Show Us Your Screenshots! #83

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:17 am

Screenshot Guidelines ( MUST READ BEFORE POSTING! ):
(Thanks to bashur and Matthew Kaine(?) for the original versions of this set of guidelines over in the Oblivion Mods section )

  • No criticism should be directed at a person - only constructive criticism at the posters work
    • How you should not post criticism: "That screenshot is really lame! The poster needs to learn how to screenshot!"
    • How you should post criticism: "I'm not really a fan of that screenshot; In my opinion it could use a little more flair. Maybe try to have the angle at a diagonal slant with the sun behind them, that will give them a nice silhouette."
  • If you find a post offensive, REPORT IT !
    • Moderators know to to quickly deal with any situation of this nature, and will remove any offensive posts.
    • Arguing, instigating, or making demands regarding the post invariably ends up worsening the situation.
    • Not following the above rules could result in all involved parties getting a warning, even those defending themselves.
  • Commenting on a posters style of play in screenshots:
    • Members have a wide variety of playing styles and of capturing screenshots.
    • No subjective (or moral, ethnic, political, religious, cultural, social, sixual, etc.) preferences should be dictated to others as right or wrong in this thread.
    • All members are encouraged to post their screenshots regardless of their style of play, as long as they stay within the rules of this forum and thread.

Messages from the Moderators regarding this thread
"If someone barrels in and decides that the opening post guidelines for this thread are not applicable to them,
just report them, don't bother responding. Criticism for screenshots is fine, as long as it's constructive.
"I think it's stupid" and comments of that ilk? Are not criticism. They're just rather belligerant.
Don't like a particular screenshot - then don't bloody comment." - Leydenne

"This is not the place to troll, flame, or spam others. You all are here to share ideas, converse, and have a good time.
We don't want anyone to spoil the party, so if someone happens to come along with those intentions
please use the report button and ignore that person's post (Do not reply to them or acknowledge them).
We will then take the appropriate action to cull the situation and remove the problem." - DreadLord

"You cannot take assets from another game and use them in Oblivion, and that includes other BGS games.
What you do on your own computer is up to you but we don't want to hear about it or see it." - Rohugh

"User made and modified in game characters depicting children must be fully clothed and not be posed in a way to be considered provocative.
The moderators have full authority to determine this and issue warns/suspensions/bans if required.
Likewise any screenshots depicting child killing will also be dealt with accordingly." - From Moderators and Forum Admin


"If you don't care for a particular screenshot, you do not need to comment on it. If you have constructive feedback, that is fine. And people receiving polite feedback, don't get your back up.

But just because you don't like some of the looks, or feel they show too much skin, or whatever, as long as they do not break our forum rules, you'll have to restrain yourself. Sorry- no one cares if you don't like the skimpy shots. Sure, some of them may be over the top or whatever, or simply not to one's taste, but again- if they do not break our screenshot rules, then they are fine.

Post screenshots that are pretty, that are fun, or funny or scenic. Be kind to each other. Or don't bother with the thread."- Leydenne

Tips (under development)
Camera Tips (for basic screenshots without a third-party program):

  • Press F on your keyboard to switch back and forth from first, to third-person view
  • Press and hold F to change the camera angle by moving your mouse around. This will rotate the camera around your character.
    • A side-to-side mouse movement will rotate the camera around your player
    • A forwards-backwards mouse movement will tilt the camera angle above or below your character
    • The mouse scroll wheel will move the camera closer or farther away
  • You can equip your weapon and/or cast a spell in this position as long as you continue to hold F
  • Press the "Print Screen" or "Prt Scr" button at any time to take your shot.
    • Be careful not to take them too close together or you'll accidentally capture the "screen shot created" message in your shot if your UI is still enabled (see below).

How to disable the UI (Stats Bars, Compass, etc):

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TM
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • Your UI (User Interface) should now be gone
    • To re-enable your UI, type TM in the console again using the steps above

How to enable Free-Flying Camera mode:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TFC
  • OR type TFC 1 to pause the action and enable the free camera.
  • CAUTION: Animations and gametime passage may be suspended with TFC 1, but script functions are not. Scripts may still trigger events even while the actors or props they manipulate are still frozen.
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • You can then move the camera around using the same keys you would normally use to move your character.
    • To go back to normal, type TFC in the console again using the steps above
  • To change the speed in which the freecam moves, use the console command SUCSM (x), where (x) is the speed multiplier. Default appears to be about 10, which may be unwieldy.

