You've been a bad slave...
Amativ nu!
You've been a bad slave...
Amativ nu!
That poor poor draugr but from the description I was expecting it to be one from your snow elf involving tullius an elewen.
Velorien: Gilly is so cute.
She's more like a Pixie than an Elf.
Turikan: Jirard!
Nice stuff Turikan. You've ninja'd me on the Armour of Intrigue !
The Reluctant Dragonborn
Three days after burying Fawn, I headed for Falkreth to meet her brother Steffan. A meeting I was dreading. Steffan Helstrom has been my friend since childhood. He is, by turns, the most charming/infuriating, ruthless/compassionate, profound/shallow, man I've ever known. He relishes a good fight, is addicted to pretty girls, is a fierce friend and an even fiercer enemy. A man I am proud to call my friend.
At the inn, I booked a room. I wasn't going to break my tragic news in a crowded bar. It seemed that I'd be using the room to sleep in as the day wore on and there was no sign of Steffan. Then, late in the evening, I heard a commotion in the main room. I stood in the doorway and saw a large Redguard confronting The arguement seemed to be about whether the hooded man drank milk. The resulting fight was short and bloody. Looting a purse from the Redguard's body, the man gave it to the inn keeper, apologised for the disturbance and approached me.
"Hello Steff." I replied, "What's with the "mysterious stranger" routine?"
"Oh that." he grinned, removing the hood.
"Certain irate husbands no doubt."
"Are there any other kind of husbands?" he said, "Nieve, you'll never guess what happened to me!" I say almost unbelievable because, although Steffan is prone to "embellish" his tales of derring-do, he never lies. And for once I wanted his story to last as it postponed my own news. Apparently Steff got wind of some bandits holed up in Bleak Falls Barrow so, hoping to collect a bounty, he went after them.
"The place was swarming with Draugr and Frostbite Spiders.!"
"Are we talking an army of Draugr or just dozens?" I grinned, "And how many Spiders?"
"Ok. Several Draugr and one Spider!" he sighed, "Anyway, eventually"
"Millions?" And there was this He paused for effect. "As I got closer to the wall, I heard a chanting and some of the symbols glowed. It went pitch black and some sort of..beams shot into me!"
"It's true Nieve, I swear. Oh, and did I mention the dragon?"
"Yeah! A huge black thing. Flying towards Whiterun!"
"Steff, when was this?"
"Day before yesterday. Anyway I went to Whiterun to warn them, but they'd already been alerted to it." he said, "While I was in Dragonsreach reporting what I'd seen to the Jarl, a guard rushed in shouting that a dragon was attacking a watchtower. I don't know how, but Balgruuf assumed that I was some sort of expert on Dragons and asked me to help."
"I wonder how he got that idea!" I laughed.
"Ha Ha, very funny!" he said, "Well, I got to the tower and sure enough a dragon was attacking. Not the big black bugger I'd seen though. We fought I finally The beast burst into flames and The rest of the guard gathered round.."
"The rest of the guard?" I asked, "I thought you were alone!"
"Didn't I mention them? He told me to try and "shout", so I did and kno cked the lot of them on their backs! Irileth, the Jarl's housecarl told me to report to Balgruuf. As I neared the city gates, the air and ground shook as a booming voice called out "DOVAHKIIN!"
"And?" I was intrigued.
"Well, apparently it was the Greybeards, who live on the Throat of the World, calling me to go to them. According to Balgruuf that is."
"That's pretty amazing stuff!" I said. "Are you going to see them?"
"I don't believe a word of it, but I might go to High Hrothgar out of curiosity. I'll bet Fawn'll get a kick out of being sister to the Dragonborn."
I remained silent, the dread moment had arrived.
The next few minutes were the longest and most painful of my life. I told Steffan of the incident with the drunks and how I found Fawn dead at the lake shore. I told how I, with the villgers of Riverwood had buried her in the family plot. He wanted to know all the details and , though it broke my heart, I spared him nothing.
After a long silence, he finally spoke, his voice breaking with emotion. "Thanks Nieve. That can't have been easy for you. And thanks for laying her to rest with Mom and Dad. She'd like that.
