Show Us Your Screenshots #82

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:45 pm

Screenshot Guidelines ( MUST READ BEFORE POSTING! ):
(Thanks to bashur and Matthew Kaine(?) for the original versions of this set of guidelines over in the Oblivion Mods section )

  • No criticism should be directed at a person - only constructive criticism at the posters work
    • How you should not post criticism: "That screenshot is really lame! The poster needs to learn how to screenshot!"
    • How you should post criticism: "I'm not really a fan of that screenshot; In my opinion it could use a little more flair. Maybe try to have the angle at a diagonal slant with the sun behind them, that will give them a nice silhouette."
  • If you find a post offensive, REPORT IT !
    • Moderators know to to quickly deal with any situation of this nature, and will remove any offensive posts.
    • Arguing, instigating, or making demands regarding the post invariably ends up worsening the situation.
    • Not following the above rules could result in all involved parties getting a warning, even those defending themselves.
  • Commenting on a posters style of play in screenshots:
    • Members have a wide variety of playing styles and of capturing screenshots.
    • No subjective (or moral, ethnic, political, religious, cultural, social, sixual, etc.) preferences should be dictated to others as right or wrong in this thread.
    • All members are encouraged to post their screenshots regardless of their style of play, as long as they stay within the rules of this forum and thread.

Messages from the Moderators regarding this thread
"If someone barrels in and decides that the opening post guidelines for this thread are not applicable to them,
just report them, don't bother responding. Criticism for screenshots is fine, as long as it's constructive.
"I think it's stupid" and comments of that ilk? Are not criticism. They're just rather belligerant.
Don't like a particular screenshot - then don't bloody comment." - Leydenne

"This is not the place to troll, flame, or spam others. You all are here to share ideas, converse, and have a good time.
We don't want anyone to spoil the party, so if someone happens to come along with those intentions
please use the report button and ignore that person's post (Do not reply to them or acknowledge them).
We will then take the appropriate action to cull the situation and remove the problem." - DreadLord

"You cannot take assets from another game and use them in Oblivion, and that includes other BGS games.
What you do on your own computer is up to you but we don't want to hear about it or see it." - Rohugh

"User made and modified in game characters depicting children must be fully clothed and not be posed in a way to be considered provocative.
The moderators have full authority to determine this and issue warns/suspensions/bans if required.
Likewise any screenshots depicting child killing will also be dealt with accordingly." - From Moderators and Forum Admin


"If you don't care for a particular screenshot, you do not need to comment on it. If you have constructive feedback, that is fine. And people receiving polite feedback, don't get your back up.

But just because you don't like some of the looks, or feel they show too much skin, or whatever, as long as they do not break our forum rules, you'll have to restrain yourself. Sorry- no one cares if you don't like the skimpy shots. Sure, some of them may be over the top or whatever, or simply not to one's taste, but again- if they do not break our screenshot rules, then they are fine.

Post screenshots that are pretty, that are fun, or funny or scenic. Be kind to each other. Or don't bother with the thread."- Leydenne

Tips (under development)
Camera Tips (for basic screenshots without a third-party program):

  • Press F on your keyboard to switch back and forth from first, to third-person view
  • Press and hold F to change the camera angle by moving your mouse around. This will rotate the camera around your character.
    • A side-to-side mouse movement will rotate the camera around your player
    • A forwards-backwards mouse movement will tilt the camera angle above or below your character
    • The mouse scroll wheel will move the camera closer or farther away
  • You can equip your weapon and/or cast a spell in this position as long as you continue to hold F
  • Press the "Print Screen" or "Prt Scr" button at any time to take your shot.
    • Be careful not to take them too close together or you'll accidentally capture the "screen shot created" message in your shot if your UI is still enabled (see below).