How to panrotate camera while walking:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type ANIMCAM
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • You can now rotate the camera around your character while walking/fighting etc.
    • To go back to normal, type ANIMCAM in the console again using the steps above

How to Disable the AI of any Creature/NPC:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TAI
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • Entering the command while no actor is selected will cause all actors to stand at idle (but still have idle animation).
  • Using while an actor is selected will freeze them in-place.
  • To return to normal, type TAI in the console again, and press enter.

How to remove Collision from your Character (Clipping):

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TCL
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • To return to normal, type TCL in the console again, and press enter

How to post your screenshots

  • Upload to an image hosting site. There are many popular options for doing so, including a built-in service with Steam. Per asgard: From steam's screenshot manager, you simply select a pic, then hit the upload button. Then you click on 'View online library'where you can manage all your uploaded pics.
  • Copy the URL for your image. The image hosting site you choose usually has a box with code to pick from. You'll want to get the code that refers to BBCode, and a direct URL. Do not bother with getting BBCode Image coding, as this forum does not support embedded images in posts.
  • When you post your screenshot, it's often nice to include some flavor text, rather than just posting an undescriptive URL.
  • The best way to do that is to type out the following: [ url = " TYPE YOUR URL HERE " ] TYPE NAME HERE [ / url ] (without spaces)

How to swap out animations (pre CK, PC only)

  • Until pose mods come out, this method is the best option for making your character do things that NPCs can do!
  • You'll need a .bsa extractor. I (Eisoj5) am using a Fallout3 extractor for the time being, but there are more options out there.
  • Open the Skyrim - Animations.bsa file in your .bsa extractor. The animations for character and NPCs are located in themeshes\actors\character\animationsfolder within that file.
  • Extract the animations you want to play with. I (Eisoj5) have a separate folder for all the random stuff I like to mess with/add to Skyrim, so I put them in that folder.
  • Rename the animation you want to use ingame to sneakmtidle.hkx .
  • Copy your new sneakmtidle.hkx to Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations. (You will have to create these subfolders if they do not already exist in your directory.)
  • In game, simply press the sneak button and your swapped animation should begin to play! Keep in mind this is only when you're sneaking and not moving. Moving will return to the regular sneak motion animation.
  • To get back to the normal sneak idle animation, just delete sneakmtidle.hkx fromSkyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations.

Lighting Tips (courtesy of UKnightwatch)

To avoid bad lighting, I try to;

  • Not have a bright light directly behind subject
  • Not have a very bright light too close to front of subject
  • Not aim camera directly at a bright light
  • Turn my character into good lighting
  • Make good use of character items such as torch or spells that cast light and such if available

On PC;

Make use of the 'tfc' feature to move the camera accordingly to avoid bad lighting - see begining of this thread

I realise we are not all super smart when it comes to using art packages on PC (points at self as example of dimness) and we do not all have access to professional software - this has its problems.

If you are using a PC, there are some free to download image manipulating programs available - your search engine is your friend! Free software can be very basic but that is all we need. A little time taken to learn the basics of such free programs can pay off really well and bring our screenshots [more] to life.

Using FOV

FOV, or "field-of-view/vision", can help you zoom in for even better close-up shots.

  • Open the console using the ` key.
  • Type fov ##, where lower numbers equal a tighter zoom and higher numbers a wide angle. Close the console.
  • The game is preset to fov 65. FOVs lower than 50 are great for close-ups, but can be hard to frame if your TFC speed is high.
  • To get back to your normal setting, open the console and type either just fov again or fov 65.


