I am sick of it.

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:03 pm

My apologies then. I spoke out of turn. There just isn't a whole lot of options to choose from romantically speaking, for me at least. Piper so far is my go to girl. I love her one-liners and the fact that she calls me, "Blue." However, she can be a relative nuisance, much like Dogmeat who I can’t stand. I really wish we didn't need him for anything. When I am sneaking I am constantly yelling for him to stay back. He seems to be always in my way too. You practically have to step over him. "I don't need you giving my position away, just because you act like a dumb dog." Don't get me wrong I love dogs, but only if they are well trained.

Aside from all of my bickering I love the game. Bethesda or some modder(s) just need to fix a lot things that are either stupid or annoying, like the dialogue/command system. I would also prefer that these Settlers had different and separate dialogue from one another. It just gets old after awhile hearing the same damn thing over and over again. They say the same thing in the same stupid monotone. Again, I apologize for my outburst.

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Ross Thomas
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:44 am

heh you know the worse thing about companions is when sniping and they walk right in front of you and you waste your shot and alert everyone.

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Dan Scott
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:23 am

oh yeah that drove me nuts especially cause i was generally overloaded when i wanted to talk to him to take my loot!

when you first hover your crosshairs over a companion it comes up with "command" if you click that you have the 4 way options (talk/trade/go/stay, i think thats the 4?) and also your cross hair will change where you can start giving orders (pick up that, search that, attack that etc etc)

i think what OP is saying is he/she trying to do something then companion walks in front just as clicks and instead of doing whatever you get the command prompt

it does get very annoying being that companions seem to constantly move in front of you, and i do get it alot where i go to activate/talk to/pick up/etc etc something and end up with the command prompt cause companion has walked in front, also this can happen multiple times in the one situation!

not quite as annoying as lining something up with scope and they move in front of you

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:31 am

I'm an Ace. Again, Curie is probably the best choice for my main character (who is reflecting me, so to say).

Now, if I created another character then it probably would be very different.

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Steven Hardman
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:30 pm

Oh yeah, I've done that too. Ahh! :)

There really needs to be a thingy on the pip boy that tells you where your companion is like it does your power armor. I'm on a PS4 so I can't use a mod.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:07 am

Absolutely. Then you have to waste a stimpack on them to heal them.

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Alan Whiston
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:11 am

Ah yes

Ah yes, so it does. It had already become so automatic for me I had 'forgotten that that initial dialogue prompt is called "Command."

I also agree that companions (Dogmeat anyway) has a somewhat annoying habit of running right in front of "me" (my cursor actually) a lot of times that I'm just about to interact with a corpse, thus causing me to open up the "command/dialogue" menu for Dogmeat, instead of the container interaction. Having not played on console, and also having not done the most recent patch, I am not sure how translatable this is to other platforms or to the revised keybinds in the patch.

But here is how I cope:

1. Avoid pointing at Dogmeat in general

2. When I point at him, almost always immediately click "E" (the default key I think). If he is far away, this opens seemingly only one thing "Go here" (which doubles as "Stay" if you do not point the cursor somewhere else and click "E" again rapidly after the first time). I use this to my advantage as putting the cursor on him generally isn't difficult (as long as he is in sight) and telling him to stay (else to "come here") is generally a suitable interim solution to whatever I want him to do, which is usually either stop doing something that will blow our cover, else to not activate mines or to allow me to trade between inventories.

3. Luckily this also works in reverse. If he has been told to Stay (and he generally does stay, though not always) then pointing at him and typing "E" then quickly typing "E" again will tell him to come. I then have to type "I" (other keys might work I don't know) which is my key I have binded for Inventory in order to escape out of command/dialogue menu.

So if he is sitting at stay, I just point at him, and Type: "E," "E," then "I" in quick succession and I can get him to follow along again, even while I'm just running toward/past him in autojog mode.

Given all the platforms and different input devices the game has to work with, I don't know for sure how this system could be improved on. It seems like making EVERYTHING that has a keybind rebindable might be a good thing, but I'm not sure if that is problematic somehow. When people first started commenting on the UI, I saw a lot of comments (before I had the game) that "OMG Betheda!? Why did you make all the keys hard binded!? Let us rebind all the keys!"

I'm a bit puzzled by those comments now, and I think they might in part have reflected incomplete understanding of the UI (which I suffer from no less than anyone else I'm sure). But in my experience, -most- of the keys ARE rebindable. The fact that "E" stays a default "activate button (for example when scraping stuff on the ground) but that it doesn't say so in the Help was a source of mild annoyance for quite a while (as I was doing left-hand gymnastics with my keyboard in order to type "R" to scrap then "Enter" to complete the action, while using my mouse in right hand to point the cursor). Some kind soul pointed out that I could "E" in place of "Enter" (seemingly no matter how I have rebound things) and that was a gigantic boon. Now it is just spamming "R" then "E" for those frantic scrapping sessions.

One thing I would very much like Bethesda to look at in terms of the UI is the change in player posture whenever you go into Dogmeat's special command dialogues (the ones that come up when you choose "Talk" and then "Fetch"). As far as I've found, whenever you enter this dialogue set (not sure if it happens when you select "Talk" or when you select "Fetch" but it is one of the two) even if you are crouched when you enter it, your character automatically stands up (and goes out of stealth mode). This caused me problems a couple times.

Overall, given it is a game that runs on so many different platforms and allows so many different user input devices, I think it is a pretty good balance. It could use a bit of tweaking here and there, but honestly I can see why there would be considerable inertia to make any changes at all. Any change they make at this point might well either cause new problems (either for all platforms or at least for some) and it would just as likely piss off a new contingent of folks who had adapted to the original layout!

