Show Us Your Screenshots! #89

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:20 am

Screenshot Guidelines ( MUST READ BEFORE POSTING! ):
(Thanks to bashur and Matthew Kaine(?) for the original versions of this set of guidelines over in the Oblivion Mods section )

  • No criticism should be directed at a person - only constructive criticism at the posters work
    • How you should not post criticism: "That screenshot is really lame! The poster needs to learn how to screenshot!"
    • How you should post criticism: "I'm not really a fan of that screenshot; In my opinion it could use a little more flair. Maybe try to have the angle at a diagonal slant with the sun behind them, that will give them a nice silhouette."
  • If you find a post offensive, REPORT IT !
    • Moderators know to to quickly deal with any situation of this nature, and will remove any offensive posts.
    • Arguing, instigating, or making demands regarding the post invariably ends up worsening the situation.
    • Not following the above rules could result in all involved parties getting a warning, even those defending themselves.
  • Commenting on a posters style of play in screenshots:
    • Members have a wide variety of playing styles and of capturing screenshots.
    • No subjective (or moral, ethnic, political, religious, cultural, social, sixual, etc.) preferences should be dictated to others as right or wrong in this thread.
    • All members are encouraged to post their screenshots regardless of their style of play, as long as they stay within the rules of this forum and thread.

Messages from the Moderators regarding this thread
"If someone barrels in and decides that the opening post guidelines for this thread are not applicable to them,
just report them, don't bother responding. Criticism for screenshots is fine, as long as it's constructive.
"I think it's stupid" and comments of that ilk? Are not criticism. They're just rather belligerant.
Don't like a particular screenshot - then don't bloody comment." - Leydenne

"This is not the place to troll, flame, or spam others. You all are here to share ideas, converse, and have a good time.
We don't want anyone to spoil the party, so if someone happens to come along with those intentions
please use the report button and ignore that person's post (Do not reply to them or acknowledge them).
We will then take the appropriate action to cull the situation and remove the problem." - DreadLord

"You cannot take assets from another game and use them in Oblivion, and that includes other BGS games.
What you do on your own computer is up to you but we don't want to hear about it or see it." - Rohugh

"User made and modified in game characters depicting children must be fully clothed and not be posed in a way to be considered provocative.
The moderators have full authority to determine this and issue warns/suspensions/bans if required.
Likewise any screenshots depicting child killing will also be dealt with accordingly." - From Moderators and Forum Admin


"If you don't care for a particular screenshot, you do not need to comment on it. If you have constructive feedback, that is fine. And people receiving polite feedback, don't get your back up.

But just because you don't like some of the looks, or feel they show too much skin, or whatever, as long as they do not break our forum rules, you'll have to restrain yourself. Sorry- no one cares if you don't like the skimpy shots. Sure, some of them may be over the top or whatever, or simply not to one's taste, but again- if they do not break our screenshot rules, then they are fine.

Post screenshots that are pretty, that are fun, or funny or scenic. Be kind to each other. Or don't bother with the thread."- Leydenne

Tips (under development)
Camera Tips (for basic screenshots without a third-party program):

  • Press F on your keyboard to switch back and forth from first, to third-person view
  • Press and hold F to change the camera angle by moving your mouse around. This will rotate the camera around your character.
    • A side-to-side mouse movement will rotate the camera around your player
    • A forwards-backwards mouse movement will tilt the camera angle above or below your character
    • The mouse scroll wheel will move the camera closer or farther away
  • You can equip your weapon and/or cast a spell in this position as long as you continue to hold F
  • Press the "Print Screen" or "Prt Scr" button at any time to take your shot.
    • Be careful not to take them too close together or you'll accidentally capture the "screen shot created" message in your shot if your UI is still enabled (see below).

How to disable the UI (Stats Bars, Compass, etc):

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TM
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • Your UI (User Interface) should now be gone
    • To re-enable your UI, type TM in the console again using the steps above

How to enable Free-Flying Camera mode:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TFC
  • OR type TFC 1 to pause the action and enable the free camera.
  • CAUTION: Animations and gametime passage may be suspended with TFC 1, but script functions are not. Scripts may still trigger events even while the actors or props they manipulate are still frozen.
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • You can then move the camera around using the same keys you would normally use to move your character.
    • To go back to normal, type TFC in the console again using the steps above
  • To change the speed in which the freecam moves, use the console command SUCSM (x), where (x) is the speed multiplier. Default appears to be about 10, which may be unwieldy.

