Show Us Your Screenshots #82

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:41 am

"So... she is not taking us to warm sands." Kharjo complained as I jumped out of the carriage at the Windhelm stables. Snow swirled around my feet as I smiled up at him. "Sorry Kharjo... I fear we will not have any warm sands on this adventure." Though I wondered if he was more upset about the cold, or the fact I wore more in cold weather. Either way we were both dressed to survive the elements and paid the driver before setting off away from Windhelm. Our destination was Cragwallow Slope near the orc stronghold of Narzulbur. Along the way we walked past Kynesgrove and decided to stop inside were the warm fire from the hearth It had been a cold carriage ride from Whiterun to Windhelm I had on my thick fur and scale armor and sported an After a warm meal and drink Kharjo and I entered Cragwallow Slope to find it rather unique. The necromancer outside we killed did not make the place seem unusual at first but we were beginning to see otherwise. something approaching and Kharjo hissed. "Careful it explodes upon its death."

Not wishing to cause it to explode and alert anyone we were here, Kharjo and I sneaked past it and further into the wallow. as we killed several more and their familiars. But as we entered a large chamber we saw something we did not expect to see. As Kharjo and I watched, we saw the flame atronach circle and dance before him. Well the odd couple had to be broken up somehow so I fired an arrow into her, causing her to explode and setting him on fire. He did not even scream, as though enjoying death by her flames. and Kharjo in his perfect timing made a joke. to which I laughed but still felt kind of bad we had to kill them both. guarding a chest in which we found the Queen's sword. and directed our steps to Windhelm.

After returning the sword and getting some smithing tips from the blacksmith, Kharjo and I entered Candlehearth Hall. Farkas had said a man named Stenvar needed to be reminded he had something important to do. he shouted angerly when I confronted him and told him why I was here. that blood shot from his mouth That blow took the fight out of him, watching him bleed from that hole in his lip, Stenvar agreed to do what he was suppose to. Its probably due to the fact Farkas himself maybe did not even know. But we got paid so according to Farkas, that was honorable... right.

As Stenvar got himself back into his chair She had a lovely voice as she sang about I had learned from talk in the towns that the imperials had captured him near Darkwater crossing and were planning to kill him at Helgen when a dragon attacked. It had to be the same dragon I had seen fly away from there so long ago. He had not been killed The civil war was no concern of the Companions though I knew if the time came, we would rise up and fight the elves as our great founder Ysgramor had.

After returning to Whiterun the next day, Kharjo and I found When I asked her if she had a job for me, she hesitated first before replying. "In a manner of speaking yes..." It seemed Eurland Gray-Mane, our blacksmith, had learned his son Therold might have been taken captive by the Thalmor. It was simply rumor that he had been taken but it was suspected the Battle-Borns knew something about it. It seems they had been mocking his wife Fralia Gray-Mane about it in the market. This was to be a favor to the Grey-Manes. I was to talk to her, find out what she knew and see how I could help. I was also not suppose to get caught as officially the Companions did not take sides in these matters. "I'll do all I can to help." I replied. It would be nice to let the little mean girl inside me out for a while anyway. who upon spotting my Kharjo, could not seem to take her eyes off him. she glowed and I noticed Kharjo seemed to enjoy the attention. Something inside me did not... but I pushed it aside as Fralia suggested we talk inside her home as the market place had ears. at which point upon our arrival, her son "What is the meaning of this mother? Bringing strangers into our home!" "While I may not a member of the inner circle, I am of the Companions and my friend Kharjo and I are here to help."

"Alright mother, if you trust her then so do I... though I'm not sure about the cat.

"He's a Khajiit and his name is Kharjo so you should call him as such." I snorted rather angerly. I had had weapons pulled on me before but no one gets away with insulting my friend. "I trust him with my life... which means you can trust him as much as you trust me."

Seeing he was rather out numbered and not in any position to argue, certainly not with his mother, Avulstein suggested the Battle-Borns had to know something. Maybe they had recieved some letters from the imperials, or maybe I could find a way to convince one of them to talk. I was pretty sure I could convince the whole family to talk but that would bring great dishonor to the Companions and I'd likely end up rotting in a jail cell. So we settled on another plan... breaking and entering. If I was caught appearing as a simple citizen of Whiterun who found herself in the Battle-Born house, jail time might not be so harsh. And maybe if I had a weapon I might try to fight my way out he also suggested. Kharjo sure knew me well. I blushed a dark shade of red. If we are lucky they are all out at the market or the Bannered Mare."

"And if someone approaches?"

"I don't know... meow or something into a window?" Now hurry, may your hands swiftly find the evidence we need. We suggest checking their office... a likely place to store letters."

