Show Us Your Screenshots #82

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:34 am

Wow, great updates and shots recently! Good job everyone. :happy:


Looks like Veruca Lalauri got the most votes, so she's first. I'm still tweaking her appearance, so her story will probably begin sometime tomorrow.

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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:07 pm

I tried the door quietly, realizing quickly that it was unlocked. This meant someone was home, so did I dare enter? Yes I did. Carefully I tiptoed in to find an empty kitchen so maybe they were upstairs. No, there was none up there either when I looked. And neither were any letters or documents to support the Gray-Mane's suspicions of Thorald's capture and imprisonment. But there was one room I had not checked and that lead me to the master bedroom where the eldest Battle-Born lay sleeping in the bed. Snoring in fact. As i tiptoed quietly into the study I found his wife sitting in a chair. [url=]She also seemed sleepy as she did not notice me. That was fine and quietly I shifted through the letters and found an imperial missive from General Tullius himself. According to the letter Tullius was informing the Battle-Borns that the rumor was true and the Thalmor had Thorald. But there was to be no rescue and Tuliius was telling the Battle-Borns to keep quiet about the whole thing. Filthy Battle-Borns... Kharjo greeted me when I exited the Battle-Born's house. I replied. "Those lazy good for nothing Battle-Borns didn't even know I was there."

With the note in hand we I could tell by the look on his face that he was glad to see the truth yet angered by it just as much. "They take my brother... leave him to be tortured by those filthy yellow elves! Then lie and mock my mother about him? Heaven forbid it was Jon Battle-Born they held captive. Those Battle-Borns would do anything to get him back. Why we Grey-Manes probably would have helped. I believe thats along the coast of Haafingar." Kharjo spoke up, reminding me he had spend a lot of time on the road. More then me in that part of Skyrim.

"I'm going with you, in fact, say the word and I can get a dozen men to help." Avulstein rose to his feet but I placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"No... it would be best if you stay here. Kharjo and I have faced dangers together and can overcome them. Plus we move quickly, quietly and due to there being just two of us, can hide quickly. A woman and a Khajiit walking through the forests will not attract attention. However a small army will." I cautioned him. "Such an act could cause great trouble to come down on Whiterun, on your mother and father should this go wrong. Wait here... I will get him out alive."

"What exactly do the two of you mean to do against a fort housing a small Thalmor army? Talk them into releasing him?"

Together Kharjo and I left the Grey-Mane's house and towards Skyforge were Thorald's "What can I do for you Salessi?" he asked quietly.

"Going to war are we child?"

"Yes... we're going to get your son back."

The next afternoon we arrived at the Solitude Stables with a pretty decent cover if asked. Aela had hired us to kill an ice wraith that had somehow gotten into a home in Solitude, a true story. But it was but a small detail of our visit. before cutting through the forests for the coast. As we traveled the coast we came across Orphan's Tear, Or.. and together we Northwatch Keep was within sight of the cleared bandit camp [url=]so Kharjo and I quickly planned our attack. He suggested hard and fast, take out as many outside as we could with our bows. We would be outnumbered if we tried to breach the walls but outside them we had room to move. "We draw them out." I think right about now Kharjo was wishing he could trade his fur for some armor like I wore. But I did not fear for his safety. He could take care of himself. The guard at the gate was the first to go, then a man on the walls followed by another on a platform. By then the rest were realizing something was happening I will say this about elven archers... and I took them out save the last one who kept ducking behind a railing so Kharjo stormed the platform with some form of Khajiit growl that made my skin tingle. now as we entered the With my shield and axe in hand which shocked the thalmor wizard and two guards who seemed to have assumed no one would ever get this far. one yelled at us to which I could only smile.

The three fell quickly to our blades he grinned. I was beginning to realize Khajiit seemed to hate the Altmeri Dominion as well. But then who didn't? as we killed every single one of them we came across. Even Kharjo shrugged off the frost cast by the thalmor interrogator and ran him through with his swords. I half suspect he thought if he was to be rescued, it would by his stormcloak brothers and sisters. Not by a woman and a Khajiit. either way he was very happy to see us. "Now cut me down so we can get out of here. How did you know I was here anyway?" Who are you?" I replied as Kharjo undid his shackles and handed him an axe from the dead interrogator. "So.. my brother. Is he here?" Thorald asked as though still unsure he could believe just two of us were breaking him out. "Yes... just us two. We work better that way."