I merely nodded and squeezed his hand. "I loved her too Steff."
His face hardened. "Do you think it was those drunken bastards Nieve?"
"I don't know Steff. It's possible. Look, there's a Stormcloak camp near Helgen. We could go there and ask around if you like."
"Let's do that." he said grimly.
To be continued...
What armour is she wearing as i love the color an look off it.
Yet another update for Lamae
The two Vampires quickly entered the tavern and located Marcurio, as the three went upstairs Marc bowed before Lamae, Is it time to begin preparations?" Lamae silently nodded before turning to Annekke.
"I need you to return to Falkreath, begin spreading my gift once again and bring others you can find under my rule; now go, quickly." to persue her lady's orders as The Blood Matron turned back to her lieutenant, "now tell me, what progress have you made?" Lamae gave Marc a stern look, determination written all over her face., but I believe you’ll like our first stop. It seems the small village of Morthal is having some odd problems, and while I can't prove it I believe Movarth to be behind it." Lamae snickered before responding. Lamae and Marc made their way out of Riften and once they were out of sight evaporated into a cloud of bats, once in Morthal it didn't take long before a young woman approached them both, focusing her scowl on Lamae as she spoke. know that this town and it's blood belongs to me." The Vampire Queen almost laughed out loud before addressing the not so subtle threat. I suggest you scurry back to whatever hole you crawled out of before you make me angry." Taken aback the fledgling vampire scurried out of view, unsure of what to make of the retort. who explained that a recent fire burnt a house to the ground killing the wife and child of a local man who was now living with a new lover named Alva. The town suspects the husband set the fire but there's no proof. The two left after hearing what the Jarl had to say. Marc exclaimed, "The burnt house is around the corner, perhaps there's a clue." Nodding Lamae led them both to the burnt rubble and to her surprise found the spirit of a young girl.
"Hi my name's Helgi," The child's spirit spoke to Lamae as if she didn't know she was dead, the ancient vampire knelt down and spoke to Helgi.
"Do you know who did all this child?" The spirit happily nodded before speaking again.
“But first I wanna play a game, if you find me I'll tell you what you want to know." With that the small spirit disappeared and Lamae turned to Marc.
"My lady, when we first arrived here I noticed a small grave behind the house." Lamae nodded and the two made their way thwre to find a small unearthed coffin and yet another young vampire near it, upon seeing both of them she went berserk.
"She's mine! You can't have her! I'll keep her forever!" The crazed vampire lunged at Lamae but before she could put down the creature herself a bolt of lightning shot from Marc's hands and put her out of her misery. While searching the body Lamae discovered a small journal in which the vampire, apparently named Laellette, discussed Alva and how she had thralled Hroggar. The entries devolved into madness as she began to obsess over turning little Helgi.
Armed with new knowledge the two made their way towards Alva's house stopping a few yards away from it as, "I want you to stay here and wait for me," Marc nodded as Lamae walked towards the house and let an illusion of invisibility envelop her. Inside was Hroggar and before he knew what was going on She took care to drain just enough to cause unconsciousness while forcing the dark gift into his veins. With Hroggar subdued Lamae traveled downstairs to find the fledgling’s coffin and a journal.
The journal detailed the events perfectly, it seems Alva had set the fire and just as Marcurio had expected it was Movarth that started it all. with the journal in tow Lamae delivered the news to the Jarl., however, the journal mentions Movarth, I had thought he was dead but I was apparently wrong, take a few able bodies citizens and root the vampire out." The usually quiet. Jarl barked out the orders and when the two left there was already a crowd waiting.
The mob followed the two vampires to a nearby cave but before any of the could enter Lamae turned to them, Confused the villagers watched in horror as Lamae a horific creature and each and every one of them. With the last of the group dead Lamae changed back and the two entered the cave. while the spiders paid them no mind.