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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 12:14 pm

I really like that picture of Fralia, it's great!
And nice version of the barkeeper's clothes - just getting rid of the dirty apron and cloth would be a great improvement of course. Link please?
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:59 pm

Back in Ivarstead, Jelissa fulfilled her promise to the innkeeper, and It seemed like a peaceful barrow – the dead stayed dead, and...

The ghostly voice echoed through the chambers.

”So there is a ghost after all!” Erik said.

”Are you afraid?” Jelissa mocked him.

”Let's move on.”

” I had to open one of these in Bleakfalls Barrow.”

Erik nodded, remembering what Jelissa had told him about that adventure.

They went back, found other doors – and eventually,

The journal told them all about the treasure hunter who had locked himself in the barrow, posing as a ghost while searching for the claw to open the inner chambers, and eventually gone mad.

” Here, have this – if you don't want it as a reward, consider it a gift!”

Jelissa had to laugh when he handed her a heavy dragon claw. She thanked him, and soon,

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Dark Mogul
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:15 am

cool pics everyone.

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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:59 am

Excellent pics Turikan. :tops:

Nice updates Resident. Link to barkeep dress would be appreciated. :D

Aurora: Love Jelissa's eyes in the last shot :yes: !

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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:59 am

link to the dress. can be found in a chest in qasmoke or bought in Solitude I think.

Wait... his muscles are not enough?

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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:34 pm

Thanks. How come I'm not surprise that it's made by zzjay and Grace Darkling... I sense a trend there for dresses I like! :) (Now I just have to find some other fancy clothes for Arkas...)

I'm sure Erik would have volunteered to muscle his way through that door if Jelissa had asked him to. :P

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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:07 pm

Yes, in certain lights her eyes are very beautiful.

I'm sorry that I don't comment and post so much, but I finally have the energy and motivation to work on my other stuff which means I'm not playing as much....

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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:43 am

:D :D

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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:11 pm

Love the interaction between those two :D

Don't have time for a full update so here are a few random shots from after Dawnguard

Possibly an actual story update tonight :twirl:

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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:19 pm

It was late when they made it back to Riverwood. The inkeeper was out, but the bartender was nice enough to let them rent out two rooms anyway considering the role they played in the chaos surrounding the dragon attack.

That night Ghorbash was awakened by a knocking at his door.

"What is it?"

"Ghorbash, I have to tell you this now." Bhatia said entering his room. " I've been admiring you since we began traveling together and..." She said softly reaching out to gently caress his face.

Ghorbash shook his head slowly and stood to face her eye to eye.

"Bhatia, no." He said firmly putting his hand on her shoulder. "It's not like that between us. You are beautiful, but you are also very young almost a child still."

Bhatia took a step back anger, shame, and confusion flashing across her face.

"I'm a child? What about Borgakh? She was hardly older than I am."

Ghorbash sighed. "I told you I do, they just aren't the sort you think you feel for me."

Bhatia huffed and stormed for the door.

"Fine then, Ghorbash." She said before quickly exiting.

The next morning they met to handle the tasks they had before them.


"It is as you said, it never happened." Ghorbash said quickly cutting her off. before quietly exiting the inn and heading to Lucan Valerius' shop.

They found Lucan busy arguing with his sister, Camilla, about the golden claw.

"This wouldn't happen to be the claw that was stolen from you was it?" Bhatia asked stepping forward and placing it on the counter. ""

Lucan was overjoyed to have his trinket back and payed the pair well for its return. Finally it was back to Whiterun to take care of the dragonstone. She looked... familliar.

"You have company." The hooded woman said cutting her and Farengar's conversation short.

"Ah, I see you made it out of Bleak Falls Barrow alive." Farengar commented rather smugly as Bhatia handed over the dragonstone.

"Surely this will aid mine and my associate's work. You have done Whiterun a great service-" He began formally. They all turned to face the doorway however as Irileth hurried in.

"Farnegar, you need to come quickly." She began. "" She explained nodding to Bhatia.

They gathered in the upper floor of the Jarl's court as a guard told the story of his dragon encounter.

"It was just flying around when I left." He panted. ""

Balgruuf nodded and patted the guard on the shoulder, dismissing him.

"Irileth, I want you to take a detachment of guards to the watchtower immediately." He commanded. "And you two," He said turning towards Bhatia and her companion "You've done a great service for Whiterun already, but I must ask for your assistance once again. You're the only ones who have seen a dragon before and lived to tell the tale."

They followed Irileth out to the gates of Whiterun where

"Ghorbash, we're going to fight a dragon. Can't you feel that excitement in the air?"