Here's a small list of mods to make your screenshots more interesting and actractive

  • This mod brings you a figurines allowing you to control yourself, and a special spell that can turn any NPC into brainless puppet doing any animation you want.
  • Pinup style poses for your female character... or your male, if you're into that sort of thing ( needed for the mod to work)
  • Removes most of the blurriness from finisher moves and reduce the number of camera cuts in most moves
  • Removes drop of blood from screen
  • Adds footprints to the player, NPCs, and creatures
  • Adds a snowy visual effect to the player and NPCs when snow is falling. Effects all live and deceased NPCs and wildlife with-in a set radius.
  • When drawing an arrow, the arrowhead rests on the hand of all places. Unless you like having a sliced up hand, resting an arrow's head on your hand while it's nocked and drawn is a bad idea.

You may find these guide useful:, so you won't be lost in all those awesome animations and poses

Dragonborn and Dawnguard pictures can be posted in here. Please advise in your post that the following links in the spoiler tag are from Dragonborn or Dawnguard. PLEASE use the SPOILER TAG Armor from any DLC is fine but quest related locations/persons or battles may be stuff the rest of us have not seen yet.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:34 am

It was late at night when they arrived in Windhelm. They ordered a big dinner, Vorstag and Marcurio immediately started drinking, but Arkas wasn't done for the night. He left Vorstag swinging his tankard to the music and Marcurio looking for the waitress. He stopped around the corner, where he donned his Guild armor,

Quickly, he picked the lock to the Hlaalu residence, sneaked up the stairs and

The next job demanded a somewhat different approach, however.

With the jobs completed, Arkas went back to Candlehearth, where he immediately went to bed.

In the morning, he found a tired Vorstag eating breakfast by the bar.

”Where's Marcurio? Off with the waitress?”

”No, he's upstairs, sulking. She wasn't working last night, and he had no luck with any of the other ladies.”

”So, no Susanna?”

” Said she probably was with some guy. Apparently, she's been hanging a lot in the Gray Quarter lately.”

”Cheer up, Marc, you can't expect a girl to wait for you...”

”Easy for you to say, you and Sapphire are practically married.”

”We're not!”

While they were browsing the market stalls, Marcurio began to talk about rumors he had heard last night, about a boy who was trying to call on the Dark Brotherhood.

”Apparently he's on the run from the orphanage in Riften. He was seen carrying something off from the Hall of the Dead, and now he's locked himself in dead parents' house. Word has it he's performing the Black Sacrament.”

”I have no idea. They're busy guarding Ulfric or something.”

”Good thing you didn't, you'd be a terrible assassin.” Marcurio gave him a light shove. ”You can't sneak if your life was depending on it.”

”Oh, was that the wind? At least I can take a blow.” Vorstag pushed him back, probably also what he consider to be a light shove. The wizard staggered, and Vorstag chuckled.

”Guys”, Arkas said.

They walked to the part of the town where the Aretino residence was said to be found. On their way there, they passed the graveyard.

”You're kidding, right? Listen, I understand how you feel, and” Arkas lowered his voice. ”The last thing I need is guards beginning to ask me what I was up to last night, get it? I'm off to see that boy now, and then I'll be leaving for Riften. If you're not on that carriage, I won't hold it against you, but I'm staying out of this.”

Marcurio looked away, then nodded.

They found the Aretino house by pure chance, by over-hearing

The door was locked, but Arkas picked it and stepped inside. He heard a boy's voice, chanting, sometimes interrupting the chanting for a more desperate prayer to the Night Mother.

The rumors were true.

He must have heard Arkas – Arkas made no effort to sneak – and got up.

Arkas opened his mouth, not sure what to say, but closed it again.

”You don't have to speak”, the boy said, ”it's enough that you are here, it measn you've accepted the contract, right? You must go to Honorhall Orphanage in Riften and kill Grelod, the headmistress. The call her 'the kind', but she's far from kind! She's a terrible, evil person!”

He went on about how awful Grelod was, until Arkas finally interrupted him.

”Slow down, boy”, he said. ”Explain. Hos did you end up in the orphanage? Why are you all alone? And are you really sure about this, killing that woman?”

He was told a sad story. Aventus had lost his father a while back, and then his mother last winter. Since he was underage and had no kown relatives, the Jarl had ordered him sent to the orphanage in Riften until he turned 16 and came of age, and then he could get his property back in Windhelm. He went on, telling Arkas about how bad the children were treated by the woman who was supposed to take care of them. Finally, he had run away and, having found a book that described how the Black Sacrament was performed, he had decided to call upon the Dark Brotherhood.