How to panrotate camera while walking:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type ANIMCAM
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • You can now rotate the camera around your character while walking/fighting etc.
    • To go back to normal, type ANIMCAM in the console again using the steps above

How to Disable the AI of any Creature/NPC:

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TAI
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • Entering the command while no actor is selected will cause all actors to stand at idle (but still have idle animation).
  • Using while an actor is selected will freeze them in-place.
  • To return to normal, type TAI in the console again, and press enter.

How to remove Collision from your Character (Clipping):

  • Open the console by pressing the "~" key on your keyboard
    • This key is located next to your "1" key, above your "TAB" key, and usually below your "ESC" key
    • This will bring up the console, you'll notice a place at the bottom left of your screen where you are now able to type
  • Type TCL
  • Press ENTER
  • Then close the console by pressing "~" again
  • To return to normal, type TCL in the console again, and press enter

How to post your screenshots

  • Upload to an image hosting site. There are many popular options for doing so, including a built-in service with Steam. Per asgard: From steam's screenshot manager, you simply select a pic, then hit the upload button. Then you click on 'View online library'where you can manage all your uploaded pics.
  • Copy the URL for your image. The image hosting site you choose usually has a box with code to pick from. You'll want to get the code that refers to BBCode, and a direct URL. Do not bother with getting BBCode Image coding, as this forum does not support embedded images in posts.
  • When you post your screenshot, it's often nice to include some flavor text, rather than just posting an undescriptive URL.
  • The best way to do that is to type out the following: [ url = " TYPE YOUR URL HERE " ] TYPE NAME HERE [ / url ] (without spaces)

How to swap out animations (pre CK, PC only)

  • Until pose mods come out, this method is the best option for making your character do things that NPCs can do!
  • You'll need a .bsa extractor. I (Eisoj5) am using a Fallout3 extractor for the time being, but there are more options out there.
  • Open the Skyrim - Animations.bsa file in your .bsa extractor. The animations for character and NPCs are located in themeshes\actors\character\animationsfolder within that file.
  • Extract the animations you want to play with. I (Eisoj5) have a separate folder for all the random stuff I like to mess with/add to Skyrim, so I put them in that folder.
  • Rename the animation you want to use ingame to sneakmtidle.hkx .
  • Copy your new sneakmtidle.hkx to Skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations. (You will have to create these subfolders if they do not already exist in your directory.)
  • In game, simply press the sneak button and your swapped animation should begin to play! Keep in mind this is only when you're sneaking and not moving. Moving will return to the regular sneak motion animation.
  • To get back to the normal sneak idle animation, just delete sneakmtidle.hkx fromSkyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations.

Lighting Tips (courtesy of UKnightwatch)

To avoid bad lighting, I try to;

  • Not have a bright light directly behind subject
  • Not have a very bright light too close to front of subject
  • Not aim camera directly at a bright light
  • Turn my character into good lighting
  • Make good use of character items such as torch or spells that cast light and such if available

On PC;

Make use of the 'tfc' feature to move the camera accordingly to avoid bad lighting - see begining of this thread

I realise we are not all super smart when it comes to using art packages on PC (points at self as example of dimness) and we do not all have access to professional software - this has its problems.

If you are using a PC, there are some free to download image manipulating programs available - your search engine is your friend! Free software can be very basic but that is all we need. A little time taken to learn the basics of such free programs can pay off really well and bring our screenshots [more] to life.

Using FOV

FOV, or "field-of-view/vision", can help you zoom in for even better close-up shots.

  • Open the console using the ` key.
  • Type fov ##, where lower numbers equal a tighter zoom and higher numbers a wide angle. Close the console.
  • The game is preset to fov 65. FOVs lower than 50 are great for close-ups, but can be hard to frame if your TFC speed is high.
  • To get back to your normal setting, open the console and type either just fov again or fov 65.


