Show Us Your Screenshots #82

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:57 pm

Wow, nice!

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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:43 pm

I have actually a long update with lots of pics :smile:

Btw, I've decided to read Dawnguard and Dragonborn stuff too from now on... because it's easier to stay in character if you know a little of what to expect. Not that Thery will do either, but some of my future characters will. :( :(


It was as Erandur had feared. They weren't exactly trying to kill ecah other, but those little mean remarks... Erandur was worried that they might not cooperate very well in battle. Why do girls always have to compete like that? It could not be because of him - of that he was certain. (Erandur isn't very confident in his own six-appeal, but in this case I believe he's right.)

On their way to Falkreath, they found out that, and also that All things considered, Erandur thought it best to do some Partly to test how the girls would work together in a dangerous situation.

The first enemy was that Further they met skeletons. Erandur noticed to his relief that the two women indeed could cooperate,

All three of them were equally astonished when the corridor opened up into It was a masterpiece of ancient Nord architecture. But they didn't get to admire it for long. Erandur leaped up the stairs and They, and found The weak foes made Lydia and Jenassa relax, and so they They lagged behind. soon they was He immediately recognized trouble. The question was - which kind of trouble could he expect?

When the exploding arrow had drawn the attention of the vampires, burning them and killing some, Erandur used the fire trap and his natural resistance to fire, to The last vampire lay at his feet when Jenassa and Lydia came running.

Finally Lydia and Jenassa also got to fight something tougher. and a After that, they were content.

They settled for the night in the "vampire hall". Lydia and Jenassa shared a bottle of wine and There's guards and guards, you know...

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Noraima Vega
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:37 am

Haha, I just realized we went to the same dungeon :)

Btw, I like how you handle learning the shouts, like she just reads them...

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Chloe :)
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:15 pm

Hah, so we did. That's awesome. Shriekwind Bastion will always be one of my favorites because it's the first dungeon I went into in Skyrim :D

I didn't think about using the fire against the vampires, then again I'm not a Dunmer ;)

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rolanda h
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:27 am

With the giant spider lying dead on the floor and oozing out, what ever spiders ooz.. Kharjo and I took the golden claw and decided to venture further into Bleak Falls Barrow. The bandits had thought it was important enough to steal from Lucan and bring here, therefore so did we. But with dead bandits and spiders behind us, we now faced another challenge. prompting and Its not like we expected the way Things never were that east.

Because of the cramped conditions at times Kharjo did not mind as I think a few of my arrows had ruffled his fur on occasion I'd smirk and remind him if I wanted his fur wrapped around me, I would want to feel his heart beating against my own and he would have to be alive for that. "Khajiit thinks she is teasing us."

"Maybe she is..." as he was fond of saying he would smell someone sneaking up on us. It also worked out to lure draugr down the narrow passages and It was a good stratagy until we came across She was a very tough female draugr with strong magical skills in the frost arts. Her touch was icy cold and "Kharjo, some help!" I cried out as her icey cold touch spread across my hand and up my arm. I could not even release the bow from my hand to draw my axe. but salvation was quick at work. Khajro rushed past me and attacked her with a fury unlike anything I had seen from him before. Despite my insistance that I was fine, he warmed my arms by rubbing them with his soft paws before we decided to venture forward again. As we walked in cautiously we saw "By the twin moons, Kharjo has not seen anything like this before." "Khajiit thinks something grand must be locked away beyond that door." because I wanted him to be impressed. "Khajiit wonders if she knows those rings are in the correct order and care to wager a bet if she is wrong?"

"Ok... much much coin?" I was game for a little bet.

"If those rings are wrong, she ows khajiit a grooming session."

"Wait... a grooming session? Like picking through your fur for lice? You should have told me before I let you sleep next to me that you had lice." I was clearly trying to mess with him and I could tell it was working.

"Kharjo does not have lice! But our fur can get matted and tangled. We would enjoy being combed." "Sadly I know your going to lose this bet." I smiled before putting the claw in place and watching the rings click into place and the door slide out of the way into the ground. "Sorry. Your bet did sound rather fun for both of us." as we entered the large tomb and beheld a sight that caused us both to gasp. before it. It was a magnificant sight but Kharjo and I both knew going to close to that wall might wake whatt ever was sleeping. Quietly we took the loot from the chests and slipped up the stairway and soon found ourselves It was an uneventful strole through the woods and back to Riverwood with the golden claw hanging from my belt.