”And now you're here!”

His word brought back memories from Arkas own childhood.

I was much younger than Aventus when I came to my orphanage, he thought, and I didn't have a fancy house to go back to. And I surely met a Grelod or two during my time there...

”Great! And please hurry – it's kind of lonely here without my friends...”

It wasn't until he left the house Arkas realized that he never had told Aventus that he really wasn't from the Dark Brotherhood at all.

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Emily Martell
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:01 am

Detective Marcurio is on the case?

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Maddy Paul
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:04 pm

Great update Aurora.

So much Beefcake :drool: :goodjob: !!

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Kate Murrell
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:37 pm

Humble re-post from last thread, it's too cool to miss :cool:

Managed to cause a pretty nifty texture glitch and created my own crown, thought I would share it with you fine folks. Only issue is that's it's a little bit spoilery with DG stuff so I'll post em in a spoiler.....


Only issue is that it doesn't stick. [:blush:] I tested to make sure, I made a save just after causing the texture glitch, turned the game off and then restarted the game. Loaded the save file where I had my " crown " but it wasn't showing through, I was wearing both but the texture glitch corrected itself [:confused:] What makes it worse is that it's a right pain in the ass to cause this glitch so it's almost not worth trying, even though it's chalk full of EPICNESS and BADASSERY. :down: I will be trying again tomorrow to see if I can't get this to stick :tops:

edit: upon further testing I find it to be pretty hit 'n' miss.....You can get it to stick and stack for a little while by putting on ( in this order ) the crown, a dragon priest mask and then the DG helm. SOMETIMES it will stack perfectly like in my pic's but as soon as you pass through a load cell it corrects itself. Only to have to repeat the process to MABYBE have this work. I'm hopping that I'll have better luck with Miraak's mask or other dragon priest masks. :confused:

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:23 pm looking over the weathered note, the one thing that connecting her to a forgotten past. She didn't really need to read it as she had it memorized,


I need you to know having Marcus take you away was the most difficult thing I've ever had to do.

I can only hope Skyrim will keep you safe; please remember that I love you and I will find a way

to see you again my daughter.

Love Rana

She rolled up the letter and slid it into her pack, it had been ten years since she woke up in that cave with nothing but a few rags, the note and the taste of fresh blood on her lips. Just then a monstrous roar came screaming out of the sky, "That came from Helgen." she said to herself as she; that noise didn't come from anything she's ever seen, what could be happening. Rissa quickened her step the town, and the large plume of black smoke rising from where it should be. She was stunned as, "what happened here?" she spoke quietly to herself She wandered the ruins for a few moments trying to find anything of use, checking the burnt corpses for any clues, finally on she found a journal; the journal spoke of a nearby keep that spilled out into a cave system and mentioned survivors, in an attempt to find the cave.

After almost an hour of searching Rissa finally found the, without hesitation and two bodies buckling in pain. Rissa hurried over to the man in front of her, "What are you still doing here?!" He coughedout the words, barely able to speak, "hurry get to Riverwood, tell my sister Gerdur what happened!" He was shivering, without her help he was going to die, Rissa reached into her pack and pulled out a poition bringng it to his lips. He coughed as he gulped down the bitter potion, hesitantly he stood up and looked at his surroundings, then at his savior.

"Come on we need to get to Riverwood, my sister will know what to do next," Without another word he darted off towards the cave's exit. as she looked towards the sky once leaving the cave, "A Dragon!? How is that possible!?" she couldn't believe her eyes, the large black monstrosity soared through the air towards Whiterun.

"You should have seen the way he laid waste to Helgen., thank you for saving me..." His voice trailed off hoping the woman standing in front of him would introduce herself.

", I simply wanted to know what had happened, I wasn't planning on any rescues." She coldly shot back at him, "Now let's head to Riverwood." Ralof nodded as they both hastily headed towards the small town. It didn't take long before the two came upon the entrance to the town. Ralof and Rissa walked towards the Mill where they met

"Ralof, by Talos what happened? you look awful." Gerdur looked worried, but Ralof didn't let her finish.

