Show Us Your Screenshots #82

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:27 am

Hooray for the defeat of Elenwen! Great shots as always Velorien.

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Marquis T
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:15 pm

:clap: Awesome story, I assume this is the end for Inanna and Aphyd. If so, I enjoyed it very much. I have a question though, in an earlier update when Inanna went to get an Elder Scroll from the Orc at the College there was a Nord that left before Inanna and was looking for an Elder Scroll also, who was that?

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Jennifer May
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:57 am

Thanks :happy: . It's pretty fun, most of the time, to try to sync different characters together. It makes me feel like each character is more "real" to the in-game universe.

There's one more update for Inanna and Aphyd before the end.

That Nord woman was, my Dragonborn, doing part of the main quest. I only posted some screenshots of her journey without any story details, since it was pretty basic. Nothing particularly interesting outside of the normal main quest.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:38 am

Glad there is one more.

Oh, I didn't know that was your other character, that's cool, kind of like a cameo/easter egg for those people who know her. That's cool. :thumbsup:

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:09 pm

"Salessi, where have you been? I was so worried." "You just left and well... wait who is this?" her eyes darted cautiously to Kharjo when she realized I was not alone. I began to explain. I smiled faintly at Aela. This was hurting my pride which was like a large piece of burnt meat... hard to swallow. "But... I think it would be best for our friendship and my place within the companions to continue is that I keep myself busy out there. So here are the snow bear pelts you requested and I would like another job if you have one. Just keep me busy." Aela took a moment to respond. "I know I had to come across a little harsh before but I would do it again if I had to. And I am glad you can see that I was not chasing you away."

"You have Kharjo to thank for that." Aela thanked Kharjo but I could still sense some tension in the air from all of us. At least I had confronted my anger and the attempt was made to smooth it out. "I do have more jobs for you, but I really think you should see Skjor for one."

The moment of truth... was I really willing to forgive and move on? I took a deep breath and smiled faintly.

"Salessi... its not the importance of the job that matters. Its completing what you are asked to do regardless of if its beneith you to do so."

No truer words could have been spoken so I left Kharjo in her company and went down to see Skjor in the living area. As I expected, he made no comment about my week long absense and did in fact have a job for me. And it was beneith my abilities but I obediently took the job. Skjor reminded me that beyond Riverwood was out of Whiterun's law so it was important to stop him. By any means which I took to imply I was to kill him and be done with it. and with the moonlight I took aim at his head and killed him. As we stood there over his dead body Kharjo took a deep breath and sighed. "Khajiit understands we must report back now? We were rather hoping for more of a hunt."

"Well Riverwood is not to far off. Why don't we go there and trade some things at the trader there and take our time returning to Whiterun?" I suggested to which Kharjo replied that he found that to be a wonderful idea. He had made a comment earlier about how Jorrvaskr smelled like it was full of dogs and was glad to be out of there. I had only laughed but kept quiet otherwise. He had no idea. We both remained silent as they argued about going how she wanted to go get it and him telling her it was to dangerious. When they were done arguing as well as gems and other items and Then it was off to Bleak Falls Barrow.

It was clear we were on the right path we took out. as our hunting senses helped us locate them without them seeing us. despite the weather here which gave us the idea they thought something important and requiring that claw was crucial to guard.

"Tempting Kharjo." I shivered "But I know that most nordic ruins are muggy and hot... smelling of the dead. You'll wish you could take off that fur."

"We shall see." We had overheard them talking and how they were preparing to go after him. Well now instead of them going after him, it would be us. But now we had an idea of the numbers we would be facing in here. to which I had no problems Or course I was kidding I liked how it made him grin in that whisker khajiit kind of grin and the way he would stroke his throat. knowing that there was likely more then bandits down here so we one of those rotating carvings Kharjo and I had encountered in Yngol's Barrow.[/url] I did not give him a chance to solve the puzzle before He probably would have gotten it wrong and caused poison darts or something to fly from the walls. but now I noticed I hate spiders, but that was no reason to stop. Though had I known it was going to be all the while dodging the poison it spat at us. I yelled back at him. Lucky for both of us we were able to pin it down and kill it "Thank the gods you arrived, now cut me down." I replied before taking aim at his head and putting an arrow into it. I have no mercy now for the ones I might have considerd family not to long ago. And after searching his body we found the stolen claw.

I couldn't have put it better.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:16 am

well she wasn't lying heh.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:09 pm

She's just got that look that says " you want me to what? I don't think so...." LOL

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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:39 pm

Inanna and Aphyd made a stop at the Guardian Stones to collect Inanna's stashed treasures from Hammerfell, then took the White Phial and Chrysamere and headed toward

"Sentinel must be really worried about your absense," "They'll be glad to have you back in one piece."