"Yes... Kharjo?" I looked at his arm holding mine.

"Kharjo just wanted to say we enjoy these adventures with you and we hope for many more."

"Aww Kharjo." "I feel the same way. Your company is just what I needed and certainly make adventuring more interesting then doing it alone. And if you really do need to be combed. Just... ask." but some bosmer elf walked by with a load of wood in his arms, muttering something about Camilla which reminded us we still had a claw to return. where Lucan greeted us and then his eyes lit up when "Haha, wow. Would you look at that!" he grinned from ear to ear. "I never thought I would see it again. Seems smaller then I remember though. But no matter. Here have some coin I had been saving to hire someone to retrieve this."

"So... whats on the list Kharjo?" I asked as I looked up at the sun in the sky. "We have enough daylight left to make it back to Whiterun and to report to Skjor."

"Well... khajiit has been writing down requests and things we have seen. Khajiit has been wanting to trade with the orcs but we are not blood kin. They asked us to find their stolen forge fingers, taken to a forsworn camp. And we also overheard when you got us this armor in Windhelm, the forge master there was wanting a certain sword found?"

"Sounds perfect Kharjo. So to Whiterun to report in, maybe see if there are any more jobs to do for the companions while we are walking across the lands."

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lauren cleaves
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:18 pm

First off, hello again! :wave:

It's been a few months I think since my last post, took a break from the game and just ended up doing a reinstall to get Skyrim running nice and smooth last night.

Since it's a fresh install I started my main character (female Breton named Abigail) over and I've had some fun messing around with ideas of how I want to RP her this time.

Here's what I got so far!

*** Nestled in the southern mountain regions of Whiterun Hold near the border of Skyrim and Cyrodil, there are few places in the northern part of Tamriel as peaceful as the small logging village. Within its walls the villagers carve out an existence built upon trust and hard work, living their lives quietly despite the presence of civil war in the region.

Abigail let out a sigh of satisfaction as she to wipe a bit of sweat from her brow, the main hall of the Sleeping Giant Inn finally cleaned and ready for patrons to use. With her work finished in the inn she put up her broom and headed out for the morning, gathering up a basket for flowers on her way out. The weekend had finally arrived and that meant it was time for her weekly to lonely soldiers and budding alchemists alike.

The only lasted about an hour each way by foot and it was usually a quiet peaceful trip, but occasionally wolves from the surrounding mountains would come down for hunting and for that Abigail always kept a small dagger tied tightly to her hip. She wasn't certain it would do much good against such an animal but it put her mind at ease which was all a normal girl like her could ask for.

As she approached the gates of Helgen Abigail began to felt something was amiss this morning, the usual sounds of life were missing. She peered ahead and noticed the walls were lacking of patrols and smoke was rising from within. She began to slow her pace when suddenly as the scaly winged beast flew over her and off into the horizon and she remained in that state until she could hear the creature no more. She slowly lifted her head and patted herself to make sure was still all there, taking a moment to collect herself before looking back towards the gate and the smoke coming from within.

Without thinking she hurried over to the massive door and tried to push it open, finding that it was indeed unlocked. Quickly she began to search for any survivors but it appeared that whoever may have survived that attack had already managed to escape during the chaos. Still she searched the rubble out of hope that she could find someone to help, but the only remains she found were burned to a crisp. At first she covered her eyes at the horrible sight but she slowly peered through her fingers when noticed a book of some sort just inches from the body that appeared to still be intact. and picked up the journal, Her eyes widened as she read the paragraphs that recounted what had happened just moments ago, the last entry of the poor soul in front of her. until she came upon a passage that mentioned injured survivors and a cave just outside of town. It seemed that the person at her feet had doubled back to search for more survivors and unfortunately met his demise instead.

Closing the book Abigail decided to find this cave and see if the people inside were still alive or not, so she quickly headed back out the gate and followed the walls around until she came upon a raised grouping of rocks that marked the entrance. and brought her hand to the wall for guidance, feeling the rock become damp as she crept forward. As her eyes became adjusted to the dim lighting she could hear the sound of running water ahead and the groans of someone in pain which caused her to pick up her pace and hurry to their side.

