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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:17 am

My vote is Veruca Lalauri

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Lauren Graves
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:22 pm

Well, I'm going to say Melody. I think it could make for a very interesting story and it would be a nice change up from Inanna's grimdark quest for daedric artifacts, heh.They do both sound cool though, so I'm not going to be too picky :tongue:

Also, it would appear I'm not completely down and out just yet. I'll have to slow down my pace soon but not quite as soon as I had first thought, so here we go:

__________________________, they thought it best not to delay the trip to Whiterun considering the circumstances.

Bhatia took their time alone to continue the line of questioning she had started before they encountered the dragon at Helgen.

"Ghorbash, there's something I've been wanting to ask you since Dushnikh Yal. When you and Burguk were fighting he was taunting you and...." She asked frankly.

"In the stronghold only the chief is allowed to have wives and children." Ghorbash answered, although it sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself.

"So, no."

"Not even when you were out with the Legion?"


They continued for a time in silence along the road towards Whiterun.

"But you were fond of Borgakh weren't you." Bhatia asked suddenly. "The way you used to tell her about your time aboad and she would listen so intently."

At last the great city of Whiterun stood before them. Bhatia and Ghorbash

Upon entering She was wary to let the two orcs approach the Jarl at first, but after stating their business she allowed them to approach.

"So the rumors were true," "The people really did see a dragon.

"Irileth," He said turning to the Dark Elf "I want a detachment of guards sent to Riverwood immediately."

"Wait, we can't do that." Balgruuf's steward Proventus objected. ""

After a short argument, the decision was made to send the guards to Riverwood.

"I won't leave my people defensless while a dragon tears up the countryside." Balgruuf spoke, ending the matter.

"You," He said turning his attention to Bhatia. "You showed great courage and initiative to seek me out and inform me of these matters. If you wouldn't mind putting those traits to work once more We will of course offer you a substantial reward in gold for it's completion."

He lead the pair of orcs to Farengar's chambers where the scholar was eager to explain the situation to them.

"What I seek is a relic known as a Dragonstone which I believe lies in the ruins of Bleak Falls Barrow outside of Riverwood. I believe, well more accurately a collegue of mine believes that with it we could pinpoint the location of ancient dragon burial grounds. This knowledge could prove invaluable if dragons really are returning. I won't try to tell you the ruin won't be dangerous,"

"Bhatia." Ghorbash stopped as they passed the Gildergreen in the center of the city. "" They shared a somber look before

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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:43 am

Oh, that was hard. I want to say Melody, because she looks like Tinkerbell! (In a good way.) : D Also, she might give me a little inspiration for a bard character I might play when I have retired Arkas (he's male, though, and I have a couple of other things in mind for him).

OTOH, I think Veruca's story sounds more guaranteed to be interesting. And those tattoos/warpaint made me curious - she looks like a member of the Forsworn, but apparently she's not, so what's the story there I wonder.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:48 am

Kharjo and I had decided to stop in at Whiterun after discovering the secrets of Bleak Falls Barrow and retrieving its golden claw. I needed to check with my family at Jorrvaskr and While I may have appeared to be visiting with the others by the fire, I might have overheard them talking. I heard him be asked by the older Khajiit. I thought I heard him reply. "Khajiit finds travels with her refreshing as though seeing the world for the first time all over again by experiencing it with her.

Not bad for a nord girl he says? "Well if you two are quite finished we should get going." I eventually cut into their conversation, reminding him we had things to do still. I was beginning to realize that it did not bother me so much seeing the two of them together. Granted Kharjo and I flirted playfully but maybe in him I had found someone to help me take my mind off things. Even Aela seemed to approve of him being in my company now. And as we were preparing to hunt down sabre cats for her, she whispered to me she had put two books called The Real Berenziah volumn one and two in my things down stairs. She claimed they were really old volumns, unedited by the temple as later volumns had. What ever that meant. I wonder what that has to do with Kharjo, or myself for that matter.

Since Kharjo had earlier suggested he was looking for the Forge Master's Fingers for the orc stronghold of Dushnikh Yal in the Reach, and I knowing the Reach was plentiful with Sabre cats, we decided to kill two birds with one stone. The orcs had said forsworn had stolen the Forge Fingers and were hiding out in Druadach Redoubt. On the way we found our sabre cats, Two boys out in the middle of nowhere had forsworn spies all over it The late afternoon sun was He was such a brave Khajiit and I really did not know why he followed me. I probably put him in more danger then the caravans had. his voice cut into my thoughts. I answered.

Once inside I wasted no time in doing what I do best, The whole place was like a large forge, making me think they supplied a lot of forsworn bands with weapons and armor. before Even with the hour growing late we decided to check out the location the boys had told us about and found an old dwemer ruin. "Its a beautful sight isn't it?" [url=]I asked Kharjo as I looked back over my shoulder at him. he replied though I noticed he was not looking past me at the waterfall but directly at me. I smiled.

