Agree, but that's why I love the "Stay" option. Great command. Of course I often forget to tell them to follow after I've traded wit them and have a hard time remembering where I left them. So embarrassing.
Agree, but that's why I love the "Stay" option. Great command. Of course I often forget to tell them to follow after I've traded wit them and have a hard time remembering where I left them. So embarrassing.
In my experience with Curie, she hides inside one of the yellow houses near the end of the street. (On the left if coming fromthe bridge) I also thought she had disappeared from my game , but I found her because she started talking to me as i walked close to the house from inside the house.
I was going nuts with the comand/do stuff issue until I realized you have to back away from the thing you want your companion to manipulate (terminal, lock, get into PA) for it to work. Up close you'll only get the talk and trade options.
There is a specific range that allows the NPC talk menu to be displayed for companions. You can be too close and that triggers them to try and move out of your way...which then triggers them to move out of the talk menu is annoying, but manageable if you understand how the system works (and not throw a virtual hissy fit in a game forum).
I've found the distance is not the only thing. If the companion is on correct distance for the action menu to appear (talk, inventory, etc) but it still shows me the arrows, just looking up a bit, that is, veering my crosshair towards their head/face is enough. A bit too finicky to my taste but after I learned to finetune it by just moving my looking direction a bit it's been easier. The only annoyance now are the ones that keep hopping around the place.
The most annoying thing I have had my companions do is that while I have an enemy nicely in the sniper scope, ready to blast their head, suddenly the companion pops up on the line right when I pull the trigger. Like "hey come one guy, don't stand where I'm pointing"
"Go there"
Do what you need to do.
The other issues need Beth to stop companions trying to climb in your hip pocket when you are not moving...and to stop creeping in front of you at any time. I lost Danse as a companion after he kept creeping in front of my firearms as I was firing with scopes...he walked out on me. Suited me at the time...any loser that doesn't have common sense, or a clue about firearm safety, or tactical sense, is a liability.
Curie is glitched as a robot. She doesn't return to a settlement. She goes back to Vault 81. At least for me.
Yea, she’s messed up alright. Much like Dogmeat’s constant whining and Cait’s, it’s me against the world attitude, I find Curie’s constant robotic voice and responses extremely irritating. Besides, what kind of romance could there be when my toon.... my character is a female and Curies is a female robot?!? Ah, but I digress.
So the game isn't exactly what some people want. They complain and complain.
I joined this forum to discuss the game and it's mechanics; I have seen SO many complaining posts....
Tiresome to read.
Honestly, out of all of the settlements... When Curie is a Synth, she's the only one I would dare to romance. Mostly because she's probably the only one who won't be sixual out of them all. She's more of a scientist girl and I also find that kinda cute myself. But that's just me.
Welcome to the Bethesda forums where most people tend to just complain about the newest game and praise one of the older ones, over and over again. Ever since Morrowind.
Not surprising though, these games are big and Bethesda likes to treat each new game differently from the older ones. Improving on certain things and trying out different ideas.
It's still pretty tame compared to e.g. rpgcodex forum.
Command option only exists in Workshop mode. I think you must be talking about something else behinds "command option?"
What is it that you are actually talking about?
If Bethesda is going to "get to work on fixing it" they really would need to understand what it is you are talking about.
I am not a scientist. Before my world got tuned upside down I was lawyer and a new mother. I was married to a soldier who suffered from PTSD. After watching him being killed by another man while trying to protect my baby....that....and being frozen for over two hundred years things changed in me physiologically, I find myself attracted to other women. And, so what!?! I still grieve for the man I once loved. But that is what I need to survive in this crazy tuned upside down world, love. Love in a world where violence is the new norm. Sound familiar? Obviously then Piper is the go to girl, once and for all. Incidentally, six is as normal and wiping your butt every day. Which reminds me, "how do they do that in the Wasteland. Maybe that's why they call it the waste land.
While excellent. Ewww.... Not the lisbian stuff... The very sentiment of needing "love". Ewww... Gross... All I need is a little Jet and an issue of Grognak the Barbarian and I'm all set.
when i first got dogmeat at start of game the "talk" option appeared all the time and worked fine then all of a sudden at some point it disappeared and no matter how far/close i am i always have to go "command" then "talk" now
not much of an issue
it is annoying though how when you click on the "command" companions keep wandering around as i usually only need to talk to them when im overloaded so have to click on go and click in fron of me as cause im moving slowly and they keep moving they are always just out of reach lol
not so bad with piper as she moves "human speed" dogmeat was insane i could never catch up with him so erratic and fast (as a dog should be though) was like a godsend when i first figured out the "go" command to bring him close!!
the most annoying thing for me with companions is their constant either teleport or run away from me and then run back, its weird and [censored]s things up
i can be sneaking around say first floor of some area and then all of a sudden i here gun shots on the third floor and find that my companion has somehow teleported or run up there then tried to come back down to me and set off all the enemies
for curie, i havnt used her yet but when i got her i sent her to outpost zimonja, which is my companion base, and shes happily hovering around there. just a check question but for those that cant find her have you built and used the bell?
no, you have a "command" prompt for your companions which when activated gives you the go/stay/talk/trade option
Unfortunately, none of the men appeal to me and I am certainly not a fan of the Brotherhood. Suffer from homophobia much, by the way? And, what is wrong with love. It used to be something to cherish. But alas, our real world has its influences in the video gaming world too.
But, isn't that part of the "dialogue options?" And isn't "Talk" just one of the four choices in that dialogue menu?
Honestly confused here. What is it that the OP was "sick of?"
I tell you one thing I find mildly annoying: with Dogmeat (not sure about other companions), when you put the cursor on him and he is at (range > threshold for dialogue && < threshold for distant commands) he tends to turn and dart AWAY from you. This can make 'walking up to him to trade stuff between inventories' mildly annoying until you get into the habit of:
1. Point cursor at dog and click E
2. Point cursor at ground immediately at my feet, and type E causing "Go here."
He will then amble up and you can point your cursor at him without him darting out of range of the 'talk' options.
Is that what this thread is about? If so I agree it is mildly annoying though had only experienced it with Dogmeat so far.
Oh hush. I wasn't being homophobic. Like I said, it isn't the lisbianism that bothers me, it's the "love" thing. Ewww.....
If it was homophobic than I would certainly be terribly self-loathing and I'm WAAAAYYYY too old for that [censored]!