Here's a small list of mods to make your screenshots more interesting and actractive

  • This mod brings you a figurines allowing you to control yourself, and a special spell that can turn any NPC into brainless puppet doing any animation you want.
  • Pinup style poses for your female character... or your male, if you're into that sort of thing ( needed for the mod to work)
  • Removes most of the blurriness from finisher moves and reduce the number of camera cuts in most moves
  • Removes drop of blood from screen
  • Adds footprints to the player, NPCs, and creatures
  • Adds a snowy visual effect to the player and NPCs when snow is falling. Effects all live and deceased NPCs and wildlife with-in a set radius.
  • When drawing an arrow, the arrowhead rests on the hand of all places. Unless you like having a sliced up hand, resting an arrow's head on your hand while it's nocked and drawn is a bad idea.

You may find these guide useful:, so you won't be lost in all those awesome animations and poses

Dragonborn and Dawnguard pictures can be posted in here. Please advise in your post that the following links in the spoiler tag are from Dragonborn or Dawnguard. PLEASE use the SPOILER TAG Armor from any DLC is fine but quest related locations/persons or battles may be stuff the rest of us have not seen yet.

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jennie xhx
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:50 am

What about you stranger? Do you have any good pranks?



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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:18 am

:lmao: The good people of Riverwood surely must very hospitable and open-minded about things! Love these two:

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:15 pm

Yikes! I didn't even know Draugr could open their mouths, much less having tongues.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:40 am

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Emily Graham
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:21 am

Dawnguard spoilers ahead.

Spoiler It was with caution that Serana and I began to make our way across the bridge, But none did. In fact unlike what I was prepared for, we arrived at the front gate and were greeted by an old guard who recognized Serana instantly and welcomed her home warmly. While that did seem comforting, I knew what I was walking into and I guess our travel across the land had been enough time for her to learn that about me. was an understatement as through the dim light we made our way towards the great hall. and to my right, It was disgusting to me, repulsive even and I had swore to be on my best behavior and was determined to live up to that promise. Some of you might wonder why vampires eating flesh was repulsive to me as I am a werewolf. But I see it differently. They feed to survive... preying upon the weak. I could see marks of shackles upon their wrists and ankles. I feed in battle, using the warm blood of my enemies to give me strength. I don't prey upon the weak and I certainly didn't need to eat flesh while in mortal form. There was no desire., a man who stepped forward and greeted Serena whom I instantly knew had to be her father. He welcomed his daughter back warmly but expressed displeasure in her mother who had hidden her from him it seemed. Seemed he was rather eager to kill her mother and put her head on a pike. Not exactly who I would call husband and father of the year... or century... how ever old he was. he turned his cold gaze to me. Serena answered her father. you have already told her of our little secret but did she tell you of hers?" He continued. the lord sighed deeply. "I am disappointed in you child. How dare you let her in. Can you not smell her stench?, I am sure you can understand my hatred for your diseased kind." Serena turned to me with a hint of anger in her voice.

"I didn't see how it was important and have I done anything to cause you to mistrust me?" I argued back. "Its not like I go around telling people I am a werewolf. I... didn't even tell the most important person to me... Why would I tell you?" I turned to her father. "At least I'm not hiding in some dark castle being fed from the captured. I can hide in plain sight like a wolf in sheeps clothing while you scurry in the darkness." Serena cut in.

"Why... I am not going to bow down to your father like everyone else." "I bring you home and he insults me?" when Lord Harkan suddenly caught my attention. "I was willing to give you our gift... To make you one of us but I can see you are unworthy. The stench is to strong with you and I will not stand it in my home any longer!" I turned to see him transform into a very humanoid like bat... a creature I had not seen before. Salessi and be thankful I am showing you mercy for rescuing my daughter. But I find your presence tiring, annoying.", or say anything, he cast a spell on me that caused the world around me to fade and go dark. and it took a few moments for me to orient myself. Talias was waiting by the boat where I had left him and he could tell something had happened inside. But he was relieved to find me safe though and laughed at what Harkan had said.

With there being nothing to do here anymore I climbed into the boat and Talias shoves us off into the water. "I guess we should make our way back to Fort Dawnguard. I'm sure Isran will be happy we just returned a lost daughter to a vampire lord."

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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:53 am

Trying some armor combinations...

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:33 pm

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Nikki Hype
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:49 am

Fawn was visiting Whiterun to sell hides and get supplies. As she wandered through the market, a familiar voice rang out.

