I have been trying to find Shum gro-Yarug so I could buy a house frrom him forever. The game shows the usual green map pin that is supposed to show his location. It shows him on the bridge to the castle, but he's not there. He is also not under the bridge. I finally gave up and looked on the web only to discover that apparently he is dead!! For some reason, he only jumps off the bridge on the Xbox360 game. Please tell me this is not part of the game, because if it is, it is idiotic!! What is the point of having a char you that you have to have in order to perform a task central to the game die -- especially if you have no way of knowing in advance that he even might die?? If this is not an intended part of the game, how do I fix it? If it is, I will NEVER buy another game from this company.
Firstly, i doubt Beth will care if they lose one person who buys games, sorry pal, no offence, but try to cool that hothead of yours. :flame:
Second it's a bug, just load an earlier save and you're alright, the problem is that the bridge isn't that big. Sometimes NPC's get pushed off the side and get hurt falling, if it happens many times they can die. It happens with all games regardless of consoles, it is related to the pathgrid and how NPC's aren't always that smart, but i won't bore you with that.
If you are on the PC you can fix this, but seeing as you are on the XBox360, your best bet is to load an earlier save.
Next time chill before you ask a question m'kay :clap: