[RELz] Shroob's Stuff

Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:50 am

I'm positively terrified and thrilled at the same time.

More complete descriptions may be found on the corresponding Nexus page, such as requirements, compatibility, and issues.



Current version: 1.3.2

Followers will explore the area on their own if you bore them by not moving for a while, like Serana does. Also, when you tell them to wait, they’ll explore as well, and perhaps eat or sleep.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released
  • Version 1.1 -- fixed a small error related to evaluating the follower's AI while they were waiting; it was only noticeable if the follower was trying to use a bed.
  • Version 1.2 -- generated SEQ file; included in new .bsa; corrected issue where Dark Brotherhood followers would not idle
  • Version 1.3 -- followers will no longer idle if you have your weapon readied
  • Version 1.3.1 -- optimized script somewhat
  • Version 1.3.2 -- made a small script edit to correct log errors on older existing saved games


Current version: 1.1.1

When a hold is taken by a side in the civil war, the side's government appointees (Jarl, Housecarl, steward) will start to dress in regal garments. What their predecessor wore, essentially.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released
  • Version 1.1 -- generated SEQ file; included in new .bsa
  • Version 1.1.1 -- because Maven Black-Briar, Hemming Black-Briar, Sorli the Builder, and Teeba-Ei are not forced into exile, if they are deposed, they will return to wearing their normal clothing; government members who have been killed will not have their corpses switching clothing


Current version: 1.4.1

What this mod does is quite simple: when your follower is actively following you, you may manage their inventory completely, which entails being able to manipulate their default clothing. When they are dismissed, they will continue to wear their new equipment.

A brief note: when hiring and dismissing followers, they will appear undressed for a few moments. Then they will put on whatever they've got.

In addition, the alias system and the requirement of a universally-useable script allowed me to do two things: your follower will no longer carry an unplayable hunting bow (this works retroactively), and I flagged all followers who weren't already protected (many are, though not all). Though all followers are protected while following, when dismissed they may be killed by enemies. This prevents that behavior. I may remove this if enough people complain.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released
  • Version 1.1 -- followers will now continue to wear what was given them when dismissed
  • Version 1.2 -- slightly increased forced script delay when hiring/dismissing followers; this seems to make the outfit-changing process more stable, and corrects an issue where the follower would render wearing their old outfit rather than what was given them; also seems to correct a rare error where the follower would permanently lose all their things when being hired
  • Version 1.3 -- generated SEQ files; included in new .bsa
  • Version 1.4 -- edited script to handle a rare occurrence
  • Version 1.4.1 -- optimized script somewhat
  • Version 1.4.2 -- improved script and made it more stable


Current version: 1.1

You may purchase a kit from certain disreputable merchants and use it to mutilate yourself -- I mean, change your appearance. It shares the same limits as Dawnguard’s face sculptor, though this toy can be used by vampires (you’ll change your human appearance and then revert back to a vampire, so you may change hair and things).

After use, you’ll run the risk of disease, because for heaven’s sakes, do you even know where those knives have been?

Sold by Babette and Thieves Guild fences, for the modest fee of 1000 gold, adjusted by your speech skill. Characters looking to avoid criminal entanglements should look to Enthir at the College of Winterhold, though he’s a tough sell.

To use, attempt to equip the kit in your inventory.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released
  • Version 1.1 -- generated SEQ file; included in new .bsa


Current version: 1.1

What the title says. It’s Serana’s hood, and you can wear it. You can’t take it from her, but you can find your only copy on top of a shelf on the way to find Valerica (right above the Vampire Royal Armor).

And thanks to Cenncroithi, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26714.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released
  • Version 1.1 -- forgot to make hood temperable. Oops. Tempers with "Advanced Armors" perk like other vampire armor


Current version: 1.3.1a

When you turned someone at Vingalmo's behest, the only noticeable change was their red eyes, which were rather subtle.

So, this changes that up a bit: your vamplings now count as bona-fide undead, they'll use vampiric drain in combat, they drop dust when they die, and they're privy to all vampiric resistances and weaknesses, including sunlight.

In addition, your new vampiric spouse will turn into a vampire lord when you do, if they’re your follower. Serana will also exhibit this behavior.