"I'm fine Gerdur but we need to talk," She nodded as the three of

"Alright, tell me what happened Ralof." His sister had concern written all over her face, it only got worse as Ralof began to explain what happened.

"I don't even know where to start, we were captured by Imperials and they brought us to Helgen for execution, damn bastards wouldn't dream of giving Ulfric a fair trial.", "I thought it was all over, then a dragon came tearing out of the sky, Gerdur it seemed as though he set the sky itself on fire.", "I don't know how we managed to escape but we did, Ironically a cave bear didn't take kindly to us invading it's home; I would have died if Rissa here hadn't come investigating the incident."

"A Dragon?! That's not possible." Gerdur was shocked, she couldn't believe what she was hearing, it was crazy but before she could protest any further Ralof cut her off.

"I saw it with my own eyes, and I'm still having trouble believing it, but it was headed this way." A pang of fear crossed Gerdur's face before turning to Rissa.

"Shor's bones! a dragon, on it's way here? Please you have done so much already and I thank you for saving my brother. Please we need you to go to Whiterun and warn the Jarl, he needs to send protection."

The trip to Whiterun was quick, and the sun set as she As she walked through the gate she felt an all to familiar pain grip her every muscle. Gods not now, she thought, looking up at the sky she saw both moons full and staring at her, like the malicious gaze of some unseen force. Pain wracked the lithe redguard's body, the change was coming. Rissa turned and ran as fast as she could out of Whiterun,, once only wilderness surrounded her she let She crumpled to the ground as; she felt her own willpower pushed into some dark corner of her mind. had

Up next...Rissa's rampage!

hope you enjoyed it :banana:

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anna ley
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:09 am

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Tamara Primo
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:24 am

Good pics all. Back to my High Elf for the moment.

Having successfully retrieved the Dragonstone from Bleak Fall Barrow, I headed back to Whiterun. As I made my way to Farengar Apparently it was her who told Farengar about the Dragonstone. as she asked him to send a copy of what ever he discovered form the stone. Before I could ask her any questions that a dragon had attacked one of the watchtowers near by. I to was asked to follow her to the Jarl. There had ran to warn the Jarl about the attack. The Jarl told Irileth to lead attachment of troops to the watchtower to try to deal with the dragon if it was still there, the Jarl turned to me and asked me to accompany her as I had met a dragon at Helgan. I agreed to do it as I wanted to test myself against a dragon and this was the perfect opportunite to do so.

I followed Irileth who the Jarl reminded that she was not to take any risks. She gathered a few men at the gate and then we headed towards the watchtower. When we got there, there was clear evidence that a dragon had indeed been there. A guard that had somehow survived tried to warn us off but as if he had summoned it It was not the same dragon as the one that had flown away from Helgan but it still was as powerful. It proved quite the challenge as it hit us with its powerful fiery breath. A few of the guards with us where quickly burnt alive but still they kept up the pressure. Eventually the dragon fell to our might. As I walked towards it's body on the ground, there It was like I had absorbed something from it into my very soul. and said that I was what the Nords called Dragonborn. I had of course heard something of this during my training in the order. It was something that the past Emperors of the Empire of man had claimed to be. What was not known and what I was about to learn was a connection to actual dragons. Apparently this was also connected to that wall from the barrow. who was not really concerned with this revelation and was told to return to the Jarl to let him know what happened. As I approached Whiterun that sound like someone shouting "DOVAHKIN." It did not seem coincidence that this happened so soon after what had happened with the dragon. who had been causing some trouble in the city. I quickly made my way back to the Jarl. The Jarl and his brother where discussing about the shout. who asked if something strange had happened. I told him that I had seemed to have absorbed something from the dragon when it died. "So its true the Greybeards where really summoning you." he told me. When I asked about the Greybeards the Jarl told me that they are the "masters of the way of the voice" and that they could teach me how to use that power. He then proclaimed me Thane of Whiterun as reward for my deeds, I did not need or want the title but felt like not telling him that. I was also assigned a housecarl called This I was glad to have as I was used to having fighting with someone that could have my back.

I decided that I must learn all there was to being Dragonborn. If it could grant me more power the better. I would use that power to destroy me enemies and have my revenge on Elwenen for tricking me and for trying to have me killed. Oh yes I looked forward to our reunion as she would learn the full fury and might of a knight of the Order of the Twin Serpent.

to be continued.........

