That's just her face makeup
I'm not gonna judge, whatever she thinks makes her look pretty
That's just her face makeup
I'm not gonna judge, whatever she thinks makes her look pretty
Lydia has a sunburn on one side of her face... interesting...
Nice update Turikan. If you dismissed Ghorbash, he goes back to Dushnikh Yal?
Yeah that's where he goes technically, but it isn't as far as Bhatia's story is concerned
if you use My home is Your home mod you can make him live at another stronghold.
*Editor's note. First bit might fog youir reading glasses and maybe to mushy for your tastes. Sorry *
So here I stood, a sly smile on my up turned face. My eyes locked into his and I was pretty sure he did not need any hints as to what I wanted... what burned within my green eyes. "Kharjo is not sure she knows what she is getting into." he whispered softly He was right, I did not know what I was getting into, or why I was even doing this. But he could tell I was not about to be talked out of this, and I had a very big feeling he didn't want to be. I do not know how to describe what it was like to kiss a khajiit but his tongue was not what I expected. Very unlike what one might think if you simply assumed a khajiit was exactly like a cat. They are not. And those human like claws of his on my skin... they sent shivers through me. Time came to a stand still as we kissed passionatly... or lustfully. I didn't care which. I was in his warm embrace with his heart beating against my chest.
I dare not kiss and tell, but will share this... It was the most unique, pleasurable and painful experience of my life. Maybe hours passed before I blacked out. as I found myself lying on my side. and realized "Kharjo sees she is awake." He need not be to concerned for I would be fine... though a little weak in the knees if I should try and stand. Carefully he helped me sit up "We should not have..." he tried to continue before I cut him off. I spoke softly as I looked him in the eye. "I' still would have done this had I known before hand..."
This seemed to relax Kharjo for he could see the truth in my eyes. As you slept we thought maybe we did something wrong... that you would be angry with us when you woke. We thought you might tell us to leave you." a smile spread across my lips. "I... think the greatest pain you could cause me was if you left... It was wonderful to bond with you like this. I feel like an empty void inside me has been filled."
As we slowly rose to our feet "Kharjo is glad to hear you say this. We thought you just liked to tease." and as soon as I had my strength back Kharjo and I packed our things. Hopefully the storm was passed and neither of us knew what time it was. Could have been day, could be night. We had no idea how long we had been in the cave. Something inside me was stirring. Was it love? Maybe, but not like a husband and wife would have. I don't know how to describe it but I found myself wanting to do anything for him. Dreading if I ever made him upset or hurt him in any way. This connection we now had, this bond we shared. This was what I had been missing. All my life I had thought about myself... I had become selfish.
It was indeed dark when we arrived at the entrance to the cave and looked around. The moonlight on the snow made it rather bright all the same but by the shadow Kharjo stated he thought it might be around midnight. We decided to head for Solitude The fight was not in me right now. Together we found a road Kharjo commented on the fact that there was a khajiit maning the lighthouse. that the road to Solitude was lined with.
For some reason despite our late arrival, the citizens of Soltitude and the guards had left Kharjo and I had killed a few of these before We wasted little time and while it was an easy job, the coin would be nice for it. As we left the house and headed for the front gate we passed the Winking Skeever with drunk and merry people dancing outside. I was feeling festive after my wonderful time with Kharjo in that cave that we both decided to go in and get drunk. We had earned it. lovely female bards who sang wonderful songs about the dragonborn legands and other tales. as she sang. the bard thanked us as she finished for the night and we tossed a bag of coin on the table behind her before we ourselves headed out the door. It was time to return to Whiterun. even if she was sad to see he could not return with us. She seemed to understand though and thanked us for helping them. Fralia wanted to pay us for our troubles but I insisted she did not. and ended up making me accept a gift from her. It was a large enchanted iron greatsword. Hearing that it had been for Thorald on his return but instead was mine, I could not refuse so I took it.