Also, I've included some functionality that cures your spouse if you're no longer a vampire (nothing flashy -- they suddenly cease being one). As far as I can tell, if you become a vampire again, Vingalmo will demand you turn them once more.
  • Version 1.0 -- released
  • Version 1.1 -- generated SEQ file; included in new .bsa; optimized method of filling new aliases; if your spouse was previously ineligible to be turned into a vampire (did not have correct voice type), you can turn them by feeding on them with your Vampire's Seduction power and do a "low key" turning
  • Version 1.2 -- TES5Edit revealed a few dirty records which have since been cleaned
  • Version 1.2.1 -- silenced some log errors; corrected an omission that would cause some weirdness if you were making your spouse into a vampire again; optimized scripts somewhat
  • Version 1.3 -- turned vampires (and Serana) will now become a vampire lord when you do, if they are your current follower; I also removed the yellow eyes and the ability to change them back and forth between red and yellow
  • Version 1.3.1 -- fixed the Vampire Lord death sequence; Serana’s power as a Vampire Lord no longer depends on your own, and she will always have access to Summon Gargoyle, Corpse Curse, and Night Cloak, and her Vampiric Drain spell will not be reduced in magnitude; once you complete “Kindred Judgment,” you and your spouse’s Vampire Lord forms will be dressed in Harkon’s royal armor
  • Version 1.3.1a -- made a small correction where Serana could be flagged as a player teammate when she should not be


Current version: 1.3.1

Adds the gray sleeveless variety of Thieves Guild armor, and the floppy brown hood (like Cynric wears) to the Ragged Flagon Cistern, in the training room.

You may temper it and guards and other NPCs will recognize it, and Tonilia can even upgrade it for you.

All the armor will respawn in the Cistern if you leave the cell for enough time, allowing you to procure multiple sets.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released
  • Version 1.1 -- added option for Tonilia to upgrade the new armors
  • Version 1.2 -- added ArmorMaterialLeather keyword to new armors so that they work with the "Matching Set" perk; you may now specify which armor you want Tonilia to upgrade
  • Version 1.3 -- synched an edited dialogue line with the Unofficial Skyrim Patch
  • Version 1.3.1 -- synched file to official 1.9 patch


Current version: 1.1.1

Speak to your spouse once married, and you'll see a new dialogue option. Click on it, and it will open a menu through which you can give your spouse gifts. If you give them armor, they will wear it instead of their usual outfit. You may not take your spouse's clothing or other belongings.

This is very similar to the mechanic for giving children gifts in Hearthfire, and like it, you may not ask your spouse for what you gave them back (though you can purchase it back from them or pickpocket them for it, or open their inventory by using the "OpenActorContainer 1" console command on them). Unlike Hearthfire, you are unlimited in what sort of items you may want to give your spouse, be it armor, weapons, potions, jewelry, or flowers.

Even if you never give your spouse gifts, you neglectful wretch, your spouse will wear their wedding ring.

This will not affect spouses who are also followers, though this can be achieved by using my Change Follower Outfits mod.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released
  • Version 1.1 -- TES5Edit revealed a dirty record that has since been removed
  • Version 1.1.1 -- optimized script somewhat and removed superfluous function call


Current version: 1.0

After choosing to accept Harkon's gift during "Awakening," you will find a new ferryman and his boat at Icewater Jetty. Aside from being a vampire, he's otherwise identical to the normal ferrymen and can take you to the same locations (minus Icewater Jetty, obviously) for the same fee.

Being a vampire, he doesn't care if you transform into a vampire lord right in front of him.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released


Ever had a character that was essential way after their related quests were done? This will fix that.

I would really prefer it if you kept all discussion about this mod in its http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1415146-relz-no-permanent-essentials/. There's also a better descript and changelog there.



Current version: 1.0

The wilderness thieves will leave you be if you're wearing Thieves Guild armor, mention seeing the player at the Ragged Flagon, and graciously thank Nightingales. Yet they dress like bandits.

So, they now wear the Thieves Guild uniform. They can wear either the standard set or the sleeveless set, and if they wear the standard set, they can wear either the normal hood or the loose one like Cynric wears.

