"So... she is not taking us to warm sands." Kharjo complained as I jumped out of the carriage at the Windhelm stables. Snow swirled around my feet as I smiled up at him. "Sorry Kharjo... I fear we will not have any warm sands on this adventure." Though I wondered if he was more upset about the cold, or the fact I wore more in cold weather. Either way we were both dressed to survive the elements and paid the driver before setting off away from Windhelm. Our destination was Cragwallow Slope near the orc stronghold of Narzulbur. Along the way we walked past Kynesgrove and decided to stop inside http://i.minus.com/ihmnHNcQUP81U.jpg were the warm fire from the hearth http://i.minus.com/ibar7xsp3Rfxed.jpg It had been a cold carriage ride from Whiterun to Windhelm http://i.minus.com/ibcDMNRNElD8dk.jpg I had on my thick fur and scale armor and sported an http://i.minus.com/iEtC8VDWf2Jcv.jpg After a warm meal and drink http://i.minus.com/ikBRZRN9avhVs.jpg
http://i.minus.com/ibpzioLBVeesLL.jpg Kharjo and I entered Cragwallow Slope to find it rather unique. The necromancer outside we killed did not make the place seem unusual at first but we were beginning to see otherwise. http://i.minus.com/iJQT4t2Dr6NRU.jpg something approaching and http://i.minus.com/iqkLE0wstEBye.jpg http://i.minus.com/ibhjsGa4dsaExK.jpg Kharjo hissed. "Careful it explodes upon its death."
Not wishing to cause it to explode and alert anyone we were here, Kharjo and I sneaked past it and further into the wallow. http://i.minus.com/iSwfmj8OLoyi2.jpg as we killed several more and their familiars. But as we entered a large chamber we saw something we did not expect to see. http://i.minus.com/iDANugx9mdY59.jpg As Kharjo and I watched, we saw the flame atronach circle and dance before him. http://i.minus.com/iV1O4efCshLCW.jpg Well the odd couple had to be broken up somehow so I fired an arrow into her, causing her to explode and setting him on fire. He did not even scream, as though enjoying death by her flames. http://i.minus.com/iTl3vEWDaf8tk.jpg and Kharjo in his perfect timing made a joke. http://i.minus.com/iWhDyuyj5pNbJ.jpg to which I laughed but still felt kind of bad we had to kill them both. http://i.minus.com/ilpaTir8JvpeI.jpg guarding a chest in which we found the Queen's sword. http://i.minus.com/ixHSs0aMkJUHi.jpg and directed our steps to Windhelm.
After returning the sword and getting some smithing tips from the blacksmith, Kharjo and I entered Candlehearth Hall. Farkas had said a man named Stenvar needed to be reminded he had something important to do. http://i.minus.com/igeQMHGuopmsT.jpg he shouted angerly when I confronted him and told him why I was here. http://i.minus.com/ibaIQMzC2mS2Im.jpg that blood shot from his mouth http://i.minus.com/i8UrCXAuzRV66.jpg That blow took the fight out of him http://i.minus.com/ibfO58MbDlkHaM.jpg, watching him bleed from that hole in his lip, Stenvar agreed to do what he was suppose to. http://i.minus.com/iXGmL8EpdcLhf.jpg Its probably due to the fact Farkas himself maybe did not even know. But we got paid so according to Farkas, that was honorable... right.
As Stenvar got himself back into his chair http://i.minus.com/ihx9CIVs1ishL.jpg She had a lovely voice as she sang about http://i.minus.com/id5l9CzUcxyDL.jpg I had learned from talk in the towns that the imperials had captured him near Darkwater crossing and were planning to kill him at Helgen when a dragon attacked. It had to be the same dragon I had seen fly away from there so long ago. He had not been killed http://i.minus.com/ibxWr6YHTcSvBr.jpg The civil war was no concern of the Companions though I knew if the time came, we would rise up and fight the elves as our great founder Ysgramor had.
After returning to Whiterun the next day, Kharjo and I found http://i.minus.com/iNAWcy2e2DSUx.jpg When I asked her if she had a job for me, she hesitated first before replying. "In a manner of speaking yes..." http://i.minus.com/iYatjGGYm9Qes.jpg It seemed Eurland Gray-Mane, our blacksmith, had learned his son Therold might have been taken captive by the Thalmor. http://i.minus.com/iKACLu3h2oVFd.jpg It was simply rumor that he had been taken but it was suspected the Battle-Borns knew something about it. It seems they had been mocking his wife Fralia Gray-Mane about it in the market. This was to be a favor to the Grey-Manes. I was to talk to her, find out what she knew and see how I could help. I was also not suppose to get caught as officially the Companions did not take sides in these matters. http://i.minus.com/iYS6XMjIfpZnl.jpg "I'll do all I can to help." I replied. It would be nice to let the little mean girl inside me out for a while anyway.
http://i.minus.com/iKfD80bDC6fpE.jpg who upon spotting my Kharjo, could not seem to take her eyes off him. http://i.minus.com/iuZIz7nLeoitE.jpg she glowed and I noticed Kharjo seemed to enjoy the attention. Something inside me did not... but I pushed it aside as Fralia suggested we talk inside her home as the market place had ears. http://i.minus.com/ibvVpTPL18Drx4.jpg at which point upon our arrival, her son http://i.minus.com/iWjKIogGCnhwf.jpg "What is the meaning of this mother? Bringing strangers into our home!"
http://i.minus.com/iMbQlWozWGx93.jpg "While I may not a member of the inner circle, I am of the Companions and my friend Kharjo and I are here to help."
"Alright mother, if you trust her then so do I... though I'm not sure about the cat.
"He's a Khajiit and his name is Kharjo so you should call him as such." I snorted rather angerly. I had had weapons pulled on me before but no one gets away with insulting my friend. "I trust him with my life... which means you can trust him as much as you trust me."
Seeing he was rather out numbered and not in any position to argue, certainly not with his mother, Avulstein suggested the Battle-Borns had to know something. Maybe they had recieved some letters from the imperials, or maybe I could find a way to convince one of them to talk. I was pretty sure I could convince the whole family to talk but that would bring great dishonor to the Companions and I'd likely end up rotting in a jail cell. So we settled on another plan... breaking and entering. http://i.minus.com/iXXOzWVqHgnPU.jpg If I was caught appearing as a simple citizen of Whiterun who found herself in the Battle-Born house, jail time might not be so harsh. And maybe if I had a weapon I might try to fight my way out he also suggested. Kharjo sure knew me well.
http://i.minus.com/igKRFcpQqeG6J.jpg I blushed a dark shade of red. http://i.minus.com/ibps6S7dsa28e4.jpg If we are lucky they are all out at the market or the Bannered Mare."
"And if someone approaches?"
"I don't know... meow or something into a window?"
http://i.minus.com/ibb7ZMw3CzKFbA.jpg Now hurry, may your hands swiftly find the evidence we need. We suggest checking their office... a likely place to store letters."