"Hey Fawn!" she cried, hugging her friend. "What brings you here?"

Over lunch in the Bannered Mare the friends "caught up".

"So, what are you doing here?" Fawn asked. And how is the big bear anyway."

"Steffan's fine." Nieve replied. "In fact, and I never told you this right? He's coming to see you himself."

"He is? When?"

"I've arranged to meet him in Falkreath in a couple of weeks. He's got some business to attend to in Solitude first." Fawn grinned, knowing her brother's reputation with the ladies.

"I'm not sure." Nieve smiled. "Knowing Steff, it could be both!"

The pair broke into a giggling fit and Fawn's brother and his exploits became the topic of conversation for a while. Then Nieve pointed to the fine bow on Fawn's back, the twin of her own weapon.

"Of course!" Fawn said, "I would never part with it. Even though, unlike you, I never earned mine." she added with a hint of regret.

"Rubbish!" Nieve said, "You won it from Steffan fair and square."

"Oh come on Nieve. We both know he let me win that archery contest. Fawn said, without malice."The soft ox."

"I wouldn't be so sure Fawn. You know how he hates losing!"

Over the coming days, Fawn showed Nieve around the part of Falkreath she called home. and they

Nieve now takes over as narrator of the tale:

Fawn appeared to be living an idyllic lifestyle, which was marred one evening by an ugly incident. As we ate our supper by the lake, a trio of drunken Stormcloak soldiers passed by. At first, we jokingly replied to their good humoured "advances".Then things took a darker turn as two of them tried to grab Fawn. Unfortunately, she shares her brother's short fuse and, despite my efforts to calm the situation, she took action. One drunk recieved a bloody nose and the other a boot in the crotch.

"Arghh!" he squealed, "The little cow crushed my nuts!"

All three drunks advanced but met our drawn bades.

"Back off Gentlemen" I said quietly. "We know how to use these."

They left, muttering threats of revenge and nursing their wounded pride and, in one case, his balls.

A couple of days later, I went into Whiterun whilst Fawn remained at the tree-house. I returned that afternoon and could find no sign of her. Thinking she was out hunting, I decided to take a dip in the lake. As I approached the shoreline, Sunbathing I thought, but you don't sunbathe in the foetal position! I drew closer and reached out to her. My worst fears were realised as I touched her body. The young girl I'd always thought of as a kid sister was dead! Her face was badly beaten, she had been stabbed several times and she had been sixually assaulted. I cradled her ruined head in my arms and wept for my friend and her brother, who would be devastated.

With help of Alvor and the residents of Riverwood, where Fawn was very popular, And. as a tribute to my young friend, But how was I going to break the news to

To be continued...


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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:37 am

As always I'm entertained by your shots can't wait for more.

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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:45 am

Elf lord - Bummer! What the heck! Oh well - I always thougth Fawn was a bit to pretty for the wilderness!

Res - the skull shoulders, make Salessi look a bit "lost" in the armor. I get the added protection of the horn guard, but it looks a bit busy for me. But certainly a sensible design!

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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:02 am

well I'm messing around with it currently. Thinking of just using the doe shoulder pieces as it eliminates the horns. I think I'll put Talias in armor combo with horns. Still undecided if I like the lower skirt to be just a fur skirt or the lower savior hide skirt. Still searching for that wilderness barbarian look.

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Daramis McGee
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:12 am

Veruca Lalauri's experiences had lead her to the conclusion that the Greybeards way of worshiping the gods was not the way to CHIM. She felt certain worship in any form was not the way, and so she decided to get answers. There, She searched through the Mundus until she found what she desired, and when she opened her eyes, she found it before her.

"How were you able to do that?", "such power should be outside of your limitations."

"I've come to find I have no limitations," Veruca said sincerely, without arrogance.

"I see,", "what is it you wish of me?"

"Tell me what the Psijics know of CHIM."

"CHIM? Who told you of this?"

" Now tell me."

Nerien stared at Veruca for a long time, seemingly trying to figure her out.

"Fine," he finally relented, "few have ever laid eyes on this, but if you want to understand, I suggest you read this."

A note materialized before Veruca.

"" she asked.

"It is titled, which we call the Loveletter for short. Make of it what you will. I will say no more on the subject."

