1,000? By the gods... The game can only handle a max of about 400 before crashing from severe memory overload. lol
1,000? By the gods... The game can only handle a max of about 400 before crashing from severe memory overload. lol
I know
Wish i knew it before that though
Anyway their can be only http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-20_00001_zps42732eee.jpg~original
I am the Highlander
Beautiful indeed, nice job on the visual representation of CHIM. Real nice.
Wow. Just wow. *wipes a tear from his eye*
"When you shake the Dragon, do it just so, slightest shake too much or too little, too wide or too narrow, unintended consequences abound arise."
To outer-planes and back, Jnaggo Mezalf had journeyed. Mission of importance, to few of his and her had such honours; Dumac Dwarf-King's words commanded purpose unto him, none dare deny such uttering from up lofty height. The search had taken too long though, Jnaggo knew it. Odd feelings awash, his journey back, none did he encounter of his own. Daedra mostly, something like Chimer and yet not, a few men (perhaps most curious at all) but yet none of his own.
Inter-planar travel was shaky, one wrong turn and Hircine's hunting grounds it was. The final jump, further juxtaposition errors, summoning chamber the target, but missed. http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff486/Dean_Gillett/Skyrim%20-%20Jnaggo%20Mezalf/2013-06-19_00002.jpg?t=1371708837. A poor state of affairs greeted him, no Tonal Architect would let this sorriness come to pass. Further explanation was required. Deeper do we drive; onward to unknowings.
Travesty; Innumerable impossibilities. http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff486/Dean_Gillett/Skyrim%20-%20Jnaggo%20Mezalf/2013-06-19_00003.jpg?t=1371708844 Unwelcomed, unfitting, ungreeted, trespassers. http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff486/Dean_Gillett/Skyrim%20-%20Jnaggo%20Mezalf/2013-06-19_00004.jpg.
Interlopers, unrequited in their presence; http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff486/Dean_Gillett/Skyrim%20-%20Jnaggo%20Mezalf/2013-06-19_00005.jpg?t=1371708872.
Open chamber, the echoes of intellect-pvssyr rang high, almost drowning out the cries of man and clink of animunculi did Jnaggo stumble upon. http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff486/Dean_Gillett/Skyrim%20-%20Jnaggo%20Mezalf/2013-06-19_00006.jpg. And another, one final interloper begging and pleading, no remorse. http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff486/Dean_Gillett/Skyrim%20-%20Jnaggo%20Mezalf/2013-06-19_00007.jpg
No more interlopers made themselves known, grief overtook him. The wrongness of it all. Steam hissed as clamps disengaged, Jnaggo removing helm to see what was home with eyes of his own, not blurred by AnimOS. A chair nearby beckoned, peace for now, http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff486/Dean_Gillett/Skyrim%20-%20Jnaggo%20Mezalf/2013-06-19_00008.jpg.
Elf Lord: Novel way to introduce a new character. He..llo Steffan !
Pity you had to kill Fawn off though, she was cool.
Me too!
And, ain't he a cute little...thing?
Good... You don't want to incur the Snow Prince's wrath.
I've been meaning to do something like that... never got around to it though...
At first I thought he was a cyborg, lol.
Tonal architect recommendation for traversing the outer realms for the less experienced (or at least that is what I am rolling with*). Of course, you have presented a reason why such an attire will not last.. but in due time.
*As an aside, the gear is incredibly OP for low levels and I probably wouldn't be using it to start with if not for RP purposes.
That was ... different. Me like!
Damn, you're brutal! Poor little Fawn! I sense vengeance in the air...
And I have to agree with Shaherazad:
Velorien, i applaud you and the story of Veruca. I am very sad to see her go. At first i was put off by her look, and wondered if she would be turning to the dark side of the force... But she won me over, and your captures and story are worthy of an award - if they were given out here!
IMHO, she will be a hard act to follow.
Thanks guys!
It does seem a bit brutal I admit. But Fawn, cute though she was, was never going to be a "keeper".
So I thought I'd give her a good exit and introduce her brother at the same time. He's my first human male character, so I'm in uncharted territory.
I understand. I would want to put a character into something that made sense in the context of their environment and character as well. Skimpy outfits, while pleasant (VERY much so!) seem out of place. As much as I hate to say it, armor that actually would do the job as intended is the best...
I know. That's why I put Lydia in http://i.minus.com/iNEfTxBM1bRHv.jpg, and always felt a little bad to have Erik run around like http://i.minus.com/ibtYG5xUk8UE06.jpg, and eventually change it for http://i.minus.com/i3gEQoa3K5a4O.jpg... Jelissa usually only wears skimpy when she's http://i.minus.com/itYuh3UQCCOsZ.jpg. Look at it as work out clothes. Of course, in that case, she also wanted to tease the teacher.
Or Gilly, for short. Gilly is a Wood Elf who is currently trying to keep herself alive day by day in Skyrim. Her mother died giving birth to her, and she never knew her father. She was raised by her grandfather in Cyrodiil, who was too old to take care of her for the most part, so she was mostly raised in the wilderness by some of the various creatures in Cyrodiil. Gilly is no hero. She's never even held a weapon, and has no taste for killing. Survival has always been a struggle for Gilly, but her positive attitude, love of nature, and sense of adventure have always gotten her through the day.
Waking up with her stomach growling, Gilly went out in search of food. http://i.imgur.com/5L1E5Qx.jpg
She never knew her homeland, but tales of it and its walking tree cities had always inspired her.
http://i.imgur.com/bIqsyEo.jpg Even animals that were normally hostile to others, such as wolves or bears--sometimes even trolls!--would treat her kindly and warmly, and she treated them the same way.
http://i.imgur.com/h6C2lb8.jpg She asked if he had any food he could part with. The hunter eyed her up and down, then offered instead to teach her how to fish. http://i.imgur.com/7vLKeE5.jpg
And then immediately threw it back. When the hunter asked why she did that, Gilly explained with a wide grin, http://i.imgur.com/NNtgEuD.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/IAFjMYI.jpg Gilly explained that she did not mind if others killed the fish, she had seen enough of nature to understand that it feeds on itself, but she just could not bring herself to kill things on purpose.
As it grew dark, the hunter approached her.
I'm going to be handling Gilly a lot differently than my previous characters. I don't really have any specific plans for her story, so she and Skyrim will be in charge of what she does. I'll also be going a little more hardcoe with my roleplaying and requiring her to eat once a day and sleep a reasonable amount.
What this means is the updates will probably be shorter and more screenshot-oriented, with the story not particularly focused in one consistent direction. On the flip side, I'll likely to get to show more detail and personality in Gilly than with previous characters.
The reason for this is I've found that I usually get sick of playing a character about 3/4 of the way through their story. It's also less time consuming on my part since I'm starting to work full-time again next week, and I can spend more time playing and less time organizing a storyline.
I'm not going to lie. It's been awhile since I've genuinely had a http://lackadaisy.foxprints.com/gallery/rocky_dawww.jpg moment.
Gilly looks great Velorien. Looks like you got pin up poser working? She seems like an interesting character. I don't see how you can cause her to be over powered or something.
Here's a simple question or two for you all to answer.
Are all your shots in third person?
I only ask cause ive not seen one taken in first person from the players point of view seeing what their seeing.
Also do you all use the puppeteer mod?