The armor may not be looted from their corpses. It's Elven quality, which may make them a bit tougher at lower levels yet conversely, weaker at higher level, but probably not by much.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released


Current version: 1.0.1

If you've been aching to take a sneak thief as your lawfully wedded wife or husband, you're in luck. You may now wed certain Thieves Guild members and associates after their related quests are done. Some can even be taken as followers.

The following NPCs may be both taken as followers and married: Gulum-Ei, Sapphire, Rune, Garthar, Ravyn Imyan, and Vipir the Fleet.

The following NPCs lack the required voice files for following but may still be married: Etienne Rarnis, Cynric Endell, Niruin, Enthir, Niranye, and Mallus Maccius.

To win the favor of fences, simply complete their related quest. For the rest, become Thieves Guild master (except for Etienne Rarnis -- for him, complete "Diplomatic Immunity" without torturing him; for Sapphire, you must also finish up Shadr's debt favor).

All the Thieves Guild grunts are light armor-wearing, bow-using, one-handers; all except Sapphire will dual-wield. Gulum-Ei is a nightblade who uses light armor and one-handed weapons in addition to frost magic.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released
  • Version 1.0.1 -- synched to Unofficial Skyrim Patch version 1.3.3; removed edits to Gulum-Ei; corrected error where Sapphire’s morality setting was not being changed as planned


Current version: 1.0

During “Under Saarthal,” instead of instructing you to delve into the ruins while he examines the sarcophagus room, Tolfdir will instead offer to aid you. If you accept his offer, he will follow you through Saarthal and protect you. If you decline, the quest will proceed normally and he will still appear just before you discover the Eye of Magnus.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released


Hopefully one can infer what this does via the title, but there's a thread http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1480283-relz-princeshroobs-main-quest-delayer/ for more information; that's also where I'd like discussion of it kept, please.



Current version: 1.3.1a

Bright-Scales, the oddly-colored protagonist of my currently-unfinished quest mod project for Oblivion, http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1468946-wipz-vampires-guild/, is available as a follower in Skyrim. He can be found in Winterhold staying at the Frozen Hearth Inn, and he also visits the College grounds during the night to glean inspiration for some writing of his.

He has no prerequisites to being taken as a follower -- merely speak to him and ask him to follow. The young vampire boasts a leveling Vampiric Drain spell and a hood for sunny weather, and he’ll also cast the Muffle spell on himself when he begins to sneak. In combat, Bright can summon powerful atronachs and uses strong defensive spells, such as healing, armor spells, and wards, though his Destruction magic -- ice and lightning spells -- is somewhat on the weaker side.

Bright has unique dialogue spliced together from existing voice assets, and has location and set piece commentary as a follower (though only one comment for dungeon entrances), as well as a little ambient dialogue about his trade and current goings-on in Skyrim when spoken to when not following.

As he uses a vanilla voice, Bright is integrated into Dawnguard and Hearthfire content (though he cannot be made a steward), but as Keith Silverstein did not return for Dragonborn, Bright cannot make use of any Dragonborn-specific dialogue.

Bright can be married if you wish; he simply needs to be taken as a follower once. Although in Vampires Guild’s story Bright was homosixual, here he can be married by either six.

In case you haven't figured it out by now, this is a rather sneaky way to drum up interest in Vampires Guild so as to motivate me to work on it. :tongue:

The download is from AFK Mods because it's a smaller community; this mod started as a bit of an in-joke, you see. But I think Bright's got as much worth as many other fairly-generic companions, not to toot my own horn nor denigrate others' work. Obviously this mod will have a lot more appeal if one has played Vampires Guild, and I understand that.