"Well I can't rightly complain." Thorald accepted my answer. "And its probably good you didn't bring my brother. I fear he might have thought to take on the embassy while in the area. Haha now lets get out of here." The prison hall had about six cells filled with a prisoner each I did not know why they had captured an Or the old I could not leave them here to rot or be tortured to find out what happened here.

Once outside the Keep, Thorald thanked us once more and said he had to be on his way. he said. "To suffer the winter's cold wind, for it bears aloft next summer's seeds... She will know what it means." We decided to follow it to the Solitude Harbour and then enter the city to complete our cover story from Aela. and Kharjo began to complain. Keep an eye out for a cave we can take shelter in ok? You... big kitten. That fur isn't working out so much for you is it." or should I say fowl stench for it was a home to It was not a place I wanted to seek shelter from a storm in but we decided to clear the place out all the same. With the place empty Kharjo and I headed back outside to find the storm still raged on. If anything the but I decided to find us another place to seek shelter. Kharjo tried to excuse his poor choice. I could tell he was trying hard to sound angry even though neither of us actually were. We were however both tired, cold and maybe a little miserable. The next cave we came across we a much better choice as we entered it. Even Kharjo could not find an excuse The couple of wolves we had to kill, the odd spriggan and bears were a simple matter. I don't know how to describe the place but I will do my best. Imagine coming across a lush forest with a towering rocky formation in the center of it? Waterfalls, butterflies... even rabbits hoping around could be seen. The air was hot and moist, making us forget we had just stepped inside from a snowstorm. All of this in a cave which blocked out the sounds from the outside world. In fact one could say this was its own little world. We spied a narrow pathway that wrapped around the towering rock formation in the center of the cave and we followed it to the top. There in the center of the formation was a large old tree with a creek circling it completely. To my touch and surpise I found the water to be very warm. I could not have picked a better place and Kharjo could not disagree.

Together we set up camp before I decided to strip down and soak in the steaming water surrounding the tree. I was rather surprised and delighted to see Kharjo do the same except he did not join me in the water but sat down on the edge. I teased him as I rested my arms on the shore by his knees. I beckoned to him so at length he grinned and rose to his feet. I whispered.

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Bedford White
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:58 pm

The screenshots threads always manage to creep me out...

Is that like your own bandit group or something?

Pretty cool.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:25 pm

Cool updates Resident and Aurora.

Nice shots dmel15 and Ecrulis. :tops:

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Steven Hardman
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:57 am

Very good shot of old man Gray-Mane and cool shots of Salessi!

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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:56 pm

Beneath an abandoned house in Markarth, I entered and followed a tunnel which led me to As I drew closer to it, Bal's voice rang out:

"I take it that my killing the Vigilant was not my real task then?" I asked.

"Ah, you know me so well my dear. Indeed, his death was merely a prelude. But tell me, where is your faithful puppy-dog?" And I would no sooner bring him here than bow before Meridia herself!"

"How very...protective of you Estelle. Unfortunately that odious streak of compassion running through you prevents you from achieving your full potential!"

"My potential to be your total pawn you mean!" I hissed, "I'll perform your tasks Bal. But I have a price!" My collar tightened for a moment then relaxed surprisingly quickly. Ah. Estelle, your fire delights me. Tell me my little spitfire. What is your price?"

"That you leave Erik alone. He is of no consequence to you. Let him be!"

"Mmm. I will consider it. Now, to the matter in hand. A priest of Boethiah has been regularly desecrating this altar with services to his pathetic master. He has been absent for some time, abducted by Forsworn at Red Eagle Redoubt. He will be unable to resist coming her to perform his sacrilege, and when he returns we will be awaiting him."

I set off to the Redoubt, deep in the Reach. Finding the priest involved an ascent through a cavern, and took care of the sentries stationed there. The cavern exited at the Sundered Towers, in whose shadow lay a Forsworn camp which held my quarry.Using my greatsword, I cut all of them, down to size! Helping myself to a nice set of Steel Plate armour, I freed the priest, who was very full of himself.

Back at the abandoned house, I reached the altar to find To his credit, Logrolf refused to bow to Bal and renounce Boethiah.This of course is where I became involved. What happened in the next few minutes is neither pleasant nor noble and at the end of it Logrolf lay dead, having renounced his former master and pledged himself to Molag Bal. Bal gifted me his Mace. If ever a weapon could be said to be spiteful, this was it. I accepted it but would never wield the foul thing.

"You have pleased me Daughter." he said, "I have considered your request regarding your puppy. He will not be harmed."

"Thank Lord."