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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:51 pm

Damn, is there supposed to be like a narrative with these?

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Allison C
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:00 pm

Only if you want to :D

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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:32 pm

Great update guys!

I'd do a shamless repost of my last update but it seems it may not have been to everyone's tastes so I won't and will just move on to the next update. Unless I understood people's responses wrong and people actually liked it. Feedback is always welcome. And the mushy kissy huggy feeling stuff between Kharjo and Salessi is not going away any time soon :D

How did you get the armor so soon? I thought it could only be crafted after I'll Meet By Moonlight? I really enjoyed your update. When I roll another character, she will be a werebear. Salessi will remain a wolf. I looked into the mod link you sent me. Sadly it requires mods. :(

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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:51 pm

Only if you want to tell your character's story. :) Just screenshots are fine. I like your Arch Mage, looks good!

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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:28 am

It's not the enchanted version, I added it to her via console as it made sense for someone who's been hunting as a Werebear for 10 years to have that model, I'll probably do that quest rather soon to get the enchanted version though

EDIT: and I thought your last update was great, :tops: I like mushy stuff

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:29 pm

Having returned to Whiterun with the news that Thorald was alive and well and that we had killed the ice wraith for Aela, it was time for something else. Maybe something not so adventurious perhaps though one always seemed to find us. Aela seemed to be able to tell something was different about me and Kharjo and when the moment appeared she took me aside. "So I can see by the look in your eyes that. Well forgive me for sounding like one of the men but. You two did it didn't you."

I saw no reason to deny anything had happened because that would indicate I was ashamed. Which I was absolutely not ashamed and planned to repeat the events in that cave with him as many times as we had the strength for. So I simply smiled and nodded my head. "Yes... we did."

"Well thats good." she caught me by surprise. "I believe you needed it and he seems very suited for you. As long as the inner circle can count on you as a shield sister and companion, we do not judge or try and control your life. And at no time have you shown us otherwise, so we have a task for you."

Turns out the task was to travel to Falkreath and talk to the Jarl there. He had been having trouble with bandits bothering people on the road and we were suppose to help. She also wanted me to bring her back some wolf pelts. It did not take us long to find some bandits as Kharjo and I travelled the road to Falkreath that followed the lake. but he made a comment as I put one in the back of a bandit he had been fighting. "Your arrows have barbs on them."

"Awww... poor Kharjo can't handle barbs?" I teased him. "You'd know how I felt then after last night."

"Well you made a big point there." I continued. "Now if your done complaining lets keep going." A shrine of Talos overlooking the lake with dead worshipers and a thalmor agent with a letter from some woman named Elenwen. We did leave the thalmor agent stripped bare and explosed. Let him rot. Being in the wilds as much as we were, it was easy for both of us to forget a war was going on. as I decided to be polite and We got right to the point as he requeted we deal with bandits at Cracked Tusk Keep and any other bandit hideouts we could find. While Aela had sent us, I got the feeling she wouldn't have if she had learned Siddgeir's true intentions. It seemed to come to light that he had been dealing with them for a while and was losing control. We were to send a message that he was still to be respected. for I was not to be some Jarl's personal assassin but since we were here I agreed we would clear Cracked Tusk Keep. He had wanted us to clear several including Knifepoint Ridge but I declined. "We'll clear one and report back to the circle of our progress. Thank you." before coming to Knifepoint Keep. who were not thrilled to see us. I guess he didn't want to feel my barbs.

Inside the keep we encountered the leader who put up a very good fight. he would die before letting us have. On his dead body we did find a key that might open the Keep Vault we had found come across on the lower level. I asked him as we went back to the vault door.