How to disable the UI (Stats Bars, Compass, etc):

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TM
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • Your UI (User Interface) should now be gone
    • To re-enable your UI, type TM in the console again using the steps above

How to enable Free-Flying Camera mode:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TFC
  • OR type TFC 1 to pause the action and enable the free camera.
  • CAUTION: Animations and gametime passage may be suspended with TFC 1, but script functions are not. Scripts may still trigger events even while the actors or props they manipulate are still frozen.
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • You can then move the camera around using the same keys you would normally use to move your character.
    • To go back to normal, type TFC in the console again using the steps above
  • To change the speed in which the freecam moves, use the console command SUCSM (x), where (x) is the speed multiplier. Default appears to be about 10, which may be unwieldy.

How to panrotate camera while walking:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type ANIMCAM
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • You can now rotate the camera around your character while walking/fighting etc.
    • To go back to normal, type ANIMCAM in the console again using the steps above

How to Disable the AI of any Creature/NPC:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TAI
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • Entering the command while no actor is selected will cause all actors to stand at idle (but still have idle animation).
  • Using while an actor is selected will freeze them in-place.
  • To return to normal, type TAI in the console again, and press enter.

How to remove Collision from your Character (Clipping):

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TCL
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • To return to normal, type TCL in the console again, and press enter

How to post your screenshots

  • Upload to an image hosting site. There are many popular options for doing so, including a built-in service with Steam. Per asgard: From steam's screenshot manager, you simply select a pic, then hit the upload button. Then you click on 'View online library'where you can manage all your uploaded pics.
  • Copy the URL for your image. The image hosting site you choose usually has a box with code to pick from. You'll want to get the code that refers to BBCode, and a direct URL. Do not bother with getting BBCode Image coding, as this forum does not support embedded images in posts.
  • When you post your screenshot, it's often nice to include some flavor text, rather than just posting an undescriptive URL.
  • The best way to do that is to type out the following: [ url = " TYPE YOUR URL HERE " ] TYPE NAME HERE [ / url ] (without spaces)

How to swap out animations (pre CK, PC only)

  • Until pose mods come out, this method is the best option for making your character do things that NPCs can do!
  • You'll need a .bsa extractor. I (Eisoj5) am using a Fallout3 extractor for the time being, but there are more options out there.
  • Open the Skyrim - Animations.bsa file in your .bsa extractor. The animations for character and NPCs are located in themeshes\actors\character\animationsfolder within that file.
  • Extract the animations you want to play with. I (Eisoj5) have a separate folder for all the random stuff I like to mess with/add to Skyrim, so I put them in that folder.
  • Rename the animation you want to use ingame to sneakmtidle.hkx .
  • Copy your new sneakmtidle.hkx to Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations. (You will have to create these subfolders if they do not already exist in your directory.)
  • In game, simply press the sneak button and your swapped animation should begin to play! Keep in mind this is only when you're sneaking and not moving. Moving will return to the regular sneak motion animation.
  • To get back to the normal sneak idle animation, just delete sneakmtidle.hkx fromSkyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations.

Lighting Tips (courtesy of UKnightwatch)

To avoid bad lighting, I try to;

  • Not have a bright light directly behind subject
  • Not have a very bright light too close to front of subject
  • Not aim camera directly at a bright light
  • Turn my character into good lighting
  • Make good use of character items such as torch or spells that cast light and such if available

On PC;

Make use of the 'tfc' feature to move the camera accordingly to avoid bad lighting - see begining of this thread

I realise we are not all super smart when it comes to using art packages on PC (points at self as example of dimness) and we do not all have access to professional software - this has its problems.

If you are using a PC, there are some free to download image manipulating programs available - your search engine is your friend! Free software can be very basic but that is all we need. A little time taken to learn the basics of such free programs can pay off really well and bring our screenshots [more] to life.

Using FOV

FOV, or "field-of-view/vision", can help you zoom in for even better close-up shots.

  • Open the console using the ` key.
  • Type fov ##, where lower numbers equal a tighter zoom and higher numbers a wide angle. Close the console.
  • The game is preset to fov 65. FOVs lower than 50 are great for close-ups, but can be hard to frame if your TFC speed is high.
  • To get back to your normal setting, open the console and type either just fov again or fov 65.


