I wonder was it caused by using the console commands that caused your problems Aurora as sometimes they can break quests.
I wonder was it caused by using the console commands that caused your problems Aurora as sometimes they can break quests.
I've recently come to the conclusion that no one like me in skyrim which means that the news of atrocities like This[/url an http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-23_00002_zps5f83cc8c.jpg~original an also http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-23_00001_zps52dbc14d.jpg are slowly but surely been spread around which means that during events like those an http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-22_00001_zps17898b7b.jpg an [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-21_00002_zpsda479a5b.jpg[This stupid farmer an this ever so funny [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-23_00004_zpsb90fb40b.jpg]couple[/ur] who were just trying to get some privacy an that poor women must love hairy guys an its safe to say that we all know what http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-23_00005_zpse157a827.jpg giants were upto before i put an end to their fun.
An call me crazy but this damn ice dragon is following me everywhere an i know its the same one as i put a few items that you normally dont get from a dragon but here he is in http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-23_00009_zps4c216d7a.jpg with the recent magma dragon i just killed an here he is at http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-23_00010_zps04dfa733.jpg an ive seen it outside the hall of aeir, rorikstead, morthal, alftand, nilhiem an just outside whiterun near silent moons camp.
ill get screenshots everytime i see him.
an here are two more one of me just after i killed the before mentioned http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-23_00008_zps67eb04ce.jpg an take note to notice were it is now because i didnt move it.
An one of me showing were my http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-23_00006_zps704dea73.jpg lies
i just wish that my beard didnt clip through the cowl.
for frack sake their is always something going wrong
Probably. I shouldn't have force-finished Proving Honor, instead used other commands to just force Vilkas out of Jorrvaskr (which I didn't learn about until later).
Damn you Vilkas, I'm mad at you right now! You can keep staring at Jelissa's ass, but as things are now, YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY!!!
Cool pics YolDovah. Thought I'd share two pics of my new character. His a remake of an old character.
As I said hopefully I stick with him for the end result.
I've actually tried, lol. It doesn't work. Well, there's two that work... Only the combat START and STOP works.(sheathing and unsheathing their weapon). But none of the combat attacks or whatever. The most you can do is make them ready their weapon or not.
What a shame cause i had a Dragonheart scene i wanted to recreate.
If it's any help, you can use the TAI command to freeze a dragon (or anything else) in mid-animation. Open the console, click on the NPC/creature, and type TAI.
http://i.imgur.com/2IB8GWb.jpg On her way in, she met a Khajiit caravan. She had not met many Khajiit, but was always delighted to talk to them. They were like her animal friends, except people! Gilly was unsure if that would be considered offensive, so she never brought it up around any Khajiit. http://i.imgur.com/elUpo7u.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/V0MpuY7.jpg She began to realize Elves were not as kindly looked upon in Skyrim as they were in Cyrodiil.
As night fell, Gilly's stomach was growling loudly. http://i.imgur.com/A6ZMzg3.jpg She understood the stereotype that Bosmer were often viewed as thieves. She was unsure of how true it was, since she had heard her father was a thief. Regardless, it was not true in her case.
http://i.imgur.com/sBqvO49.jpg Gilly was frightened at first, but as she looked at the Giant, it did not seem like it wanted to harm her. http://i.imgur.com/jsnSp1P.jpg. http://i.imgur.com/mQkgyxY.jpg The Giant motioned for her to follow him, and he took her inside of the camp, where he pointed at the Mammoth Cheese and the roasted Skeever, indicating she should eat. http://i.imgur.com/FhESaOR.jpg, so http://i.imgur.com/q5wN0wL.jpg. She stayed for a long time in the camp, hanging out with the Giants and http://i.imgur.com/hH223Js.jpg
I know i kinda tried that but unfortunately every dragon ive come across as been too stubborn to give me the pose i want.
Bloody dragons you would think that their been stubborn on purpose just because they know what i want.
Just one pose an almost 30 dragons have said or shouted "oh no we wont pose oh no we wont pose"
I might just install the flyable dragon mod an see if i can do the pose in dragon form if not it looks like i maybe getting back to fiddling with the creation kit just for 1 animation.
Why do i have to be my own worst enemy its also the reason i dont do long stories when i post or id go overboard with the story for just one shot.
An now to make matters worse my keyboard is dying looks like im getting new batteries next week.
Dawnguard content.
http://i.minus.com/ibj2oLbyGTCSS8.jpgas his men looked around for any survivors. "Attacking in broad daylight of all things. You must have found something that got them scared to do something this bold eh? So... what did you find?"
http://i.minus.com/ibnIZ1pliDegq9.jpg I replied with some hesitation. I did not regret my actions but I doubted he would understand. "We found a young female vampire incased in a tomb."