Change log:
  • Version 1.0 -- released
  • Version 1.1 -- changed Bright's voice type to MaleCondescending, and created new, unique follower dialogue for him
  • Version 1.2 -- made some tweaks to Bright's maximum level and inventory; Bright now has an actual AI schedule and a grave for if he dies; corrected an error where Bright's commentary was overriding Dawnguard's edits and therefore breaking Serana's commentary
  • Version 1.2.1 -- hotfix for accidental doubling of Bright's inventory when Change Follower Outfits file was loaded
  • Version 1.2.2 -- Spoke too soon; hotfix'd the hotfix
  • Version 1.3 -- added ambient dialogue for Bright
  • Version 1.3.1 -- made an improvement to Bright’s hood script to quell potential log errors and also made it more responsive; continued tweaking Bright’s inventory -- he can spawn with a staff now; corrected the lack of a radius on one part of Bright’s multi-location sandbox package
  • Version 1.3.1a -- changed the follower control quest’s alias fill type from “external alias reference” to “unique actor” to quash an irritating vanilla bug where the matched alias would not match an alias in a start game-enabled quest when a new game was started until the game was reloaded; the practical effects of this bug was that Bright would not use his follower hellos nor cast Muffle on himself in new games

Source script files are included within the .bsa files.
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:46 pm

Nice job!
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:12 am

Serana's hood, does that one automatically go up or down if you're inside or outside like hers do or is it simply the actual look of it?
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:55 pm

It merely looks like it. It also counts as armor -- the equivalent of leather, like the other vampire armor pieces.

Forcing the player's headgear off when inside is probably a bad idea.

It looks identical to Serana's while on a human or orc character; for beast races, it shares a model with the Guild Master's hood, though it's gray, not black.
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:50 pm

I've been testing the Lively Follower mod now, and it doesn't seem to want to work. After observing my follower for a while, I did notice that it SEEMS like they was about to do something, but then quickly reverted to standing idle again. I tried this with Lydia in various locations such as a tavern or a home. I had Amazing Followers mod installed and thought that it might be that causing it so I disabled it and tried again, same thing. Could perhaps be that simply disabling that mod doesn't help the problem, and that's the only follower mod I am using.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:16 am

Hmm. You have to stand still -- and I mean still -- to get it to work. X, Y, Z location the same for at least 1 second, and they have to be close to you; you also cannot sneak. Oh, yes -- and PlayerFollowerCount must be 1 or greater.

Also, the follower may simply pace.

Try having an extended conversation with an NPC, then see what your follower is doing.

It should work, considering that it's pretty much the exact same script as Serana, and that one works.

I can't guarantee results if "Amazing Followers" allows you to take more than one follower. The script runs on only the default follower alias (well, and Cicero and the Dark Brotherhood initiates).
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:07 pm

Hmm, okay, I'll try talking to someone. And for the record, I did stand still for perhaps 20 seconds in all of the places I did try this in, yet nothing ever happened. Hopefully I can find the cause of this as I really want followers that are alive.
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:57 pm

UPDATE: Nope, no luck. But every time I stop and stand to observer her, she does that "twitch" thing where it looks like she's about to do something, then plop, the animation reverts and she just stands still again. So it seems to me that it's ABOUT to work, yet somethng resets it.
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Miss K
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:37 pm

Hey, wait a minute -- you do have the game patched up to at least 1.6, right?
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:18 am

Aye aye, everything is updated. Latest game, latest SKSE. I am thinking now that it might be my save that is somewhat screwed up, so I'm going to try and start a new one altogether, and see if that helps this, I've been meaning to do that regardless. Shouldn't take long, and should be able to test this with Sven early on. I'll get back to you.
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:30 pm

If all else fails, tell me what "sqv PSFollowerIdleExplore" returns.

If playerSettled_var = true, then it's merely an issue with where you are (not enought idle markers or furniture?) and what the NPC decides to do.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:43 pm

To repeat what I wrote in the Lively Followers comments section, I like the sound of this mod and hope you'll consider the following ideas:

1) Make followers automatically do these kind of behaviors right away whenever you enter an Inn or a player owned house.
2) Don't explore on their own if you tell them to wait while you're in a Dungeon, since you might want them to actually stay put while you're dealing with a trap or something. And if you haven't told them to wait, they still ought to wait a bit longer before doing anything while you're in treacherous enviroments like dungeons.
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James Wilson
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:42 pm

Ah, I wondered what it was you were working on. The sandbox follower thing was something I was itching to have a go at, you've saved me the trouble now /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

The Jarl thing. I'd almost be inclined to call that a game bug to fix. I hadn't even really noticed that they're not changing clothes.
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:07 am