As they entered what served as the main hall Lamae heared a familiar voice. Lamae didn't allow Movarth to finish his thought. from the comfortable castle life you enjoyed during my rule child." Lamae could almost feel the fear catch in his throat as he heard her voice. were...they...." The Blood Matron laughed before responding.
"They what? Killed me?" She let out another round of cackles, "No, those foolish hunters failed though my rule was crippled; I’ve merely been sleeping, now, however, the time has come for me to reclaim what is rightfully mine!" Lamae walked slowly up to Movarth's chair and Fear dripped from every word that left his mouth. patiently for my instructions and you will cease all torment on the nearby town for all they know you will be dead. Am I understood?" Lamae's expression had turned a scowl by then and Movarth simply nodded as Marc and Lamae left the small coven.The Jarl was happy to see the two had returned successful but sddened to hear of the death if her villagers and as they both left the town hall Lamae looked towards the horizon to see dawn approaching, “Come, the sun is almost up and I’m tired of this town.” Marcurio moved in close as Lamae readied the teleportation spell that took them both back to her lair.
Lamae slowly made her way to her coffin and closed her eyes, and not long after sleep took her the visage of Molag Bal appeared, “I have more work for you Lamae,” The word snaked out of his mouth and echoed in her head, “An old name has resurfaced, the Volkihar,” Lamae knew exactly who her Lord was refering to, and she always knew his family would be trouble, “They are moving towards a potentially disasterous goal for your kind, I’ll leave the details on how you deal with them up to you Blood Queen.” His face faded and his words dissipated as sleep fully took her and after a few hours Lamae
Hope you enjoyed it, next time...Dawnguard!
Ah someone else rocking the Armor of Intrigue. Good story so far Elf Lord. I would post something myself but am having trouble deciding what kind of character to play next.
Yeah Armor of Intrigue is pretty great, I intend to use it as just sort of his cold weather attire. I like how modular it is too.
Thanks Revan .
It's called Crimson Ranger.
Great stuff Ecrulis !!
I've been meaning to ask you Ecrulis have you encountered the vampire face bug? Just every vampire I make has that problem.
Which bug? Do you mean the one where the face is much darker and the lips are nearly white? if so than very, very rarely, most of the vampires I turn have the bat face and the few that don't also seem to not have that bug, Serana has that bug if I use her normal face (which I don't I have a mod that changes her appearance that also happens to fix that bug).
Its a face bug where the face looks like it has dirt on it and it gets worse over time.
Great stuff Elf Lord and Ecrulis.
What armor are you using for Lamae? I like the pants even though you don't seem to show much past the neck there Ecrulis haha. BTW did they fix the Vampire Lord and free roam camera issue? I know it never worked to TFC or TFC 1 when in vampire lord form.
@ Aurora. Stories from me are lacking as while I have a working computer, I got into another game while my PC was broken. I'm finishing that first before jumping back into Salessi's story.
Its the West Wind Assault armor mod, same modder* as the misfit mage stuff, and I'm not sure I don't use tfc 1 in vamp lord form
Oh. will give it a try and see. I couldn't tell from your pics. Could you save and then try TFC 1 in vampire lord form and let me know what happens? please and thanks. Its one (of a few) reasons I don't play a vampire.
Sure, when I get home I'll give it a try and let you know
Thanks. what it usually does is go into free camera mode, then without you changing it back, will revert back on its own and you will lose the ability to perform any actions. so thats why I recommend saving first just in case you can't bring up your menue. I usually brought up the console command and entered qqq to exit the game. would be fine again when turning on the game.
Sadly, I uninstalled Skyrim on my PC so I only have one rather crappy screenshot from October.
Oh I know what it usually does I'll be leaving work in a few hours so I'll let ya know then.
Something quite bizarre just happened to me, most likely as a result of two mods interacting with eachother. One is a mod that enables collisions for ragdoll corpses, second is one that enables random dragon attacks in cities.
So I had a sudden dragon attack in Solitude. After the dragon was slain, I found Octieve San (the old drinking guy) standing with his arms crossed atop the dragon's skeleton, as if he wanted to steal all the glory for himself. Then the skeleton flipped over, and he somehow died from the fall.