Veruca read the note, hanging on every word. It described things beyond her comprehension, things like Landfall and Amaranth, but Veruca found the understanding she had sought.


"May I take my leave?" Nerien asked.

"Yes," Veruca said quietly, "we will not meet again."

"," Nerien Recalled out of Saarthal.

---- She meditated and contemplated the contents of the Loveletter., her death, Skyrim, Tamriel, the Mundus, Oblivion, the Void, Anu, Padomay, and the Aurbis. It was beautiful. It was all so beautiful. That was when it happened. Suddenly, she saw the Oneness of all. It was all just One. Herself, her friends, the animals and creatures, the plants, the earth, the Divines, the Daedra, even the Void filled her with a sense of Oneness. She was everything. She controlled everything. I ARE ALL WE.

But alas, it was only for that one solitary moment that she had achieved CHIM, and as that moment passed, Veruca Lalauri had forgotten herself, and thus

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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:09 pm

What an end to Veruca's story. Can't wait to see what character you come up with next.

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Britney Lopez
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:27 pm

:cry: poor fawn.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:28 pm
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:17 pm

Its over Velorien? awww... I missed so much of it when my PC crashed. When did she get hair? Looking forward to your next one.

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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:45 am

Great stuff guys, and everyones pictures are really sharp and detailed on my phone. They look like they are from a movie. Anyways, our internet got messed up so i cant use it on my computer, only my phone, so no update until it is fixed. :(
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:32 am

@Velorien: An amazingly told ending to a really unique character! I can't wait to see what you have in store next.

I've decided to put Tsajara on hold for a while to keep playing through the game fresher, so I've made a new character (an Orc Mage) and started out his story as well. To avoid making this post super-huge, I've put their snippets in seperate spoiler tags (don't worry though, there's no huge spoilers from the DLCs in them)


Farkas led Ghorbash over to the pit where the two Companion whelps were sparring, and Vilkas took Tsajara outside to test her mettle. Tsajara had a feeling from the way Vilkas had been quick to try and prevent the two from joining that he didn't like the idea of helping them out, but with all things considered, she didn't really take his point of view into consideration. Regardless, Vilkas raised his shield and began relaying orders to Tsajara.
"Okay, whelp. Hit me as hard as you can with your sword." he said, poking his head out from the cover of the shield., with a couple more blows added in for the rude welcoming. It took a while for Tsajara to register that she probably shouldn't be overstepping herself to the guy that's controlling whether she becomes a Companion or not, but Vilkas didn't seem to mind.
"Okay, okay, that's enough!" Vilkas exclaimed, lowering his shield. "Despite what I said earlier, if you can dish out that sort of punishment, you've got what it takes to be a Companion. Oh, and hey, before I go back inside, I have a task that you can do for me..."
Tsajara kept silent as Vilkas continued on, assuming that she was going to do it.
"My blade's been getting a bit rusty, and it could use some tempering. I'd like if you could take it up to him so he could do that." Vilkas started, The idea of becoming a Companion seemed less and less attractive as Tsajara observed Vilkas' behavior, but just shrugged and convinced herself that she needed to do this.

"Vilkas' sword." Tsajara stated plainly to the tender of the Skyforge, Eorlund Gray-Mane, as she walked up to deliver it.
"Oh, thanks for that." Eorlund began.
"This one knows," she responded, "but Tsajara wants to be a Companion, and Tsajara isn't sure how they would take a 'no' for an answer to a task like this."
Eorlund continued at work at his forge, when he remembered his promise to deliver Aela's shield to her.
"Oh, well, I guess that makes sense too." Eorlund replied. As Tsajara turned around and began to walk back, Eorlund spoke to her again.
"By the way... could you do a favor for an old forgemaster?"

Tsajara walked back into Jorrvaskr with a little scowl on her face. Ghorbash met her in the living quarters.
"He said that he's impressed!" "He praised my ability as a warrior, and offered some of the mead hall's food for a reward. How did your test go?"
"That's nice." Tsajara shot back, completely ignoring Ghorbash's question.
"Come now." Ghorbash continued, "You bested me in a fight. There's no way that you couldn't beat Farkas' twig-thin brother in a test of strength."
"I did." Tsajara answered him. Ghorbash simply shrugged and went on his way back up to the mead hall, while Tsajara went to deliver Aela's shield to her. breaking their conversation as she came in.
"Ah... my shield." Aela started. "Thanks for the help, whelp."
"Tsajara wasn't barging in on anything important, right?" she inquired. The look Skjor was giving her seemed to imply that theory.
"We were, actually." Skjor mentioned. "If you'll excuse us."
Tsajara walked out as Skjor closed the door behind her. Having nothing else to do, she got Ghorbash and went outside to the practice dummies, practicing their skills for a while.