I solved it. It was indeed http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15524 (Using version 1.4) that seemed to interfere. See, in my earlier tries I simply disabled it, which I would guess left the scripts there somehow. Now, I disabled it AND THEN started a compeltely new game. After that the Lively Follower mod worked. Simply starting a new game with both of these mods enabled stopped your Lively Follower script from working, but disabled, and new game, it worked.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:08 pm

Deactivation isn't enough by itself. You need to get into the habit of fully uninstalling any mod you're removing from the game. That way they don't leave behind anything nasty. Though that still won't help you if the scripts are baked into the save and got left there with continuing update requests running.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:45 am

Mmm, regardless, now I'm stuck with a dilemma lol (unless it gets fixed). Which mod to use, immersive one or practical one...
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:22 pm

1. I don't really plan on the expansion of the mod -- it's pretty much just intended to bring Serana's "I'm bored" sandbox to vanilla followers. I can promise you, however, that I'll never, ever imitate Serana's "wait? Never. Think I'll just tag along back here instead" behavior.
2. While following, their sandox has a radius of 600, but they switch out of it pretty quick if you move, and they don't do it while sneaking. If legitimately waiting, their sandbox only has a radius of 256 -- about the distance of one side of the blue wells at the College of Winterhold, though in a circle, of course. They won't get into trouble if you leave them far enough behind.

I actually tested that extensively to get a good radius (Serana sandboxes while waiting, and her radius is 256 -- so if your follower gets into trouble, blame Bethesda). My least favorite time (and I admit that this was somewhat silly), I told Brelyna to wait right around the corner from the boss room. She decided that she wanted to do some alchemy, so she blithely walked past the vampire boss to use his alchemy lab.

Anyway, just tell them to wait a good distance away.

Nah; I doubt that they were ever intended to change outfits. This was mostly out of curiousity -- I fooled around in the Creation Kit changing potential Jarls' outfits to the usual Jarl's and thought to make a mod out of it.

Interesting. Does that add multiple follower slots? If so, then I need to remember that adding aliases to quests can screw up ref alias properties.

Which is why I instruct everyone to call "StopQuest" or set a stage -- I've set it to it unregister the quest for update.

Still stupid, though -- papyrus calling errors for quest script updates even though the CK wiki says that stopping a quest automatically unregisters the quest for update.


Mayber I'll get around to putting up my Oblvion stuff, too.
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:54 am

Yes it adds multiple slots, though I don't use that myself. I used it mainly for two reasons, followers leveling up and being able to change all follower outfits and have it remain. That's all.

EDIT: Or if anyone can suggest to me a mod that does this and you tested it to work with Lively Follower mod, I would greatly appreciate learning about it if you know /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
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Becky Cox
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:52 pm

Followers level with you as of 1.6.

I have a mod that allows you to change a follower's outfit, but only while they follow you.


On an unrelated note, I now have a Nexus avatar. The scowling Mercer Frey picture will have to do until I can get back to my desktop computer and get my usual avatar.

I've also got one of Geryon (he's the model for Serana's hood and other things), but that would make me look a little too much like Arthmoor, I think.
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:34 pm

Oh, completely missed that hahaha. Good news though! Thank you. As for changing gear, it's not TERRIBLY important but it's nice. And I guess what you mean is that with your mod I can change the gear, but as soon as I swap follower, they revert back to default?
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:52 am

Yes, exactly that.
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:21 am

Oh for that matter, you might wanna test this yourself, and if you find the two mods incompatible, add it to your campatibility list on the Nexus page /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Or, and I'm guessing now, you plan to work out why they aren't working together and simply fix it... /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:34 am

I don't use follower overhauls, and even if I did, I'd be quite leery of using someone else's mod as a parent without their permission.

There are so many follower modifications, too...
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Post » Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:27 pm

No, what I meant is, you have:

on your page. After testing for yourself if this mod also makes it incompatible, you should add that information to that paragraph. I didn't mean you should do anything else or continue playing with it, just a simple test so you just don't have to take my word and my setup for a fact that it's incompatible.
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Maria Leon
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Post » Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:56 am

Okay, changed.
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