I see it just as an enchanted door, similar to the door to Moria in LOTR..
as such I doubt its actually Sithis' voice.
I see it just as an enchanted door, similar to the door to Moria in LOTR..
as such I doubt its actually Sithis' voice.
And what I'm saying is that the Brotherhood in Oblivion was the most inconsistent with everything else. Plus, the one in Skyrim was the last standing Brotherhood Sanctuary, and Astrid did say they had a change a few things to not die with the times.
true, but it must have required some really powerful Magic to give Flesh to a Skeleton and give a demonic horse a gender swap
I genuinely like the DB as it was portrayed in OBL. Granted the Night Mother was miraculously fleshed out a bit, but I give the misinterpreted gender anolysis as just another idiotic statement from the lips of a degenerate ( Astrid ). The horse is still named Shadowmere and not Shadowstud.
Still... it doesn't excuse the fact that Skyrim's DB is the turd in the punchbowl of Tamriel.
Does that change the fact that one is a female horse and the other is a male?
Thank you for the spelling lesson. I will make the appropriate corrections.
I'd like to note that Shadowmere is not an ordinary horse, as evidenced by how it popped out in Skyrim, and most likely another one of Mephala's creations. As such, gender doesn't matter.
Supporting this. Going to build a proper shrine, fix it all up nice with offerings and incense, maybe some candles. Then get a box to put on top. Inside the box:
ANd the fact its an intangible force rather than an actual deity. If they had shrines to Sithis, we'd need a shrine to Anuiel. And while you're at it, shrines to Anu, Padhome, Godhead, etc...
Yes, yes... That's been beat to death throughout the lore forum. You can try to equate Sithis to gravity all you want. I'm not buying it.
Along with the whole " Is - Is Not " stuff as well. Just more trumped up theologian theory by recent grad students.
Other than that's essentially what the Monomyth plainly states, which is really the only source that doesn't romanticize Sithis, Anuiel, Padomay and Anu.
I didn't mean that in that literal of terms. It's when the select few try to dissect the concept and twist it into some ultra deep continuum that's derived from hrs on end through meditation and incense burnings.
It also clearly states in the Monomyth that Sithis is seen as a being. There is nothing that convinces me that he cannot take on a tangible form. It's a true God of Gods and creator. I'd like to think such a powerful entity could freely become a walking pile of bones or a drunken Nord, if he so chooses.
Verily Sithis is all. The void, the nothingness which surrounds. The empty in between. The black sky canvas of the Night Mother.
There are always limits. It is limits that make one all powerful. The boundaries which make the form.
Sithis has a shrine. When you look up on a cold, moonless night, you are seeing the shrine of sithis. As you watch a person be burned on a funeral pyre or lowered into the ground, you are at the shrine of sithis.
Or you could just go find Sheogorath since he's a Sithis-shaped hole. Bring a mirror though. Probably some yarn too.
If you're truly into quantum physics and string theory, those comments reflect that. On the other hand, you may want back off the bowl a little.
As the table is the altar and the spoon the phallic blade pointing murderous dripping violence.. the magic energy.
Indeed what is the present without a kiss from the lover Deja vu with a memory hinted in dreams of what was and may circle about again but not in time.
Now my mind goes black with emptied thoughts satiated upon the Forums and I fade out run out like a happy brothel customer
All too deep for my aging intellect. I kicked the habit that induces the discussion of the molecular constructs of aluminum beverage containers, a long time ago, I'm afraid.
Sithis is just another name for the void. He is not a brooding dark god like the Brotherhood think he is. Sithis is not even aware of the Dark Brotherhood, he is not sentient. Also I can't wait for when it's revealed that the Night Mother is actually Mephala; and she's been [censored] around with those psychopaths.
Sithis Sithis Sithis.
Blah blah, chaos, kick puppies, blah.
I want to know more about Anui-El. Where's his weirdo cult? Alinor?
Yes, she is still revered by the Brotherhood, not as much as Sithis of course.
In this link: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Mephala It states one of her favorite past times, is interfering in the affairs of mortals for amusemant. If you really think about it the Dark Brotherhood is really a bunch of outcasts, who don't fit anywhere else in society and because of their desire to belong, they'll believe anything. They are perfect for Mephala's machinations. You see in Oblivion how seriously they took the "family" aspect of the Brotherhood. Sure they would still kill you if someone took a contract on you, but until then you were regarded as family. The only thing that kept the Brotherhood together all these centuries, is cause they're psychopaths and their belief in Sithis.
When Atris abandoned the tenents and the old ways. The Night Mother/Mephala interfered. Sure she didn't stop the brotherhood from being massacred. But you have to remember she's a daedra mortals are just pawns. Plus the ones who survived like the Listener, Cicero, Nazir and Babbette. Followed the old ways, while the ones who died didn't.
Shadowmere is pretty much a demonic horse, and if there's anything I've noticed in Skyrim it's how utterly inconsistent genders are with daedric creatures. The loading screen even calls Boethiah a he for crying out loud. Shadowmere, like most Daedric beings, likely doesn't even have a gender, and Astrid just referred to it as a "he" because it looks like one. Much like how Nocturnal is referred to as she and looks like a chick despite being a Daedric Prince.
Sithis Is Not.
If you are a lore buff, you will understand the greater meaning of that statement.