Not wanting to be caught in the Reach after dark we made our way back to Dushnikh yal to find they had retired into the longhouse for the night. The patrolling Hunts Wife to the chief invited us inside the stronghold but told us to wait until morning to give Chief Burguk the Forge Masters fingers. As I crouched by the fire he curled up I decided to ask him a question that had been on my mind since Riverwood but was unsure of how to ask it. But I guess its better to ask then not at all and never know. I diasked him without even realizing I spoke like a khajiit.

"No... no its not that. Its just I helped you get back your moon amulet and you offered to travel with me. But I've but you in harms way so many times... Surely life would be easier without following me everywhere..." he began. "But we find this life much more exciting. Besides, why would khajiit give up traveling the countryside and getting into trouble with a lovely young woman like Salessi?"

I'm sure I must have blushed as I turned to face him more directly. I playfully pushed him back with my hand on his chest. he smiled as I sat back on my heels. Did I look at him that way? Maybe I did... or didn't. I was so confused. I enjoyed our playful banter but was there something deeper behind it? Some truth neither of us saw? Or maybe I was so focused on other things not to notice. I don't know... and with my thoughts swirling I laid down by the fire and felt Kharjo lie down behind me and wrap his arms around me. I'm sure if someone was watching they would have seen me drift off to sleep with a smile on my face and a troubled wrinkle of my brow.

The next morning we gave Chief Burguk the forge fingers and he made Kharjo a blood-kin to their clan. When I asked about me, he smiled in that orcish grin and said the honor of being Blood-Kin was Kharjo's for it was his task. But since I had helped, he would make me blood-kin on one condition. I was about to say "No thanks" but then I heard the challenge. "Fight me nord woman. We have heard you are as tough as the men."

"Your on." And don't tell me that wasn't fair for he left his on as well. He was large and strong but also slow compared to me. I was able to land blow after blow That last blow got him good before "Enough. A good fight." "Your Blood-Kin to us orcs as well. You fight like one of us and it is an honor that we welcome you into our strongholds. Feel free to come and go as you both please. Kharjo grinned as I wiped the blood from my iron gauntlets.

"I'll remind you Kharjo." I smiled back. "So... whats next on the list?"

"Kharjo suggests we return the sabre pelts to Aela and then see what else they have for us?" he picked up the roll of pelts we had with us. It seemed like a sound plan so we we set off for Whiterun once more. We still had a request to search for the stolen Queens Sword for the smith in Windhelm and that seemed like the next place to head to. As luck would have it, upon our return with the pelts, Farkas had a task for us... another poor fool needed to be convinced to do the right thing and it so happened the man lived in Windhelm. Seemed fate was sending us there for a reason.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:44 am

gah... I realize some of the links are wrong. I don't want to bother trying to edit them in fear I'll mess it all up with this wonky copy/paste thing the forum has going on.

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claire ley
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 12:28 pm

Only a couple. Burguk sure has been having a bad week hasn't he? :P

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:21 pm

lol so true. this time by a woman haha.

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Wayland Neace
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:06 am

Ignore: just trying some stuff out!

Solved picture problem (I hope!) :happy:

:thanks: to Resident and Velorien for their suggestions.

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Peter lopez
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:05 pm

I think Veruca, since you know more about what to do with her, and that will give you time to come up with plans for Melody.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:33 pm

I'm thinking races, species and such works differently on Nirn than on Earth... It's hard for most humans on Earth - me included - to be attracted to someone who looks like a reptile or a cat. But humans on Nirn are another species; they may look like us but the whole biology on Nirn is different.

(What I mean by this is something like, a Nord being attracted to a Khajiit is not the same as if I was attracted to cats, so I don't see a problem with it....)


And nice pics as always. :D

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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:40 am

While I won't disagree, I just would not expect a nord girl growing up to think one day she wanted to be with a khajiit. :D and in my mind the attraction still works differently. The union of two different races is just more allowed, though not completely accepted. But thats my take. :D

Glad you liked.

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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:28 pm

That's what I think too.

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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:14 pm

Well hey, people cuddle their pet cats/dogs (in a non-sixual way) all the time because it makes them feel better (them being us humans, in this case). Pets can also show such unconditional love that their loss can affect someone far more than a close friend dying. So if we had giant cats here on earth that you could actually converse with and understand one another, I don't think its any surprise that many people would actually fall romantically in love with them.

Besides in a cold place like Skyrim, who needs a cumbersome bedroll when you have a warm, furry Khajiit to snuggle up to? :tongue:

Edit: And given how your char is dressed in those shots broder quoted, she looks like she could really use a cuddly Khajiit at hand to stay warm lol

I probably sound like a weirdo now lol!