It was time to return to Jorrvaskr and report in to Aela on our completed tasks. I was beginning to wonder how much longer they would keep me on these trivial quests before giving me something to do again. Not that I was minding these trivial pelt quests or beat someone up, or retrieve a stolen item quests so much as it meant more time alone with Kharjo. But it had been weeks since I had passed my Honor trial and nothing about werewolves or other pieces of Wuuthrad had been spoken of. I needed some excitement. And not the kind I got lying in Kharjo's arms.
Skill tree is what I call it. Its the large tree crossing the gorge by the waterfalls..
Yeah yeah, life of a companion. You know Salessi has killed enough wildlife for Aela that there isn't much left to hunt.
I like this shot.
This one too, and the part with Vilkas.
That werebear looks a bit like how I wish they had done the werewolves. It actually looks like a bear, but still is obviously not a normal bear.
Very good lighting in these.
Yea I love how the Werebear looks, I'm definitely gonna have fun with that playthrough whenever I get to it
That relationship between Kharjo and your character reminds me of beauty and the beast.
Anyway, nice story.
Makes me a bit jealous that I don't have the pc version yet. Ah, doesn't matter. I am too perfectionistic to come up with a nice build anyway. If only I could see both weapon sheathes when dual wielding, then I knew exactly what I wanted.
thanks for the compliments. They are kinda like beauty and the beast... though who's the beast... stay tuned.
In today's chapter of Sky rim Trek...
Thery asks Annekke Crag-Jumper if he can borrow the cooking pot.
The next day, they decide to look by the waterfalls just in case they might find a clue to what has happened to Derkeethus...
"What if he went in there?" Marcurio says "If he did, I don't think he's alive.
Thery, Kharjo and Marcurio, that is infested by Falmer and Chaurus. I think they planned to sacrifice me to something, whatever it is they worship., and
Nice update.
how easy is it to install that child mod? I know its not on Nexus but can you install it through the NMM?
I will never look at Kharjo the same again... I think I will avoid him for the rest of my days that I play Skyrim... Anyways, nice update.
Nice update to you too, Marcurio looks like a BAMF in that armor.
Been a long time since I posted in this thread, hey again guys!
Reason I am here? Well, usually if I see a scene or something odd/cool or whatever, I take a screen. Sometimes, they do not come out as I expected but recently I took (And I remembered to use the 'tm' command this time! ).
Currently my new desktop background. Pretty proud of this shot
I love moments like that. This game has been my source of desktop backgrounds pretty much since it came out heh. I tend to switch it up once a week.
Very nice. My desktop is I just love it.
Standing stones near the Whiterun Stormcloak camp?
my wallpaper is a pic of Aela and Salessi in Bleak Falls Barrow.
It was an average day in Skyrim when She had just arrived in the province from High Rock. The woman sold the horse to a farmer near Solitude for some extra cash as planned. She was an Her expectations were high, as she had spent much of her life studying magicka and metaphysics all across High Rock. Many who knew her back home assumed she was going to Skyrim to study in the College, but she had other plans in mind first. The stronghold of the Greybeards. Their legendary power over the Way of the Voice was known all across Tamriel, and the Breton woman wanted to see this power for herself. She would climb the 7000 Steps, train under the Greybeards, and learn to control the Thu'um just as Hjalti had.
Her name was
She entered the city of Solitude and went to around the city, buying her necessities and some alchemy ingredients. As she left the alchemy shop and looked up,
The dragon down and townspeople, sending the entire city into a panic. Veruca did to lash out at the dragon, but it hardly noticed her efforts and took It circled the skies for a moment before near the barracks. The guards managed to, and shot dozens of arrows into the dragon before on a brazier.
By the gods, Veruca thought. Maybe it was a mistake coming here.
Veruca traveled away from Solitude and went to Dragon Bridge. She was not thrilled about the name, but there were no dragons in sight, so she purchased a room at
Dragons in Skyrim...I thought they were extinct.
As the Sun began to set, Veruca looked up to High Hrothgar.