"That is all? Some sleeping vampire in a crypt?" Isran raised an eyebrow.
"No... there is more. Turns out she was sleeping with something she called an elder scroll."
"Well that's more like it then eh. But... where is it? Show me the scroll. If the vampires thought it important to lock it up with one of their kind then it must be worth something. And tell me you tore it from her corpse."
"You did what!" I felt Isran's breath as he shouted in my face. "You found a vampire with an elder scroll... the key to all the vampires might be up to and instead of killing her, or better bringing her here for interrogation you let her go? And with the scroll?! What the hell is wrong with you!"
"We did what we thought was best at the time." http://i.minus.com/i3S1apsAagyZ5.jpg "She had been in there for several hundred years at least and has no idea why she even had the scroll... and really no idea why she was locked up. Sure you have this war on vampires but we did not see any harm in her. If we were wrong then we take that responsibility but we do not work for you. We decide how we do things are we clear?" Talias did what he did best which was tower over Isran who simply growled stalked off towards the fort. http://i.minus.com/ibwiWrnkZS9v1z.jpg
"I don't feel we did anything wrong Talias but... maybe we should try and make this up to him. Look at this place. If a small vampire army rushed in here they would be lost."http://i.minus.com/iXFwHcx1qvTBj.jpg.
"Fine... If you insist." Talias tried hard to object but I knew he heard the truth in my words.
http://i.minus.com/iiPmuU0kXR661.jpg and asked that we find two old friends of his. Providing of course we didn't take them to Lord Harkan instead. http://i.minus.com/ibfpn2VD7zpV9k.jpg. "Don't worry, we'll find them and let them decide when they will come here http://i.minus.com/iRfT4TPbMkRmg.jpg This seemed to satisfy Isran http://i.minus.com/iw8k6GMqg659L.jpg. The first was an old hunter. Good with traps and animals Isran had said. The man liked a challenge and was last seen hunting bears in the Rift. http://i.minus.com/ibzWXo5fCwe1RP.jpg Getting him to join was simpler still. "Help me kill the mighty cave bear inside and I will head to the fort." http://i.minus.com/iztG3v846Mkc3.jpg
The other person Isran wanted us to recruit was a woman who liked to study dwemer artifacts. http://i.minus.com/idPRjMXDzXeNR.jpg Apparently she had discovered something and needed a dwemer cog. But as luck would have it, she had lost the ones she had collected.http://i.minus.com/ibiNFwUZvdHmBs.jpgsaid. She was to close to discovering something that leaving now without finishing it was simply not going to happen. Seeing no alternative Talias and I agreed to help her find some and ended up http://i.minus.com/ibaa9d3X8cyt2O.jpg. Maybe mud crabs or the rising current had swept them along. http://i.minus.com/ioDzROkPLNCkK.jpg
With the hunter and the architect recruited, http://i.minus.com/immvU5KhpGlgI.jpg http://i.minus.com/iboMG6uBE3uvui.jpgand exploring it was something Kharjo and I had not really done. Ironic then that I explore it a little with Talias. http://i.minus.com/iNdxkW8B9Opq0.jpg who were happy to have something to eat beside rabbit. Seeing the camp reminded me the war was still going on. But as a companion it was not my place to join... at least for now. From there we came across a fort with several forsworn archers on the walls. We might have simply walked by but their arrows decided for us and so we rushed into the fort to kill them all. That's how Talias and I were. Hostility was treated with the same measure it was dealt. They meant to kill us so we would kill them. http://i.minus.com/ikL72EHo39mRa.jpg
It was habit I guess but I dressed in the clothing of the first one we killed and turned to Talias. "Whatcha think Kharjo? Better on me then her right?"
"Kharjo?" Talias smirked. "Look I'm a nord but unless something happened the last time I transformed, I'm not covered in hair, pointy ears and fangs for teeth."
http://i.minus.com/ibntjNWyffAELn.jpg This was kinda my thing with him. We'd kill some forsworn and I'd dress as one of them. He would get mad and tell me to take it off..."
