I shoot 99% of mine in third person and free roam the camera. And I use puppeteer mod. Would like to use pinup but can't figure out the supporting FNIS program it requires.
I shoot 99% of mine in third person and free roam the camera. And I use puppeteer mod. Would like to use pinup but can't figure out the supporting FNIS program it requires.
Most of the shots I take are done in third person. I'll do things like over the shoulder shots if two characters are having a conversation, although I do occasionally use first person to take shots that don't really have any characters in it, like a shot of the forests and mountains, or the sky etc.
I use the Puppeteer mod, IMO it's an invaluable tool for taking shots that can mirror what's going on in the story, as opposed to all the characters just standing around.
Random shot.
I love my new graphic card.
Having emotions doesn't make you a milk drinker, Michael !!
It makes you a Human Being.
I too felt like killing stormcloaks after reading Elf Lords story Michael so you aren't alone there.
tell me about it, there are soooooo many things that I would LOVE to do with FNIS but the mod just worries me after I had it make entering castle volkihar impossible without the game CTDing
Ok i may not be prideful or arrogant of any of my screen shots but i just gotta say that this one of http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/QUARREL/2013-06-20_00005_zpsafeed12c.jpg~original is freaking beautiful wit the sky an crescent moon behind it as the sun sets an sure i could make it better but to be honest having anything else in that shot would ruin it from a photographers point of view.
Unless parthanax was to be perched on top looking towards whiterun with his wings spread out an shouting Yol Toor Shul
Bah, I can't hold it in much longer: Gilly looks like the Adoring Fan.
So you're saying all Wood Elves look the same, huh?
Good to see you here Senor C!
Nice pics. I take it this is your Stealth Archer.
Indeed. That is Tyst Farval. My Imperial death from afar. That shot was from two cells away... well, not really but you get the idea. We went to loot the body and was humored by the arrow sticking out the front of the face.
It was like a Big Bass moment on the Okeechobee.
Just a bit of a teaser, I'll be diving into this new character once I get some mods installed. I don't intend to go too crazy with the story telling, just don't have the time XD I do intend to do something lengthy for Dawnguard though, when I get around to it.
Anyway, here is Jirard Fortier. A Breton (and a bit of a drunk) born and raised in Morrowind, he grew up an orphan and eventually fell in with the Vigilants of Stendarr his tenure was short lived however . Since then he's left to seek fortune on his own terms - fighting beasts and hunting creatures like werewolves and vampires, smiting necromancers and daedra worshipers. His travels have taken him to Skyrim, fresh land, a fresh start and there have been rumors of dragons about. Can't pass up the chance to fight one.
http://i.minus.com/ilkSDfif5lU8k.png, I'll take snow over ash any day.
That was quite a long trip... http://i.minus.com/iOu0sZ2PJrGQb.png. Need to restock on the essentials.
"http://i.minus.com/ibucNUUMw1Djh1.png. I hear you Nords really know how to brew it." That was the last of my coin, I guess it's time to find a job.
Well well. http://i.minus.com/ibpAGP5iPv8zZM.png.
If this is Skyrim, http://i.minus.com/iomDQnO55URT9.png.
I see his rocking the Armor of Intrigue. Another good armor that customisable.
I did not say anything. Read my post again please.
I wasn't aware that the Adoring Fan looked THAT cute.
Right, but I mean, http://i.imgur.com/PAdqUTo.jpg and http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m238/Sky-Lance/Oblivion%20Screens/Vai/ScreenShot8.png have completely different hair styles, hair colors, eye colors, eyebrows, facial structures, even the way their ears are pointed is different. The only two things they share in common are skin color and pointed ears--the two things all Wood Elves have in common. Hence, the only way to think they look alike is to say that all Wood Elves look alike.
Aww, 'bye Veruca, you'll be missed!
That was so good, but I hate that the journey is done, at least on our plane!
I love this, and await more! I can't imagine how he would feel...what will he do??
Gilly is gorgeous!
More of Nieve please.
Great shots Senor Cinco!
Jirad is looking to be fun!
Wow, so much new stuff to catch up on!
Little too under the weather for a full update, but here's a preview of the result of a spell I was test driving
All of those are summoned undead (save for Lamae and Marcurio)