It had been about an hour of practice for them, as they walked back in to the mead hall to find Aela and Skjor enjoying a meal. Ghorbash had mentioned to her earlier to find out what they had in mind for giving out tasks, and now seemed like the perfect time to ask.
"To be honest, we don't have that much to offer right now. We get the occasional animal den that needs clearing out, and sometimes people hire us to rough someone up. But nothing really major or anything."
"So, no immediate assistance is needed?" Tsajara asked him.
"I'll tell you what," he started. "Just check in with us once a day, and we'll see if there's anything for you to do. You're still whelps, so even if we do get something big you two won't likely be getting in on it. You two can do things like clear animal dens, though."
Tsajara figured that his answer was as good as any, despite the lack of confidence that he seemed to communicate to the both of them. She went out the front door of Jorrvaskr, with Ghorbash following behind.

"So, some time off from most of the worries of the world, and some new friends to help should they rear their heads again. Ghorbash asked her. she responded. "It might get boring, having nothing to do, and Tsajara thinks that they don't live up to their honorable reputation that well, but we will manage."


Kharok gro-Rogdul began walking over to the Blue Palace, in hopes of buying some spells to diversify the limited amount of spells that he knew. It must have been sheer luck to encounter that Orc at the Winking Skeever, him being so eager to help with his budding magical skill. At least he wouldn't be stuck in Solitude for long.
So, what would look best as an applicant for the College? Maybe something basic, like Frostbite? And something from the school of Alteration. That would be good.

He entered the sprawling stone palace to find a farmer from the town of Dragon Bridge. Situated among the throng of people gathered around the throne, the court mage looked on, as Kharok waited until the crowd dispersed. "I was hoping to buy some spells."
"That's what I'm here for." she answered, bringing out her supply of spell tomes. "The prices are tacked on to the spell tomes by the way, so you don't need to ask me anything concerning that."
Kharok studied the collection, but kept having his eyes trail back to the mage's eyes. He couldn't quite place it, but they seemed to be out of place with everyone else's.
Uh, ma'am?" Kharok stated, unable to ignore the niggling detail.
"What about my eyes?" she inquired, seeming like she didn't want to touch the subject.
"It's just that they're-" Now, either buy something or go away." she shot back.
Kharok didn't delve further into the subject, and exhausted his reserve of septims to buy Frostbite and Oakflesh, leaving the Blue Palace and the city of Solitude for the carriage outside.

He approached the carriage when he realised how many septims he had after the sale. He muffled a jab at himself under his breath as he walked to where he could see the carriage owner. "It costs fifty septims to travel to Winterhold. Take it or leave it."
Not knowing how he would make up the difference, Kharok just stared off with a look of desperation on his face.
"You know," the carriage man cut into his thought pattern, "there's a number of places down the coast to the west where you could make the coin. You're lucky that you're in a situation like this here, instead of some other places." Kharok took his advice to heart, and continued down the path to the farm that lay behind them. the farm owner answered Kharok's query. "I have some crops behind my house that are ready for harvesting. I'll pay you some gold for doing that."
'Some' didn't seem like it would amount to fifty septims, but it was better than nothing. Kharok proceeded to the back of the farmhouse, eyeing the plants, but unsure as to how to harvest them. Hopefully just pulling them out works... he ran the idea around in his head, It seemed to do the trick for most of the crops at least, as he loaded them up and presented them to Katla, who rewarded him with 18 septims.
"That's all the work I need done for now. If you're looking for more, there's a sawmill down the road that's always looking for help." Katla assisted him in finding some more work. He headed down the dirt road to the sawmill at her suggestion.

