» Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:03 pm
Jeremiah definitely reminds me of Fallout! There's also a reality tv show called The Colony that came out after Fallout. The first season wasn't so good, but in the second season, they simulated a viral outbreak that took out most of the population of the U.S. They put 7 people together in a part of New Orleans that was totally destroyed by Katrina, on something like 40 acres. They came up with a fictional government agency called V.O.P.A. (viral outbreak protection agency), which at the beginning of the season quarantined these people for two days, then dropped them by helicopter into this section of New Orleans. There are all sorts of abandoned buildings and stuff to scavenge, and they have to completely fend for themselves. Throughout the show they throw obstacles at them. People trying to steal their supplies, or trying to join them. At one point the producers of the show even started a huge fire in one of the buildings to see what the reaction would be. And some of the taping took place during the gulf oil spill, so they also had to deal with their water source being polluted with oil, and the oil rain and all of the other immediate effects the spill had on the gulf environment at the time. Whenever I watch that show, I think, man, I could take those stinking raiders. Give me a lead pipe and they'd be done for, hehe. No medical supplies for you. Anyway, The Colony. Watch it if you've completed Fallout 3 and need your fix before Vegas. Oh, there's also a show called Life After People which speculates on what would happen to cities, monuments, your personal stuff, animals, etc, if all the people on the planet just disappeared. They had a Washington DC one that was pretty cool.