the bandit will be to distracted and be cut down before having a chance to attack.
and cool skyforge moon.
the bandit will be to distracted and be cut down before having a chance to attack.
and cool skyforge moon.
Heh probably. I just don't fathom the attraction to skimpy armor for females. As far as I'm concerned, a woman dressed up like a main battle tank wielding a sword as big as she is is a PLUS to attraction levels, not a minus. At least Aela makes sense, since you don't want a lot of armor getting in the way when you go full on wolf...
In an hour I will be posting the most amazing screenshot EVEEER!!!!
I'm serious.
I don't think my story telling is going over very well so I think I'll just stick to screen shots from now on.
The first one is Falkreath hold:
Bloated Man's Grotto:
I think your story telling is good.
Only thing it needed was a little more screenshots in them.
Nice shots.
I tend to favor landscapes myself, so definitely loving this.
They have been just fine Like Garrus said though, maybe more pictures.
And here it is.... the best screenshot EVER!!!
so I took the time to remake KATH!!!
Haha! Looks like I returned to the forum just in time for the awesomeness.
Thank you.
Okay, thank you. More pictures it is.
Hey, that very nice!
Kath is back eh? for how long this time?
svcks about having to reinstall everything though.
100% vanilla
Only installed Mature Skin... and a body mod
Just for mod testing, then after that I'll try to recreate Alawen. I need to or the Dwemer story would be ruined.
Shame to hear you had to reload everything Garrus. I know from experience how annoying that is - which is why I refuse to even look at mod sites from here on out. I'll settle for the load out I have.
ME: "Random patrolling Mammoths. I wonder how tough they are with Skyrim Reborn?"
WIFE: "YOLO, right?"
ME: "Indeed."
For reference: They're tough. dem bones, dem...dry bones... Farkas is pleased. (For all those posting your scantily clad women. )
A few more...
durak the stalker.
Your using sixy whiterun so I think its safe to assume what those two are getting up to.
Those are very nice. The last one made me smile.
Up-date on Erin the Unwavering :
Due to my lack of picture taking so far during my story, I will "borrow" from other characters to fill in, if no one minds? And only of the places she's been. I am planning to add a list of mods to my About Me in my profile if anyone is interested.
Amusemant at the armor aside, it really is better then the stuff I was wearing... "You won't need that." Farkas said in a friendly, yet insulted tone. "Perhaps not." Gabriel agreed, his eyes hard. "But for my own piece of mind, I'll hold on to it."
Sadly, the Silver Sword was lost in battle with a Draugr Wraith with the Disarm Shout and failed to be relocated. And I couldn't be asked to backtrack to collect another one. In retrospect, given what the final chamber was like, that was a mistake. Coincidentally, this fight is a bit of a nightmare when using SkyRe and the modified enemy AI package therein. I was *really* missing my Silver Sword this fight. Two swings from it vs four to six swings with the Draugr Wraith's sword.
Just some scrnies I posted elsewhere, thought I'd share.
Hess (She has given the GOTC approval to use the title "Warrior Witch" to identify her class.[took her sweet time about it ...])
How to loose ones
Finding the in heavy armor.
The new the Dark Brotherhood. home in Whiterun after resting up at the College of Winterhold.
Erin the Unwavering up-date:
After hearing Sinding's story, Erin reluctantly decided to try to help him end the curse by killing the great stag. This was actually the aspect of Hircine and it wanted Sinding dead. It was a bit of a trip over the mountains to Bloated Man's Grotto:
When Erin arrived she saw a Khajiit hunter gravely wounded and the rest of his party killed by a werewolf. Proceeding cautiously, Erin looked up at the sound of Sinding's voice and this is what she saw:
After seeing what further death Sinding had caused Erin could not help him. He would die as Hircine asked. Her reward was the Savior's Hide:
probably the only reason I do the I'll Meet by Moonlight quest is so I can gets shots of Sinding with the red moon behind him. So awesome. And she looks very nice in his skin.
I actually have to remake my character, Vaennaetla. I haven't been playing for a while. So I guess I'll have maybe a few new pictures of her in a day or two maybe, depends on how it'll take for me to catch up.