She found covered in blood and a few loose rocks of various sizes resting nearby; judging by the injuries they must have fallen on top of the man during the escape. She quickly looked around and found a healing salve that had fallen out of his pack and brought it to him, helping him get the liquid down his throat so that it could start to mend his wounds a bit.

When the soldier was able to stand another collapse happened and he quickly grabbed Abigail by the arm, pulling her out of the way as more rocks fell and the two of them quickly hurried out into the daylight. came the first words spoken between the two as the Nord stood on his feet and looked around.

"That was a close call for both of us. Thankfully we're both safe now."

"For now at least. That was a dragon, no doubt about it, but it looks like he's gone for good this time."

Abigail had no objections and back towards the village, walking slowly behind him while she tried to process everything that had happened; it wasn't every day you saw a creature of legend suddenly appear.

Perhaps it was all the crazy things that had happened so suddenly that morning but the trip back to town seemed to go by quicker than usual and before Abigail knew it they were standing outside the blacksmith speaking to Hadvar's uncle Alvor about the attack. He invited the both of them so she accepted and followed the men inside, happy to have a chance to sit and get off her feet.

It was several hours later that she finally left the house and headed towards the inn where her room was, quickly passing by the few patrons within and

That night she dreamed...


I hope you enjoyed the story! Until next time, be safe in your travels.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:57 pm

Wow! Lots to catch up on!

Rose seems like a badass. And she's very photogenic. :D Nice shots.

Great update. I especially like this shot!

Have you tried using the "Links" button instead of writing in the tags? Highlighting the text you want to have the image, then clicking on the Link button and pasting in the address? That's what I do, and it hasn't given me any trouble.

Nice to see Arkas again. You're handling the gem-collecting nicely.

Yikes! What are those?

:twirl: Great update. All of the shots were really beautiful.

D: Yikes. Draugr ladies look so cool. :P Great update! I like the Salessi/Kharjo team. Certainly unique!


Also, does anyone know how to make the player-character open his/her mouth? I know the phoneme console commands don't work anymore, so I'm not sure if there's an alternative.

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oliver klosoff
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:22 pm

ty :D , and heh yea she's got a temper, but don't worry I've got a few sappy scenes in my head between her and Serana :banana:

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Dean Brown
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:53 pm

Hey! I remember Abigail! Welcome back! Those are really nice shots. I look forward to more.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:33 pm

Nice start. I like it. Forgot Hadvar was such a built man. Remembered him being skinner... heh

I've been trying to find one on Nexus that doesn't require FNIS or what ever its called. I was never able to get it to work and I followed the directions (or thought I did heh)

And thanks. Trying to keep something unique to pass the time and all that. I will say Aela might slip Salessi a copy of The Real Barenziah writen during the time of Daggerfall since the temple has edited the good stuff from current copies... heh

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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:12 am

Awesome, I'd been wanting to do a playthrough as a Dragonborn who wasn't a 'hero' for a while myself. I started one back in the day but didn't get very far. This looks interesting.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:10 am

random bits from future updates.

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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:18 am

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Damian Parsons
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:39 pm

A couple of non story related shots:

Every time I look at the screenshots here and on the nexus I feel like I'm learning something new to apply to my own captures. Thank you all for sharing your work and keep up the great shots.

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Elea Rossi
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:49 pm

great stuff! I really like Immortal

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Rudi Carter
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:27 pm

Argh, so much catching up, and I looked here only last night! I started looking at them but will have to resume later!

@broder fisk, your first two links don't work.

Edit: Great updates as usual!

Broder fisk, none of your links written in italic letters work for me. :(

Tivoko: I must say, I'm a bit surprised she didn't know Hadvar, if she lives in Riverwood. Or at least had heard of him from Alvor, if she's new in town and he's been away in the Legion. Riverwood is a very small town!
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:09 pm

This will probably be my last full on story mode post for a while, RL schedule is going to get busy soon. I'll still be around to post random screens I get though. Also it seems like we're all going to Riverwood XD


Bhatia had only just arrived back at the Dead Man's Drink when she found Ghorbash standing ready for her return. She had been worried he would still be worked up about being exiled.