"Yeah, but I'm sure the palace will be quite angry with me afterward."

They passed through the gate.

"I've made a decision," Inanna began, "about who I want to give Chrysamere to."


"I can only think of one Redguard warrior who is worthy of such an artifact."

"Who's that?"

"You.", "Aphyd, I'd like you to be my Champion."


"When I hired you as a mercenary, I never thought we'd become so close. If not for you, I would be dead now, or else I would have lost my mind to the Daedra. Or worse. You' a sister to me....and I want you to stay at Castle Sentinel with me and"

"Inanna..." Finally, she spoke again, "okay."



Inanna grinned, and the two girls set off for Sentinel. Aphyd got to wear Inanna's crown on the way back, and she felt like a princess.


That's all, folks! The end of Inanna and Aphyd's story. I hope you guys enjoyed. :smile:

I currently have ideas for two new characters, and I can't decide which one I'll do next. I'll probably let you guys choose, but that'll be later.

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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:53 am

Starting Dawnguard :D


Hope you enjoyed it :D more to come a t a later time.

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Jack Bryan
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:15 am

Bhatia and Ghorbash had walked for hours silently until finally stopping to rest at a

"Ghorbash, I have to apologize, I got you into this.

"No," Ghorbash said staring out over the lake. That was a long time coming. There had been tension between me and Burguk since I returned from serving with the Legion. What happened was inevitable."

After getting some rest at the mill they continued south the next morning eventually ending up in

"I would just like to be alone right now."

Fair enough. Bhatia thought and set out to look for something to keep her occupied.

Well, might as well start by asking the Jarl what's going on. She thought

"Hmm, a visitor to my town seeks council?" Jarl Siddgeir asked as Bhatia approached. Bhatia could tell by the tone of his voice and his cocky smirk that he hadn't done a days worth of real work in his life.

I know because that's how I would look now if I hadn't left my home. "I was just wondering if there was anything in town that needed to be done. Some bounties that need filled or the like." Bhatia explained.

"If you wish to speak to me I require a tribute." Siddgeir continued, seeming to ignore Bhatia. "Bring me a bottle Black-Briar mead. There is nothing like the sweet taste of Black-Briar fresh from Riften."

"Are you serious? Siddgeir sighed, rolled his eyes and waved his hands towards the door.

Before Bhatia could leave she was stopped by Nenya, the Jarl's steward.

"You'll have to forgive the Jarl, he can seem a bit... abrasive at times. There is something that you could do for us. Lately there have been disturbing noises emanating from it in the night. We'd be grateful if you could investigate it for us. I can't offer you anything in reward but I'm sure you could find something of value in an old ruin like that."

Bhatia shook her head. "That sounds fine, I'm just looking for something to do while I clear my head."

Bhatia set out as the rain began to clear and the She climbed the mountain path leading to the old ruin,

I wonder why Ghorbash didn't kill Burguk when he had the chance. She though as she fought through the ruins inhabitants. It seemed a coven of vampires had moved in,

He could have taken the mantle of chief for himself, did he spare him out of respect? Or was it because of me?

She continued to mull over her thoughts as she moved through the and

What did he mean when he said 'It's not like that'. what is it like between us?

Bhatia soon found herself staring down a A bit of searching revealed a chain that could be pulled to stop the flames. Bhatia moved forward and entered the room the flame traps had been guarding. Inside was

Bhatia fought them with the full fury of Volendrung. When the master vampire was close to death she transformed into a and lashed out stronger than before. Bhatia was just able to bring her down. She checked herself after the fight to make sure she hadn't been bitten or scratched. Fighting vampres could be a risky business.

With all of the defenses gone she finally approached the main chamber. but he was no challenge after felling a master vampire and

"This tombstone, She said approaching the intricate wall.

"Foul. . . air?" She read. "Yes, the air certainly is foul here."

The final door led to an overlook on the mountainside.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:15 am

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[ becca ]
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:50 am

Finally got time to look through the latest updates!

Velorien, nice to see a happy ending - I was worried there for a while...

Res and Turikan, great updates from you too!

We're having internet trouble so I'm not sure I will be able to post my pics today, but I think both Andra and Shaherazad will be happy - and I have one of my personal favorites along as well now. There will be lots of testosterone in those pics. :P
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:22 am

Great update guys! Nice Dawnguard stuff. I might have this recreation of Salessi take on the dawnguard DLC, the last version did not.

Nice end there Valorien. Looking forward to your next unique creation.

Enjoying the orc story as well Turikan

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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:36 pm

Here's a random shot that got, and also

I've finally gotten around to downloading high res armor textures from the nexus and a body replacer so there isn't as much of a neck seam on my characters anymore XD

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:00 pm

ty :D I really liked the lighting in that shot, it brought out how pissed she is at that point.