"I don't see a dragon, but something was definitely here."

Cautiously they approached the smoldering rubble, eyes scanning the sky.

"No! Get back!" A guard hissed emerging from the tower. ""

A thundering roar rolled across the plains.

"" The giant beast soared into sight over the southern mountains breathing fire and smoke as he went. as it strafed them with its magical fire.

When the beast finally landed to bring down

She danced around, avoiding the bites of the creature and taking violent swings with Volendrung. The dragon tried to take flight but The dragon spiraled up and over the rubbled of the tower before

The men cheered as they approached the fallen beast. Bhatia was getting closer to inspect it when something began to happen.

"I don't believe it..." A guard said as he approached with his mouth gaping.

"" He must have read the puzzled look on Bhatia's face as he explained the old nord legends of the dragonborn like Tiber Septim himself absorbing the souls of dragons and using their power for magical shouts in the dragon language.

"There is only one way to be sure that you're truly dragonborn. Try to shout, only the dragonborn can shout like the greybeards can without training."

Shout in the dragon language? I don't know the- Bhatia thought, overwhelmed. She then remembered the words she had been reading from the walls, the walls with they symbols of the dragon on them.

How did it go? Force...


"" Bhatia asked as the commotion began to die down.


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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:34 pm

Nice update Turikan

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:21 am

Nice to see that you weren't done with the updates. Good one, too. :)

Jelissa's adventures in Shroud Hearth Barrow continues:

With the help of the claw, they opened the puzzle door and ventured Here, the dead were more on guard, but still didn't pose any great threat. Red Eagle's greatsword and the Longhammer cut through dead flesh and crushed brittle bones with ease.

Soon, they found a new puzzle.

”We'd better open it, then.”


They got the drawbridge down, but as they got ready to cross...

”You've got sharp eyes!”

She did. She also had the sense to spot the tripwire and the pressure plate, and shot arrows at those as well, thus saving them from a boulder trap and a spiked gate that would have hit them straight in their faces.

”Slow down, Jel...”

”I think it's time for some, don't you agree?”

Skeletons rose from their coffins, as did

” I love fighting with you, but sometimes I hate it.”

She smiled, kissed him and walked on.

”Don't be silly. How could I possibly choose a draugr over you?"

They walked through a tunnel behind the room with all the draugr, and soon,

This time, she fully knew what it meant, and she knew the word it taught her made the shout to calm animals even stronger.

Another tunnel, a chain to pull, and a hidden slab of stone that rolled away revealed that...

It was almost evening when they stepped out in the open again. Erik seemed relieved to have left the barrow.

Of course it didn't.

It did taste good afterwards, though.

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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:46 am

Great update. She looks good in fur armor.

Erik has doubts of his good looks if he thinks he will lose her to a draugr. Unless she likes em ugly. (I know what he meant but I laughed)

haha... no doors.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:36 pm

Haha, no, she's not really into scrawny guys, so he has nothing to worry about there! :P

And yeah, I like fur armor (both bikini and covered versions) much better on her. I like the hide/studded armor type or armors in vanilla, but I'm not too fond of the UNP version, so I had to find something else for her that fits her style. Now that her smithing is getting better (and she has enchanted smithing gear thanks to Thonar Silver-Blood), the armor rating isn't really a problem, either.

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Tamika Jett
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:05 pm

Nice shot :)


I like this shot of the guard. He is a person and not just "Guard" :)

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:36 am

Yeah fur armor can have a very good armor rating.

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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:37 pm

Yea, supreme and volumetric fog is one of my favorite evironmental mods :D

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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:25 pm

This took forever to do because I was messing around, plus I couldn't figure out how to upload my pictures because I couldn't find them in the steam folders, so I just uploaded them onto my steam account.

I sort of have a story for them, but i am horrible at writing, and apparently horrible at this picture uploading stuff, so I might not do a story. :D

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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:23 pm

I always liked the story behind that dungeon, that poor Dunmer heh. nice shots!

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:45 pm

Those are good; I like the last one the most. Not because the leader looks bad but because the composition is better without him. Both are good though.

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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:07 pm

That armor looks BA XD

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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:36 pm

I know, probably my favorite, it is the the Hunting Ground's Outfit. It has a cool tail looking thing in the back it's cool.

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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:32 am

I like the armor too. not fond of the hood though. Can't say I saw a male character wear it before.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:28 am

I am not a fan of the huge hood either, which is why I picked up the Fur Hoods mod because the black fur hood goes perfectly. :tops: And i am surprised you haven't seen a male character in it because I think it looks much better on males, it is too skimpy on females. I could live with the skimpiness if it didn't make female characters have abnormally large briasts. :D

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