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Lily Evans
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:03 am

Poor Ghorbash :(
New mods? Bhatia looks different - gaunter and a little older. I like it!
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:52 am

So is that a vote for Veruca or Melody? :P

Well that's the thing, Melody is the type of character where I don't want to come up with plans for her. She's one of those characters where I let her tell me what she wants to do. (Incidentally, those characters end up being either the best or the worst depending on how much they have to say. :P )

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Sammie LM
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:15 am

I would totally agree from Salessi's point of view. And Kharjo does love to remind her his fur is rather warm and he is willing to share. :D

And there will be some cuddling in future updates. Maybe in the second or third update from now.

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Laura Hicks
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:26 pm

Different face and body textures, yeah. I was tired of the neck seam where I had high res face textures on the vanilla body textures heh. Just had been too lazy to do anything about it until recently.

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aisha jamil
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:38 pm

Oh, gods, don't get me started on the neckseam... I finally found a solution that works for me, and now I'm NOT changing!

And the quotes are back on the mobile version of the site! :banana:
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:12 pm

"So that's Bleak Falls Barrow." Ghorbash asked as they viewed the looming ruin from Riverwood.


They headed up the mountain path towards the nordic ruin. They cleared the area of thugs and

They continued up the mountain trail, fighting off the cold winds and light snow that began to fall and soon

More bandits were camped inside. Bhatia and Ghorbash stayed to the shadows, creeping up on two bandits who were having a converstation.

"Can you believe Arvel ran ahead like that? He stole that claw from the trader in Riverwood and has been acting like a madman ever since."

"Look, I don't trust that that Dark Elf as far as I can throw him, but if he does have something then we should track him down and make sure we get our cut."

The two orcs used the opportunity to

They cleared their way through ruin, eventually coming across a room with a locked gate. There was already a bandit inside and the two orcs watched as he flipped a lever in an attempt to open the gate.

"" Bhatia commented as she spied three rotating pillars near the lever.

"Up here!" Ghorbash called ""

After a bit of searching of the room they were able to locate fragments of the missing statue and piece together the puzzle. They matched the symbols and made their way further into the darkness.

Eventually they came to a large chamber covered in webbing.

"Keep an eye out, I don't like the look of this." Ghorbash commented.

"Ready Ghorbash?"

"Hey you!" A dark elf who had been caught in some webbing called when the spider had been dealt with.

"Get me down from here. I've got a key made by these ancient nords. If you get me down from here I'll show you how it works, I'll share everything with you,"

"You must be Arvel." Bhatia commented. The elf nodded furiously in agreement.

The two orcs exchanged glances.

"I make it a point not to trust bandits," Ghorbash said ""

Despite Arvel's furious objections, Ghorbash planted an arrow firmly in his skull and the pair made their way past the door and deeper into the tunnels.

"Look at this." Bhatia said pointing to a journal that was lying on the floor in the next room.

"It's Arvel's." They returned to Arvel's body and retrieved the golden claw.

They moved much deeper into the crypts now, the cool windy tunnels subsided into damp overgrown ruins. It also seemed as if the dead disliked the interruption in their slumber as and came at last to a large intricate door.


After several minutes of fruitlessly searching for clues Bhatia finally connected the dots.

"It's just like before, see these symbols on the claw? They probably have to match the symbols on the door."

She matched the symbols etched into the door with those of the claw and fit it into it's slot. The claw easily turned and the door lowered itself revealing more large caves behind it.

"It's another one of those walls." Bhatia marveled as they arrived to the main chamber. "I ran into another one of these while we were in Falkreath."

"Can you read what this one says too?" Ghorbash asked.

"" He gave the two orcs a challenge but eventually they were able to take him down. After felling the angry Draugr they retrieved the dragonstone from his coffin and made for a nearby exit from the caves. They emerged into the frigid night to find themselves on a cliff overlooking the white river.

"" Ghobash asked once they were safe.


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Liv Brown
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:28 pm

Nice update Turikan :)

Random bits from updates for the next few days

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Chloe Botham
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:57 pm

Wow, Arkas and my 2 favorite guys, Vorstag and Marc! :D Doesn't get much better, thank you very much. LOL

Wonderful stories and pics everyone!!!!

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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:50 am

Love the interaction between these two! I love the shot of Kharjo laughing....or is he going to bite her face off? j/k :D Good shots of the brawl too. :tops:

When's the next installment?? LOL

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Alba Casas
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:36 am

Edit: Darn Forum, sometimes the quotes work and sometimes not right at all!

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Valerie Marie
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:08 pm

I think he was laughing, or grinning. kinda hard to tell what a khajiit is doing if you don't look them in the eyes. When his eyes narrow, I know he is about to bite. :P

Next update will be in a couple of hours. Got another 30 mins at work. Then going home to eat and post something up.

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Ross Zombie
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:42 am

Finally, I have finally caught up with these threads!

It has taken weeks. I fell behind due to work and Spring - a good thing I guess.

Just want to say that instead of getting tiring, the posts continue to showcase the great skills and creativity of the folks playing Skyrim!

Kudos to all of you - so many great stories and characters - thanks, and thanks again.

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