Here's a small list of mods to make your screenshots more interesting and actractive

  • This mod brings you a figurines allowing you to control yourself, and a special spell that can turn any NPC into brainless puppet doing any animation you want.
  • Pinup style poses for your female character... or your male, if you're into that sort of thing ( needed for the mod to work)
  • Removes most of the blurriness from finisher moves and reduce the number of camera cuts in most moves
  • Removes drop of blood from screen
  • Adds footprints to the player, NPCs, and creatures
  • Adds a snowy visual effect to the player and NPCs when snow is falling. Effects all live and deceased NPCs and wildlife with-in a set radius.
  • When drawing an arrow, the arrowhead rests on the hand of all places. Unless you like having a sliced up hand, resting an arrow's head on your hand while it's nocked and drawn is a bad idea.

You may find these guide useful:, so you won't be lost in all those awesome animations and poses

Dragonborn and Dawnguard pictures can be posted in here. Please advise in your post that the following links in the spoiler tag are from Dragonborn or Dawnguard. PLEASE use the SPOILER TAG Armor from any DLC is fine but quest related locations/persons or battles may be stuff the rest of us have not seen yet.

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I love YOu
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:07 pm

shameless repost

bits from an update I'll post later

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:24 pm

Thanks for the new thread :goodjob:
I'll be posting an update from my new character soon. Darn restartitis ...
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:20 am


Blackreach Ruins



Back to College


Aurora Skies

Last one of, and her ever-faithful follo...errr, when did you pick up?

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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:47 am

From the last thread...

Those shots are very nice! I especially like the first one.

---------------, but suddenly...

"Inanna...the Forge..."

A tense moment passed as something formed on the Forge. The ether faded, revealing an artifact.

"It's..." Aphyd remarked. "'s chosen you as its champion for your sacrifice." She felt empowered and protected while holding it. Inanna strapped the blade to her back, and the two women left the Midden and went to the tavern in Winterhold.

"Should we take it back to Hammerfell?"

"Not yet," "Chrysamere is powerful, but it's just one blade. I need something that will benefit more of Hammerfell. But Chrysamere is an amazing gift. I'll have to find a worthy champion to give it to when I return home, someone who can fight for the good of Hammerfell."

The following morning, Inanna and Aphyd went to Windhelm to do some shopping. They entered an Alchemy shop, the White Phial, where they saw Inanna approached the Altmer and asked him what they were arguing about., an alchemical bottle from before time began, which he had been searching for his whole life. He told her he believed he had finally tracked it down in a cave, but was too weak to go in search of it. Inanna offered her services in tracking it down. The Altmer accepted, giving her a special mixture to get the Phial, and Inanna and Aphyd left.

"Are we helping an old elf or taking the Phial for ourselves?"

"I suppose we'll see," "Perhaps we'll bring it back to him. Gods know it wouldn't hurt to finally do Skyrim some good to begin to make up for the damage I've already done." and went inside. Things quickly turned into a Nordic ruin, where Inanna used Chrysamere and to fend off the Draugr, before making it into They fought, but they were able to take him down together. Inanna found an empty cauldron, where she poured the Altmer's special mixture into to open a secret area., but it was cracked and worthless.

"Guess we're taking it back to the Altmer for sure now," Aphyd said.

And they did. and He was none too pleased, and gave them a measly 5 septims as compensation., who gave them a few hundred septims as a real reward. They thanked him, then left.