I gave an audible gasp. Henkin! His very name sent a shiver down my spine. Perhaps I should explain: a long time ago, 200 years to be exact, I met and fell deeply in love with a Dark Seducer named Henkin. It's a cliche I know, but he was the love of my life, my soulmate. And Molag Bal took him from me. Whether out of spite to me or as a message to Sheogorath, Henkin's Lord, I don't know. From that moment I didn't care what became of me and I began to defy and bait Bal, hoping perhaps that he would end me. We are now at the stage where my insolence amuses him so much that we almost have a strange kind of rapport!

"Well, is he my dear?" "Erik is just a naive young man and I am his mentor and friend. Nothing more."

"Mentor eh?" Bal chuckled, "Well, if you say so Daughter! I see you've rid yourself of those heathen rags in favour of more suitable attire. But you deserve armour befitting a Daughter of Coldharbour. Near Falkreath lies Shriekwind Bastion, there you will find, among other things, a chest containing such armour!

Bal's presence departed. He had agreed to leave Erik alone, though I could not trust him to keep his word. Something Bal was well aware of and would no doubt delight in my uncertainty, but I felt he would remain true for the moment at least.

I travelled to Rorikstead and was re-united with Erik at his father's Inn. He was overjoyed to see me.

"I prayed to Talos for your safe return! I...missed you Estelle." he blushed.

"I've brought you a present." I said, handing him the armour I'd found at the Sundered Towers. he grinned, and dashed off to change. He returned looking every inch the Knight!

"Erik, you always say that!" I laughed.

"So, where are we off to next?" he asked.

"Well, I have it on very good authority that there is treasure to be found in Shriekwind Bastion near Falkreath."

"What are we waiting for!" he beamed, "Lets go!"

To be continued...


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helen buchan
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:06 pm

Nice stories, Res and Shaherazad! :)
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:40 pm

Hmm, interesting, it seems things are spicing up. :D

No, not exactly, just a group, if I can get my story together, I might start posting it soon, and you will see their true purpose.

Nice update, and when I first saw this last picture, it looked like Erik and Estelle were holding hands.

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Emily Graham
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:39 pm

It was on their way back to Whiterun, Jelissa saw them.

”No... I'm not sure what, though...”

”They are! Let's take a look...”

She kept her weapon ready, which was good, because soon

”Tales! My father used to tell them... ugh... to me when I was a – die, damn you! - child!”

” wispmothers, they are called. They use those orbs to lure wanderers close, to drown them in their wells.”

” You can't remember everything. Besides, we did it, didn't we? And now we know what those orbs mean, if we should see others.”

Back to Whiterun, back to Jorrvaskr, where she was greeted by Skjor.

”I think they did, actually.”

”Good for you. That housecarl of yours came by yesterday. Had a letter for you, looks official. Here.”

”Thank you.”

” Here in Whiterun! I must see Avenicci – I hope I can afford it. Wow!”

Erik shared her enthusiasm with a big hug.

”Vilkas? Why?”

”I might just as well say it. It's about your trial.”

”What about it? I thought... shouldn't it be time for it now? You said I needed to take a job for each of you, and I have.”

”Yeah, I know, and that's where we disagree. Go talk to Vilkas. I think I saw him outside.”


”You haven't proven yourself enough.” He nodded to Erik. ”You've had help. How do we know he wasn't the one doing all the dirty work? Bet you rewarded him well, too.” For the first time Jelissa was severely tempted to use her thu'um on someone who wasn't outright trying to kill her. ”I killed those trolls all by myself, I got that dagger back from the giants, I... I...”

”You will keep doing tasks until we deem you ready for the trial. Alone.” She took a deep breath. What made her even more angry was that she could feel tears behind her eyelids. – Skjor had said they disagreed.

”Alright”, she said, swallowing.

”The way you stalk your prey, she's more likely to turn around and bite you than fall into your arms.”

”What are you talking about?”

”So you want to get rid of your competition. Fine. But not like that. You've just driven her even closer to her lover, and”

”I'm not taking advice from you, Aela.”

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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:19 pm

Whoa! I wasn't expecting that. Vilkas getting jealous and trying to be the bad boy to get Jelissa.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:20 pm

Where is that well?

Great update. Vilkas svcks at hunting thats for sure. Now that I think of it, Salessi solo'd her quests before becoming a member of the companions (proving honor) but since then she has been with Kharjo. Nice take :D My mind is churning with ideas for her turning into the beast. Looking forward to that bit :D

My next update might be a little mushy. if not a little steamy :P

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Calum Campbell
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 12:01 pm

But Khajiit doesn't like steam, it makes our fur all knotted :P

And good stuff Aurora.