"Kharjo was a blind then... because the answer is simple. You do look better then those old hags did. Why I bet those Briar Hearts would probably request two briars sown in just to keep up with you. But if I said I didn't like them, would you strip them off?"
http://i.minus.com/ibyo96rYQEOz4u.jpg I shot him a teasing grin before we continued deeper into the fort. The forsworn presence did bring us some challenges, http://i.minus.com/ibxONuwW79sWpI.jpg Maybe I looked more like them in their clothing then I thought. http://i.minus.com/irpvgkM5LCMyY.jpg I was not about to complain. Eventually we made it to the top floor and found a Briar Heart male stalking about before a very bloody Dibella shrine.http://i.minus.com/i2eYXM17QRMoN.jpgbefore turning and http://i.minus.com/ibqqRYKlLIrkHb.jpg
http://i.minus.com/ibidfW0LsaoSHZ.jpg If so... I volunteer to be your test subject." http://i.minus.com/insVn9lsbw6El.jpg
http://i.minus.com/iI7D4kPL0DpJI.jpg I could not contain my devilish grin. http://i.minus.com/ibxluQXZsq1GKU.jpg http://i.minus.com/i4FtbEjLF2rWP.jpg
Talias knew right away that was exactly what he had said to me a couple of nights ago when we had both stood naked in our campsite after killing those Silver Hand. Hows that feel Talias. I was amused. I had no determinations of sleeping with him even though the temptations and the opportunities had been plentiful. But if he thought he could win me over and then play hard to get. Well two could play that game. And I was probably a lot more determined to win then he was. In my heart I still felt sworn to Kharjo.
http://i.minus.com/ilsA2JUv4znki.jpg and we both agreed to carry on to Jorrvaskr and spend the night there. http://i.minus.com/invENmmV1S0G8.jpg and http://i.minus.com/iFYzZOBnX0YOu.jpg greeted http://i.minus.com/iqxE8adKIoCB.jpg but it was Aela I was looking for http://i.minus.com/iNceCw4F5Jgpd.jpg Together we sat down by the outer wall and I updated her on the Silver Hand situation and how small their numbers had been in that cave. http://i.minus.com/iVxTQ9EmoXDF6.jpg But the job she said was not done http://i.minus.com/iDAswNO373euV.jpg She said I looked tired and should spend the night in bed and in the morning she would have something for me to do. And she was also happy to see I still faithfully http://i.minus.com/iOddxZfdz4XMl.jpg
I bid her goodnight and together http://i.minus.com/i9No6P2tmJRbu.jpg. Aela was right. I was tired and was not even sure how I made it down the stairs to the shared living area. But troubled dreams of http://i.minus.com/iPWdhM9WOhA58.jpg our http://i.minus.com/ibvh1a73MH2ryh.jpg aside, I spent the night sleeping like a baby.
I hope you can get it fixed somehow Aurora! Jelissa deserves it, great story and shots btw.
Michael, that's too bad about Jenassa! Good story too! Where is she going next?
I was Awwing over Gilly's predicament. I like her.
Res, that's great, give that big guy some comeuppance! Story is going great, and love the shots!
It's getting hard to keep up with this thread since yesterday!
My summoned pet decided to go for a swim while I http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577866905479388952/444F8754BEE6DE9A7712617C0C2BD34EFAB7FA83/
It's that time again!
Can you guess whose http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577866905479398344/D55019D96D5D4A54BDDFF60112A2CFFB7965365F/ this is?
I know one thing if he gives me the evil eye again im gonna serve him up with some soy sauce.
I don't claim to be the best screen-shotter on the forum; others deserve that honor. Their pictures are legendary. All I ask is a fair chance.
It's not easy being a console gamer playing Skyrim, I know. But be patient, and people will come to respect you.
First of all no one should be taking title off the best screen taker especially on pc where we have it easier an I play on both 360 an pc an half the shots I've put up on here I wouldn't of been able to take on console due to the lack of console commands.
That said how hard would it be to implement simple commands for console via the start menu after all if a piece of crap like cod can do it then surely other games could do it press 1 button to start recording an the same to stop then edit it in the main menu.
Anyway back on topic before the said abovementioned becomes an essay.
So yeah their good an we are all as good as each other.
It's just vain, arrogant an egotistical to say or claim your better then anyone else an I may off ran into people who seem that way but not in this thread.
So don't worry about what you can an can't do an just appreciate what you got.
I wonder what he would taste like an just what are those tentacles made from an I do n t know why but I have a feeling Hev May know either way one more time an I'm going Pac-Man on his [censored].
The feel of his tentacles flowing through my mind, enlightening me with forbidden knowledge... ahhhh...
Fortunately for you mortals, I don't have a picture of that... yet...
Lol I give it 12 hours of gaming before you get it.
Now go make him your [censored]
Correct. I was attempting to be mildly humorous. Maybe some people have not been to Whiterun much, or perhaps I've been playing this game a little too long!?
Do you get to use console commands very often? Oh, what am I saying!? Of course you don't!