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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:08 pm

Great updates everyone!

Velorien: nice ending to a great story :clap:

Aurora: Looking foward to a Testosterone rush! :wink:

This is my THIRD attempt at uploading this update :brokencomputer: !

Still no bloody good. Will not load picture links!!!! :swear:

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Del Arte
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:38 am

just make sure your not missing any tags. I've had to edit a few of mine due to missing a / in a url or forgetting to close the link with [/url].

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 12:59 pm

Excellent stories guys, just spent like the last 30 minutes reading them. :D

Velorien, I was half expecting to see Aphyd betray Inanna and take Chrysamere.

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WYatt REed
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:51 am

When I posted the update, none of the pics were highlighted, I thought I'd missed some tags. I open edit and all the tags were Ok!!

I'll try again tomorrow. Just hope it cures itself otherwise no more pics :confused:

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:24 pm

Site problems + internet problems here at home... Right now I'm surfing on 3G using my phone connected to the pc since the wifi is :brokencomputer: ... Let's hope I manage to post this update!

After reporting to Endon in Markarth, Arkas and Sapphire returned to Riften, where Delvin kindly informed Sapphire that her talents as a thief was needed in the city. As Arkas had planned on going on a mission Vekel had asked him to do a little while ago, and also had a couple of jobs in Windhelm, they bid each other farewell, and Arkas left Sapphire in Honeyside with Jenassa and Lucia.

He wasn't going alone, though. Vorstag was his obvious choice of companion – but Vorstag, who had spent lots of time at the Bee and Barb, had become friends with the wizard mercenary who also hanged out there. Together, they convinced Arkas that bringing a mage to fight a mage might be a good idea. to Dawnstar, from where until they found the island on which the ruins of Yngvild was situated. As expected,

The mission was to obtain the four journals of the wizard Arondil for a customer of Vekel's. They soon found the first, and out of curiousity, It spoke of necromancy – and dreams of milkmaids.

Further into the ruins, they encountered – and found – and Arondil himself, Arkas didn't hesitate to shoot While his companions took care of Arondil's ghost servant, Arkas kept shooting arrows at the necromancer

A door behind the throne lead to a chamber, where Arkas layed his eyes on the big chest and the probably valuable staff leaning against it – luckily for him, Marcurio had his eyes elsewhere and

None of them wanted to think further about the fact the she had been lying in the double bed. Especially since revealed

”Marcurio, I hope you're not into necromancy...”, Arkas said

”Don't offend me! And even if I were, I can assure you I'm not into dead chicks. This place is disgusting.”

They all agreed on that, and left.

” You know, I have this idea... Maybe you could help me, Marc...”

They got sidetracked before they made it that far though, when they found, where they had to fight Which turned out to be a good thing, since..

Together with the stone he had found in Yngvild, Arkas' collection was getting close to completion.

The next day, They stopped at the inn first.

”Do you even know a spell? They used to have a gatekeeper, you know, at least last I was there – they don't just let anyone in.”

Arkas smiled.

”That's where you fit in, friend.”

After having trained with Marcurio and learned a couple of spells at least passably, Arkas left his companions at the inn. Marcurio had been right about the gatekeeper. ”Let's see... Could you show me a healing spell perhaps?”

He wasn't sure he did it right, but he smiled his most charming smile, and it seemed to work. Faralda returned his smile and declared that he had passed the test. She directed him to the master wizard, but instead, he seeked out someone else.

”All well in Riften. I have a few things I need to unload though. What'll you give me for these?”

After some bartering, Arkas brought up the other reason he had came to the College: rumors about how the Arch-Mage was in possession of a very unusual gem. Enthir was a little hesitant at first – he immediately understood that the Guildmaster wasn't interested just out of curiousity, and he surely didn't want to be the scapegoat – but eventually, after some persuasion (and gold) he told Arkas what he needed to know. The gem fit the description for a stone from Barenziah's crown, and it was in the Arch-Mage's quarters.

”Really? You showed so much skill with your hands... I would have loved to see what more you have to offer. I'm sure I can teach you a thing or two, if you change your mind...”

”And I'm sure those lessons would be very – interesting. But I'm sorry, my lady.”

”Oh, that's too bad.”

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noa zarfati
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:14 pm

Nice update Aurora. Kharjo and Salessi took on that Yngvild shortly after teaming up. didn't get any good pics. picked up a journal by accident and started the quest for the books for vekel lol.

So ended up paying an unplanned trip to the thieves guild.

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sarah taylor
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:58 pm

Ran into one of those just a while ago while heading for the Steed Stone on one of my characters.

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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:47 am

Nice, great shot

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:23 pm

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Maria Leon
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:16 pm

It's the never ending stooooooooryyyyyy!

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