"" He asked calmly.

Bhatia smiled, he was back to his quiet cool. Seeing him this way always impressed her.

"I was thinking we'd just follow the road and see where it takes us,"

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Bhatia asked "We could stop if you'd like to sulk some more." She teased.

"" Ghorbash shot back.

They bantered back and forth as they made their way for Helgen, it seemed the past was behind him. Bhatia liked having the old Ghorbash back.

"" Ghorbash said rasing his bow.

Bhatia readied her own bow and tried to match Ghorbash's archery skills. meager attempt to force a few Septims into their pockets.

"Ghorbash," Bhatia started as they approached Helgen. "There's a question I've been meaning to ask you. It's about something you said back at Dushnikh Yal."

Ghorbash had turned to answer but at that moment a thundering roar cascaded from the skies over Helgen. The two orcs exchanged glances and hurried for the gates.

"What... was that?" Bhatia asked.

"That looked like a dragon. I thought they were all wiped out, though." Ghorbash answered., searching for survivors but everywhere they looked there was only charred remains and burnt corpses.

" It wiped Helgen right off the map." Bhatia said stunned as they forged ahead through the town.

They came at last to a smoldering body.

"This is where the dragon was just before we arrived."

The body suddenly stirred and croaked, "The keep." It sighed and finally went motionless.

Bhatia and Ghorbash heeded the last words of the dragon's victim and entered the keep, they followed a wake of cave ins and the fallen bodies of Stormcloack and Imperial troopers.

"It almost looks like this town was a battleground in the civil war before the dragon even showed up."

Ghorbash commented.

Eventually they found a wounded Imperial soldier.

Ghorbash helped him to his feet.

"Thank the gods you came along, I stayed behind to help last of us escape but we need to get to Riverwood, we need to warn them about the dragon."

Bhatia handed the man a healing potion to help mend his wounds and His name was Hadvar and he was an Imperial soldier, it seemed the Empire had caught Ulfric Stormcloak himself and brought him to Helgen for execution when the dragon attacked. Once inside they were able to calm down and discuss their plans.

"I need to return to Solitude to report to what happened here,"

"" Bhatia answered.


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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:10 pm

Well, you'd better let that conversation continue before you leave the storytelling completely! :grad:


The three companions left Winterhold the next day, across the snow and ice, which gave them lots of opportunities to get into Vorstag made a proud point of being a Nord and refused to warm his hands by the fire like the both Imperials.

”According to the map I found on the treasure hunter, yes. And Birna's description.” ”I'd rather head straight for Windhelm and the warm fires of Candlehearth Hall.” ”Or does that hot waitress at Candlehearth have anything to do with it?”

Marcurio grinned.

”There's a risk she might knock my teeth out when she sees me”, he said. ”But if she forgives me for not staying in touch...”

”Well, your girl-chasing will have to wait a little. If it's anything like the barrows I've been through this far, we'll find a lot more than a valuable dagger.”

Their first find was somewhat unexpected, though. Marcurio crossed his arms and glared at Arkas.

Arkas looked at him.

A lever, a dead man, and those little devices around the gate... I'm not stupid, you know. There's a reason I'm still alive.”

Yeah, like that time you and Jen pulled that lever in that Dwarven ruin...”, Vorstag began.

Damn, I knew she wouldn't keep her mouth shut! Wait, is that a journal?” Now, let's see...”

Am I the only one who reads books?” Marcurio replied. ”I have a theory...”

” You knew about this when you bought that claw from Birna, right?”

”Hah! You were right about bringing him along, Vorstag!”

”Like I haven't already saved your ass a few times by now...” Marcurio rolled his eyes.

”Open it, Arkas”, Vorstag said. ”This barrow has contained nothing but these orbs and that dead scholar so far – let's see if there's anything of value on the other side of that gate. Besides, I'm getting bored. I want to fight something.” They found a powerful draugr who invited them to They replied with

” Thanks, you guys – I don't know if I would have made it without both of you. Bu the way, what aout that theory of yours, Marc?”

”What sea ghosts?” Vorstag said.

Marc rolled his eyes again.

”Read books, Vorstag. You know, those things with letters in them. Are you done plundering that chest, Arkas? I want a cup of wine in my hand and Susanna in my lap before this day is done.”