There was a sawmill and a house at the end of the road, with a lone Orc tending to the mill who directed him inside the house to speak to the owner. Hjorunn, the owner, spoke in slurred speech. "By the way... don't you already work for me?"
"Uh... no?" Kharok responded.
"Ah, well, that's fine. Or maybe it isn't. I don't know, I'm not really able to make tough decisions like that right now. Anyways, go chop some wood and I'll pay you."
Kharok went outside to chop some wood, when the Orc worker mentioned him over to the sawmill. said the Orc Kharag gro-Shurkul, introducting himself to Kharok.
"Yes, to Winterhold." Kharok answered. "I spent all my money on buying spell tomes, and I suppose now that that wasn't the best idea ever."
Kharag glanced over to a pile of cut firewood near the mill. "Go ahead and take it. Hjorunn probably won't even realise how short it may have taken you to cut all of it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. I live here, and it won't matter to Hjorunn where the wood comes from. We get a lot of gold from people buying lumber for their houses anyways."
With Kharag's approval,
"That was fast! Or was it? Do you have the time?" Hjorunn asked.
"It's an hour pa-"
"Ah, don't you mind about it." Hjorunn butted in on Kharok's response. "I don't remember when I hired you anyways. Here, some compensation for the work."
The gold he gave him was enough to buy a trip to Winterhold. As the sun continued its journey across the sky, Kharok increased his pace up the hill, hoping to close the gap between his arrival at Winterhold more.

It was well into the night when Kharok arrived, and the city was colder than anywhere else he had been before. Clutching his arms together in an attempt to warm himself up, he walked to the stone entryway that lay outside the College. He walked up the ramp to find an Altmer standing in the way.
"Yes, I was hop-"
"You should know that I am here to deter all those that would cause harm to the College. State your purpose for being here before I take action."
It may have been the cold that was warping Kharok's usually level-headed personality, or maybe the constant cutting off of his speech, but he was annoyed regardless that this Altmer considered him an intruder. "No, I'm not. See the robes? I'm a mage, and I was seeking entrance into the College to further my magical understanding."
"Okay." she appeared to take the response. "But what in specific do you seek that the College can provide you?"
"The College can help me better understand magic and how our world works... but also help me to better control the magical arts as I use them. Magic is the one thing that I think I can be really good at, and the College will be able to get me there."
"Hmm. Well, at least you are honest. The College does indeed have what you seek. I will need to see that you have a basic understanding of casting spells before you can enter, however."
"Alright." Kharok responded in anticipation, "this is what I bought those two tomes for."
"Let me see you cast... a Magelight spell. This spell is indispensiable for any mage that needs full control of both of his hands while exploring dark places. Can you cast this spell?"
Kharok stared at the ground for a while, realising that he didn't have a tome for that, and didn't know how to cast the spell.
"That's fine," Faralda stated, "we don't expect our apprentices to have a wide array of spells yet. I do sell this tome for only 30 septims, if you can afford that."
"Um... I actually don't have any gold. I spent it all on the journey here."
"Well, that's a problem. I shall be waiting here should you find yourself able to pay for the tome, or able to cast the spell."
Kharok sighed, as he left down the ramp of the entrance, and proceeded to the inn, hoping that they had any work they needed done.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:33 am
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:17 am

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:21 am


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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:00 pm

Ok which one of you stole my sweetroll own up you pile of bones.

How many did you chim in an just what does CHIM stand for

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:28 am

In that specific photo? If I recall correctly it was approximately: 200 undound Dremora(all frenzied) 100 frenzied Wrathmen, and the 3 Boneyard Keepers.

I was trying to save that woman from that Forsworn guy... It didn't really work... I guess chimming a few hundred frenzied Daedra wasn't a great tactic was it?

CHIM is a state of enlightenment when you realize that you are a part of a dream that is the Godhead. You are everyone, but you maintain your sense of individuality and achieve apotheosis as a result. Thus you can then alter reality(like bringing random creatures into existence out of thin air :tongue: )

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:22 am

Now that is a party only thing missing was my damn sweetroll an I will find out which one of them stole thieving gits.

That's like what I did in whiterun when I spawned or chimd 30 elder dragons just to kill 1 vampire but boy it really got fun an slow when I did the same but with a 1000 dremora lords.

Boy did my fps drop but considering I was in dragonsreach an the game then crashed I kinda can't blame it would of made one hell of a screenshot though.

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