The key unlocked a pane on the wall with a switch that lowered a set of bars allowing us to access the vault door. I remarked as we What ever was passed these bars was not meant to be taken but we had to see what it was. There was two levers that drew the bars aside and as we ventured forward I paused to cut trip wires that sent poison darts flying before us. There was an eerie hum coming from them and I did not like the feeling I felt. Like cold hands gliding over my skin. I turned to Kharjo and spoke. as I walked away I noticed Kharjo standing there looking at the pieces. he turned and the weather did not seem to improve at all while we were in the keep. While Siddgeir was not happy we did not do all of his bidding I was not finding honor in this, cleaning up the mess he had caused for himself. If Aela told me to then I would, but not before. Due to the weather we decided to get some rest in Dead Man's Drink and found it rather full of It seemed there was a Khajiit caravan that departed from here for the moonpaths. Kharjo suggested we travel there sometime. The idea seemed nice but we had jobs to do first. a rather tall and bold one asked me. "No... I am really rather fond of my current mate and do not have any desires to stray from his side."

"Should you change your mind, we shall be here."

"Ok but I won't be changing my mind so don't wait forever." "Did she mean what she said, about Kharjo?" I smiled up at him before leading him to a chair and seating him down so we were more at ete level. I looked him in the eye.

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His Bella
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:28 pm

Interesting, seems Marcurio is going Batman on this crime. I love the armors you are using too. Yes I enjoyed it.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:13 pm

You're a good story-teller, and the shots are great, but that armor... I'm sorry, but I can't take it serious. It looks more like a cocktaildress than an armor, nothing a sensible person would put on in the wilderness. And with that oversized wolf pauldron on top of that... Every time I see it, I wonder what the modder was thinking!

(Yes, I realize I currently have a character fighting in a fur bikini and her sidekick in some sort of fur kilt with iron details. Feel free to call me inconsistent. :P)
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:43 pm

No! Kharjo fell to temptation, I sense some bad stuff in the future!

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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:08 am

Ruh Roh.......

I wonder if the other Khajit had been more persistant, what Kharjo would have done?

Great update, I like the shots.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:53 pm

This is my first time ever posting a story and pictures realy, so I expect full criticism that will be bad. :D Here goes.

Dax Meltone is a young Breton, he has wanted to join the Legion all his life, However, his journey does not go as he expected.

Dax then decided to pick up anything he can find that might be useful, and makes his way through the ship. He continued to gather supplies and wonder where he is in the ship and how this happened.

Once he gathered all he can, Dax climbed up a ramp of broken wood into the main hull and finds one of the other passengers. Dax said as he leaned over his dead comrade. Dax then found a large hole in the ship and swam through it

Dax started swiming hoping he could get out of the freezing water, and once he climbed up on some ice he looked back to see that the ship had completely capsized. Dax thought to himself. The only thing keeping Dax from freezing to death was his beastblood running through his veins. As he continued to make his way towards the land he killed a slaughterfish that had been following him since he left the ship., and his hope of survival had been restored. He tried to avoid being in the water for too long as he did not want to freeze to death and after carefully crossing the ice field and the small islands off the coast Dax made Dax was freezing, and knew if he wanted to live he needed to warm up fast, so he made his way to the inn. But before he could make it to the inn a guard stopped in front of him said,

Once the guard walked away Dax made his way into the inn, and As he sat there, he wondered why the ship was so far off course, was it intentional, or was it an accident. He then gave thought to what the guard said about the vampires and the Dawnguard. After a few hours Dax decided that he would check out the Dawnguard, and put his dream of being a soldier for the Legion aside, as he knew that vampires were not a threat to be taken lightly.

Again this is my first story ever, so it will be bad, so any tips would be appreciated.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:23 pm

Shameless repost from the other thead, mostly because I don't know when my next big story based update will be XD

Great shots and stories as usual everyone!

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leigh stewart
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:38 pm

Off to a very good start I'd say. I never tried the shipwrecked intro before with Alternate Start. Nice. Looking forward to the tale.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:11 pm

Hey, don't sell yourself short! I thought it was a pretty good start to his story, I liked it. I know the pics were kinds dark because of where he was, so that was good, I know we'll get a better look at him soon enough. :) Would like to know more about his skills though, if you could work that in with a little more of his back story. Other than that, I look forward to reading more. :)

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james tait
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:07 am

Thank you.

I was going to get into his backstory later. But I'm glad you liked it.

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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:13 pm

To each their own, I think it fits the character but the important thing is you liked the story, :)
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:39 pm

Foolish mortals, who are you to challenge

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sam smith
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