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:14 pm

Do they work now?

...So many pictures, I can't read them all at once :(

I hope you take it a little slower with updates, because I really want to look at them all! :)

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:19 pm

As my comp doesn't want to high light pics, I've done it myself. Sorry if its a bit bright :confused:

We left Folgunthur with a heap of loot, which we converted to gold in Solitude. Erik wanted to visit the Temple of the Divines. Not really my thing obviously, so I went shopping for a some new gear. Erik was disappointed that there was no shrine to his Man-god Talos. I've never understood the mortal need to worship the Aedra, the Daedric Princes are much more..accessible, though somewhat less benevolent! From Solitude, we decided to walk to Whiterun to see if we could pick up a bounty or two. Near Dragon Bridge, an orc with a death wish came out with the "Milkdrinker" taunt, calling me a b!tch for good measure. Before I could strike, Erik launched himself at the fool. "Don't speak to her like that!" he cried cutting the orc down. *

"My hero!" I giggled, feigning a swoon.

"Don't mock me Estelle." he frowned.

An awkward silence hung over us as we passed through the village. At the bridge, I grasped his arm and gave him a peck on the cheek.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:30 pm

Well I'm not sure how old Hadvar is but judging by his looks I'd say late 20's early 30's and Abigail is 22-23, so at least for the story in my head she was still a young girl when he left to join the Legion (I'm going with the idea that he joined up in his late teens to early 20's so Abigail would have been about 12-13). That said she does know him and the only reason she didn't speak up about it was because she was all shook up due to the dragon attack and hadn't pieced it all together. Fear not though as they'll be chatting more soon.

For now, some preview shots:

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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:15 am

Ok this is getting... interesting... I like how her hand glitch through his armor, btw. :blink:


And I love that close-up.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:16 pm

Well there are gaps in the story and they have been on the road together for a couple weeks now. I wouldn't say her hand is glitched, its in a fist, clutching his armor heh. There will be more of an update on "that" later. I'm kinda playing them ahead of the story portion I've shown. :D friendly flirtations might have turned into more of a curiosity and desire... perhaps. You'll see.

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sunny lovett
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:56 pm

Okay, I have plans for two characters. I'll probably do them both eventually, but I want to focus on one at a time. I really can't decide which one I want to do first, so since I'm planning on sharing their screenshots/stories with you guys, I'll leave it up to you all to decide who I should do first!

Character 1*:


A Wood Elf, born and raised in Skyrim, but better known to the Nords as, because...well...a previous attempt at becoming a Bard in her youth proved she couldn't keep a melody. In spite of this, she's had aspirations her whole life to and travel around Tamriel bringing beautiful music and captivating tales to everyone, and she is not ready to give up on that goal. Melody is rather carefree, fun-loving, and a bit of a klutz. She has no real combat skills whatsoever, but she loves nature and has always been good with animals, even dangerous ones like wolves and bears.

Plans: The only plan I have for Melody is for her to eventually get to the Bard's College and do the related quests there. However, that will only be a small part of her story. Otherwise, she won't be doing the main quest or any factions, and I don't have any plans for side quests, though she'll probably do a few here and there. That means Melody's story is ultimately unknown to me, which means her story could either be awesome or boring. It depends on where Skyrim takes her!

Character 2*:


A Breton who has lived most of her life studying diligently in High Rock, Veruca has always sought answers to life's biggest questions. She is of all things metaphysical and profound. However, she still has, and she's come to Skyrim to study Dwemer ruins and maybe see what the College has to offer her. Veruca takes her studies very seriously, to the point of being somewhat of a snob and a prune about them. She often overestimates her abilities and her knowledge, which can get her into trouble.

Plans: Veruca will eventually get around to the College of Winterhold, but I have many ideas for various things she'll be doing around Skyrim while seeking knowledge and wisdom. Which means, unlike Melody, I already know most of the things I want to do with her, so she's guaranteed to have content.

* The appearance of both characters are subject to (minor) change before their stories begin.

So, who would you guys like to see first?

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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:47 pm

I would say Veruca, because I like Bretons more and she seems like she would be more interesting. And Veruca looks interesting, just not used to seeing completely bald NPCs, especially females.

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