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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:18 am

Thanks, nice update yourself :smile: .

Thanks, yes I think he did sneak a hand hold in there :D !

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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:38 pm

Not even with the offer of being combed after? :P

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Matt Gammond
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:44 pm

Not sure if your aware, or interested but in case, for a future character, there is a mod out there that overhauls Were-creatures and adds the ability to be a Werebear to the PC I'll PM you the mod if you want once I get home.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:50 pm

Thanks, everyone, and yeah, I honestly wonder what Vilkas was thinking - maybe showing your muscles works on stupid barmaids, or girls you have bought a few drinks for first, but this time he made a severe miscalculation. ;)

Along the northern trail from Ivarstead (the one that leads north, past the troll's den, up the hill, down the mountain and ends close to Fort Amol). The well with the wispmother is just up the hill from the troll's den. There are some remains of stone structures and a broken gate nearby. I almost always take that road to/from Ivarstead.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:14 am

I've been by there many times... never saw the well. I know the place. the broken gate on the ground. The "skill" tree is near there.

Feel free to shot me some. I already use a perk overhaul that makes my character weak to silver in human and werewolf form. will cause wolves to be calm and passive when you walk past them in human form. plus some other cool perks. Also a sound replacer. I used to use a female werewolf body mod but... has nipbles so I really had to try hard not to post pics with nipbles showing. was kinda hard.

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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:32 am

Great updates all of you! Wow.....!! Too many great shots to comment on them all, I just hope I can get as good as all of these.

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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 12:45 pm

randomness before tonight's update

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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:00 pm

Did a quick test of that mod (may use the character a bit later)

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:33 am

Nice, is that the Moonlight Tales mod, I just downloaded it yesterday and think it is one of the best mods.

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Natasha Biss
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:51 am


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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:51 pm

Yea, made a male dunmer werebear for later use

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:10 pm

Alright, for real now I'll be slowing down a bit in terms of updates. They'll either be shorter or with longer gaps between but I'll stick around and keep them coming when time permits heh. At least for the next few weeks.



A thundering noise echoed across the plains of Whiterun hold as the two orc approached the city gates.

"" Bhatia asked. "Another dragon?" They stood at the gates for several moments waiting for something more to happen. When nothing did they cautiously made their way to dragonsreach to

"" Balgruuf asked as Bhatia and Irileth approached.

"Yeah, and I might also be a dragonborn, according to your guardsmen." Bhatia added.

"A dragonborn?" Hrongar, Balgruuf's bother and bodygaurd said. ""

"Oh come now, Hrongar. Skilled as she may be there isn't any evidence she's this 'dragonborn'."

Balgruuf wisely interrupted and smoothed an impending confrontation between his brother and steward out. He explained to Bhatia the greybeard's role as monks, practitioners of the Thu'um and the Way of the Voice.


"One last thing. You have done much in service of Whiterun, more than a citizen. You should also talk to Proventus about purchasing a home in our city."

Bhatia thanked Balgruuf and spoke to Proventus about just that.

As they were making their way out of dragonsreach they were approached by a young nord woman.


"What does a housecarl do, exactly?" Bhatia asked.

"It's my job to protect you, with my life if needed. Although..." Lydia answered looking the pair over.


"" Lydia said when they arrived at the house.

"" Bhatia said looking around when they were inside.

"Yeah, I suppose I should have added an emphasis on the 'humble' part." Lydia agreed.

"I think it'd be more comfortable if we just stayed at the Bannered Mare tonight." She added after a short pause. ""

"Alright, get some rest tonight," Bhatia said as they settled into the Bannered Mare. ""

The next morning they gathered at the gates of Whiterun. Before they had checked all of their gear Ghorbash sighed.

"" He said sternly and suddenly.

"What? What do you mean leaving?" Bhatia asked stunned.

"You have much to do. You were called by the nord monks, you are the dragonborn. You have a bright future ahead of you, I have played my-"

Bhatia cut him off with a shove.

"Don't give me this 'old orc' nonsense Ghorbash! We both know what this is about!"

Ghorbash sighed and shook his head.

"I tried to make this easy." He said and began to walk away.

"Go on then, Ghorbash!" Bhatia yelled after him. ""

"Gee, that was a bit harsh." Lydia said stepping forward. ""


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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:35 am

I like Ghorbash's cape in that picture, it just looks awesome.

And what's up with Lydia's face in that picture? Why does it look like she was smacked in the face, or like she laid out in the sun too long and got burnt on one side? :D

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Holli Dillon
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