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Rich O'Brien
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:33 pm


(But WTF is wrong with the quotation?! Since this update, reading the threads on my phone is impossible, I can't see what is quoted and what is not. And what's up with the hearts instead of the stars? :blink: )

And here I thought Inanna was done in Skyrim. Apparently not. :)

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Lewis Morel
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:40 pm

Thanks great shots yourself btw
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:20 pm

Great stuff, all of you! And welcome back, Ecrulis :)

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Miss K
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:25 pm


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sally coker
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:10 pm Chief Burguk yelled as It had been a long trip, first a carriage ride from Riften to Markarth and a trek to Mor Khazgur. They had paid their respects to Borgakh's tribe and told of her heroics in the fight with Shagrol before presenting them with the coin gained Largashbur and departing. Now they were back in Dusnikh Yal, Where it all had started, to plan what their next moves would be. Burguk continued rising to greet the travelers. "There is much for you to do; the mine workers have been falling behind and could use the help, as well we will need more furs for the coming winter." Ghorbash said solemnly.
"Of course, of course. Tomorrow you can start your work brother." Burguk said.
"No, Burguk." Ghorbash retorted, cutting him off. "We're simply here to rest for the night. Tomorrow we will be leaving again."
Slowly the good humor melted from Burguk's features. He said coldly.
Ghorbash shook his head. "I told you when I left that would be return eventually.
Burguk slowly advanced until he stood eye to eye with his brother. "This is just like you, Ghorbash. You always put yourself before your family.
Bhatia had always been impressed by Ghorbash's calm composure. Even in the heat of a battle he never lost his cool, he always had a wise word to spare and a keen eye on the lookout. It made what happened next all the more surprising for her.

"You are chief because you stole the position while I was away! You knew that was the only time you could have a chance at becoming chief!" Ghorbash shouted,
"You were away sating your wanderlust and I did what had to be done!" Burguk shouted back, pounding his chest.
"I was your whipping boy! Ghorbash yelled, raising his fists.
"And now you spit in my face!" Burguk yelled and raised his own.

Bhatia took a step forward. "No, this is my fight." Ghorbash growled.
"Is this outsider, this city orc the reason you dishonor your family, Ghorbash?" Burguk asked as the two traded blows. He taunted.
"It's not like that, she has a stronger spirit than you could ever hope to have! Ghorbash yelled. The two continued to trade blows while the inhabitants of Dushnikh Yal gathered to watch. Ghorbash countered a wide hook by Burguk and caught him right in the chin, bringing him to one knee.

"Go ahead then." Burguk panted, out of breath. see how long you last before the others tear you apart. Finish it!"

The axe stuck out of the ground in front of Burguk.

"What are you doing, Ghorbash?"
"I told you already, we're leaving."
"I forbid you to leave this stronghold Ghorbash!" Burguk yelled, trying to stand.
Ghorbash turned towards the gate, nodding at Bhatia. The two made for the exit.

"Go ahead then, you coward! Run away from us as you have before! Know this Ghorbash; Your head and the head of anyone with you will be displayed outside my longhouse! I Banish you Ghorbash!

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:55 pm

Great update! It's always nice to see followers act like real persons and not just packmules/killing machines! :D A question though: what fov are you using for your shots? The faces look really distorted in some of them, especially the first two. (I mostly use 40-55 depending on how much I zoom in/out - down to fov 20 for extreme close-ups. I play of default, I think it's 75 or something.)

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:04 pm

you know I think it was around 80 or 85. I usually play full screen in 1080 but was playing windowed that day, I didn't even think about it heh.

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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:57 am

Great stuff everyone :D !!

Is anyone else having problems opening pics?

Since this so called forum update, left clicking only works 50% of the time and I have to right click and physically open them :blink: !

Not too sure about these hearts either :confused: .

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Tyler F
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:07 am

havent noticed that problem

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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:32 pm

Thery has given me inspiration for a sci-fi-story, so I might spend less time on the forums from now on. (Until I get bored with the story :tongue: )

It will be about a society that has formed a religion to hide/make up for their past crimes, and the main character was around when that happened, so he is a threat and has to be silenced. (Among other things going on...)

He won't be a Dunmer obviously. He'll be a robot. But his name will be Thery, his personality similar, and he'll look a bit punk-elvish... :happy:

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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:14 pm

have not had issues opening pics.

posting links has been a problem.

quotes are a little wonky and I see we are all loved with pink hearts.

