way. Mjolene was not content with being just a bandit. She eyed the position her chief held. One day she challenged him and his leadership. It was a bloody battle but in the end she was the one standing. She earned the nick name "The Bloody" because of her love of large weapons to hack her enemies to pieces. Usually at the end of battle she is found standing there covered in the blood of her enemy,

But her life is about to change once more. She received a message from her father. It was time for her to answer the call as a daughter of Skyrim. Ulfric Stormcloak is preparing for civil war and her father caught wind of an imperial trap to capture him near Darkwater Crossing. While she does not feel obligated to answer her father, the call itself is more then she can ignore. She was trained to kill, trained to hate the enemy. Mjolene has agreed to meet with her father and see about this civil war.

I sat there calmly eating a piece of bread while washing it down with mead but her music did not seem to bring the man before me any joy. Or if it did it certainly did not show. In fact for as long as I could remember I don't think I had ever seen him smile. At least not since mother died. if I could call him that. It had been almost fifteen years since I last saw him and now out of the blue he sends me a letter, asking me to meet him in Iverstead.

"So why am I here father?" "I do not hear from you since I was thirteen years old and you just show up and invite me to dinner?"

"This is not about you and me... daughter." He grunted. Its time you stop being a problem and become part of the solution." "My lifestyle is none of your concern. You never cared before so why should I care now?"

"Your stubborn like me so keep that in mind if you refuse." would not call for my estranged daughter otherwise. But we're on the brink of civil war and I would like you to join me in battle with the Stormcloaks against the Empire. Jarl Ulfric has the right of it. Those damn thalmor strut about doing as they like while the empire does nothing. This is not their home. This is ours!"

Father had made a point and I was his daughter. The idea of a good fight was not one I could say no to and that's how I found myself walking with my father towards Darkwater crossing. Despite the great war having been over before I was born, my father seemed to be waging one every day. He had remained close to Ulfric Stormcloak after helping him retake Markarth and now planned to join his patrol. He knew Ulfric was going to be near Darkwater Crossing on his way to Windhelm Somehow my father thought it would be a great bonding experience to fight side by side with me. I really was not interested in that... we go into battle together.

The rest of the trip was in awkward silence as there was really nothing to say. I did not want to know if I had any bastard brothers or sisters out there. Or what ever he had been up to these past years. And I did not feel it was his business to know everything I had been up to. I was proud of what I had become and despite me calling him father, it was because I was to polite to call him Valfar. Other then a few guards, it seemed everyone else was off in the nearby mine. "Goodmorning." She greeted us. on the way to Windhelm, have you seen it?"

"No I'm sorry I have not." "But I am worried... I heard jarl Ulfric himself was with the patrol, returning from Riften. along the edges of Eastmarch and the Rift. then they would likely take the mountain pass leading from the Rift, through Helgen and towards Soltiude. could tell he knew something but was not going to speak of it. Maybe he knew the imperials were after Ulfric Stormcloak and wanted my help in stopping them. headed up the main road that lead around the lake by Iverstead and towards the mountains. Along the way we came across a small detachment of Stormcloak soldiers us they were suppose to meet Ulfric. "But he never showed.

We explained to them that we had just come from Darkwater Crossing and Ulfric had not arrived there either. I could tell my father was getting agitated at the news Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak was missing. And the assumption he might have been captured by the imperials was beginning to seem more like truth. We decided to hurry on towards Helgen in the hopes that maybe we could catch up with them in the mountain pass. But it was as we raced across the Rift that we came across a large imperial camp. This camp was not here yesterday." Father grunted.

"I agree." I nodded my head.

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Post » Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:21 pm

This is probably my last console picture so....
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:22 pm

Curious to see how she would look if create her on your PC tomorrow.


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Post » Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:03 pm


I have no idea... I just found him, err.. "it" there. No idea how it got there. No idea what it's doing there of all places. But it does support some of the wild theories associated with... "them."

Seriously? WTF is it doing there? :blink:

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Post » Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:41 pm

Kaileena remained silent for a moment as I read the letter out loud to her. I was angry at her and she knew it. What was interesting was that I couldn't tell if she was scared for being caught, or that I had found out. I'd kind of already knew she liked to take things that did not belong to her. Honestly I was... ok with that. She had not involved me in her crimes or stole from me. But this did complicate things. I was angry with her yes... but I was angry at Olfina for trying to have her killed. Hiring thugs was just as bad as trying to get the Dark Brotherhood to kill her. And that angered me more.

However it had been such a long day and with both of us tired, I told her we would discuss this in the morning. There was no way we could make it back to Whiterun by night fall so we found a secluded pond and set up camp by it. And while I prepared us some food, Kaileena decided to take a bath. was something about her. She was so frail looking and yet beneath all that there lay a strong spirit. And she was beautiful and it was probably for the best Was I attracted to her? I don't know. as I am one myself. But I just felt connected to her. And now I was not sure how I could. Olfina seemed to want her dead... maybe it was time for Kaileena to leave Whiterun for a while and let the dust settle. set off for Whiterun once more. As we walked, Kaileena told me that she did not want me to confront Olfina. "Two wrongs do not make things right." of her life had been spent taking what was not hers just to survive. It was not so much as a habit, but a lifestyle. And she was very sorry for putting me in the position I was in. After all the Grey-Manes and Companions were closely tied together. she wished. she asked if this meant she had to leave Whiterun.

"It pains me to say this Kaileena but...

"I don't know where to go...

"Look Kaileena I won't send you out alone. close to my mother. Windhelm is to cold and bright from the snow." it might be the last place anyone would look for you. And... there is the thieves guild."

"After what I am putting you through,

"Perhaps... but it seems to be what your good at.

"Very funny." Kaileena smiled before wrapping her hand around my arm and hugging me lightly. I saw something I knew would delight her. The khajiit caravan had returned. Of course this meant she would leave with them and I had been looking forward to spending more time with her., Rhaj'ade had also returned and was somewhere of khajiits in general but after all she had been raised by them. Were she not to know better I would bet she thought she was one of them. In a manner of speaking she was for they did look out for her. I was sort of sad and jealous at the same time... They were taking Kaileena way from me and I had to wonder when I would see her again. In my heart I hoped I would. Somehow that little thief had found a way to steal my heart.

We decided it was best to talk privately so we went to Breezehome and locked the door behind us. While Kaileena busied herself around the house, I sat down with Rhaj'ade and told him what had transpired lately. Who her mother was, her father. And how now someone in Whiterun was trying to get her killed. need to take her somewhere else and make sure no one harms her." our search for who killed her friend Bhajo... But we will keep her safe."

"We would appreciate it...

"Promise me Rhaj'ade... She means a lot..."

"But of course... he would also be wise not to mention it." Kaileena will not hear of it from us."

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Post » Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:48 am

Nice pictures, I really like the ones of Sighne with the shadows on her face. And that is one giant Khajiit.

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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:40 am

" What do you need? Yes? What do you need?" said Serana as she annoyed the

Some environment shots

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