Nice update on the Orcs :D exactly how I would imagine an orc chief to act.

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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:07 pm

Had a little fun in character creation and recreated a prototype for an Altmer spellsword I have in mind: (I won't play him for a while though. The questlines I have in mind for him are pretty much the same as the ones Jelissa are/will be doing.) Other than that, not much from me for the moment. There will probably be an Arkas update tomorrow or the day after that.

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Luis Longoria
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:59 am

About time too :tongue: !!

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:26 am

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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:28 am

It seems that "partial" quotes include your reply in the quote box, and full quote of post doesn't. :bonk:

Problem with opening pics has gone away :banana: !

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Chloe Lou
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:33 am

He looks like an Altmer Dunmer somehow....

Res, I like your "angry Kharjo" pics! :D

...and yeah, the Gorbash/ Orc chief fight was good :)

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Mike Plumley
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:39 am

Everyone's stories and pictures are so great, this is my favorite thread on the forum. :D

Can't wait until my pc arrives AND I learn how to play Skrim with mods on it. Then I'll really be able to join in the fun.

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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:14 pm

That's kind of a bummer. I hope we'll still see updates from time to time. But it's good that you're branching out into some more serious stuff. I'd be interested in reading the story once it's done though, if you're willing to share.


After spending a night in Windhelm, Inanna and Aphyd went to leave the city via carriage, when They received a letter from Quintus, the student at the White Phial shop. So they returned to the shop and He told Inanna he might be able to repair the Phial with some ingredients. He asked for a Briar Heart, powdered Mammoth tusks, and some unmelted snow. He told her of a nearby Giant camp to get the powdered Mammoth tusk, but said the unmelted snow could only be obtained from the Throat of the World.

They had already obtained a Briar Heart from their encounters with the Forsworn, so they and in a pouch while the Giant was distracted.

The two girls traveled to to make the trip up the 7000 Steps. They soon saw many

"It looks like we someone went up here recently," Aphyd commented.

It soon that many people had traveled together very recently toward Inanna was surprised to find the door into High Hrothgar was unlocked, and when they, the place appeared empty. Inanna was thankful, as she wasn't interested in speaking with the Greybeards and possibly being chased away. She overheard what sounded like, but she kept going and went out the back exit. It was there that


"Well, well...", "looks like coming here wasn't a waste of my time after all. I guess I can finally finish you off."

"I'll handle this on my own, Aphyd," Inanna said.

"What?!" Aphyd asked.

"This is between me and Elenwen." Spells and blood flowed throughout the once peaceful ground. It continued until Inanna held Chrysamere high.

"So is this the end? Do you think it matters?", "even if you kill me here, you'll never stop the Thalmor. We'll dominate Hammerfell once more, just like we'll get Skyrim." Elenwen slowly began to pull a blade from behind her back. "Hammerfell will fall! There's nothing you can do!"

Aphyd's arrow struck Elenwen's chest, and, down Mount Snow-Throat, where she met her end.

Inanna and Aphyd continued up to the Throat of the World, where Having obtained everything Quintus needed, they returned to Windhelm to He was able to repair the Phial, and told his Altmer master, who was very grateful, and able to Quintus decided to, and asked her how she wanted it to be calibrated. Inanna asked for it to make potions to resist magicka. He did as she asked, and the two girls took the Phial and stayed the night at Candlehearth Hall.

"Tomorrow, I'm going back to Hammerfell," "With the ability to get infinite refills on Resist Magicka potions, it will make a great defense against the Thalmor's sorcerery. But I want to know..."

Aphyd was quiet for a moment.


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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 12:46 pm

Ding dong the witch is dead! which old witch? The wicked old witch!

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Tamara Dost
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:01 pm


I really like how you tie your different Skyrim stories together, with the meeting and Elenwen... :)

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Amelia Pritchard
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