It seems like a bit of a Catch-22 for Bethesda, so I cannot blame them if they seem 'unresponsive' to complaints about the UI.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:47 am

Guy's a bit whiny, but he still got one point. Especially on PC the controls aren't intuitive and in many instances an outirght pain in the hindquarters. They clearly didn't invest any time into making a set of PC controls catering to the needs of PC players. One of the few real gripes I have with the game. I'm sure, modders will solve that, but Bethesda should have invested some thought and effort by themselves.

Just to give one example. When speeding up the Vendor's sermons to get to the actual transaction, you're using the left mouse button. As it happens, I put more than one bullet through the vendor's chest because of that. Luckily they're good sports and don't even notice.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:27 am

If this kills your game.. Sell it and good riddance.

Multiple work arounds; dont use companions, put up with it.. I mean. If youre looking at a companion up close, the command button is automatically a talk/trade/dismiss option which.. Yknow, works perfectly fine.

If youre an avid RPG fan - you should prefer things like this - in other RPGS things like this can be alot more complex and yknowmm fallout 4 was criticized for being too streamlined

You have no argument, here. You merely lack the effort to take 15 seconds to say "hi" to your companion
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:32 am

That made me laugh so hard xD :brokencomputer: :brokencomputer:

Reminded me of a guy who slams doors at my place. He actually ripped one off its hinges one time...

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:24 pm

Ok, let's settle down just a bit people (I'm talking to everyone).

Let's admit that the companion interface isn't perfect; sometimes positioning to talk with someone or command them can be a little tricky. On the other hand, I don't really find it to be that big of an issue. I would certainly welcome improvements to it, but if it never saw an improvement and we got other stuff elsewhere, I would be fine too.

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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:30 pm

The real problem is Dogmeat himself. I can't stand that he is always in my way or that he runs ahead of me when I am in stealth mode, thereby blowing my cover. He is constantly under foot just like real dogs. "Go lay down in a corner somewhere and leave me the hell alone. Pester someone else." I would have my scope on the bad guy and just as I pull the trigger Dogmeat leaps into view and I nail him instead of the bad guy. Then I have to waste a stimpack on him. There has to be another way of tracking Kellogg to Fort Hagen?!? As for saying "Hi!" to my companions, I am constantly conferring with them: "Just wanted to check in to see how our relationship is going. Your thoughts? Blah.....blah....blah."

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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:00 am

Youve changed your complaint from "talking to companions" to "dogmeat gets in the way".. Calm down and go home pls.

And again, talking to companions isnt bad, why say it like it is? I mean.. Yknow their thoughts are unique to locations, their relationship changes depending on how you act.. How is that bad? Bahahahah.

If it REALLY breaks the game for you - begone. Sell the game. Bye. Good riddance. You shant be missed when the patches, dlc and console mods come along.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:20 am

I think I'll stick around for you. Dogmeat does get in the way, constantly. And, as for conversing with companions I wasn't necessarily complaining other than to mention that there are only two conversations: "Your thoughts" and "how is our relationship going?"

"I'd rather be drinking and chewing bullets. Am I right?"

"Oy vey! I can't get used to this body and its bodily functions. How do you cope?"

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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:20 pm

Whatever, man. Couldnt care less. Merely pointing out, yknow..

You'll basically complain about everything ingame yet still play it. Why? Because lets face it - nothings wrong with fallout 4, its fun - you're just complaining for complaining sake.

And to prove the point more; youre saying whatever (ive given up listening what) is gamebreaking.. Yet.. Youre still playing it.

In an RPG.. No? Lmfao. You're one of 4 things, ive drawn my conclusion;

1 - youre a child who doesnt understand the concept of an RPG

2- you're a COD basher who doesnt understand the concept of an RPG

3 - youve never played an RPG before fallout 4

4 - you're just a very cynical [censored]

I mean.. Fallout 4 is REALLY streamlined.. trust me. The companion mechanics.. Basically everything but the settlement system was designed with ease in mind.
Any other RPG and (bugs aside) normally companions would need alot more work to make them love you.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:38 am

You do know that companions will auto heal once combat is over right? I've stimpacked Dogmeat maybe twice in ~250 hours, ~185 of which have been with him as companion and he has got staggered (or gone into "bleed out" or whatever it is called) plenty of times. 30% of the several hundred engagements we've been through together likely :wink_smile:

He's a decoy and a pack mule and a friendly dog. It saddens me to hear you degrade him as a pest. You are unworthy of such a loyal and tireless companion.

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vicki kitterman
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:33 am

To be fair you sound more like a child then OP. Not that it's wrong to be a child or anything.

Companions can be very annoying you can't deny that. For starters their idle animations kick in way too soon. You just have to stop for a few seconds and they can wander off, sit in a chairs, start using workbenches and whatnot. The concept is great, I hated how lifeless companions felt in previous games, but having them frequently trail far behind out of sight is just stupid. This also leads to them shouting their unique location sensitive lines from such a distance that half of the time you miss them. Not to mention that they have no regard of what you are currently doing. I had Piper confessing her undying admiration right before I was about to blow Kellogg's brains out. There's lots of things wrong with companions and talking about them is a fair game.

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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:20 pm

You say i sound like a child yet you dont know the difference between OP (basically the forum poster.. You..) and over powered? Good gad. WE HAVE TO GO BACK!

Yeah, i agree with you there. They CAN be annoying. But. That doesnt mean its all "i cant take this, fallout 4 is an awful game. -1/10." which is what you implied in your FORUM POST
I mean.. the dialouges fine, they act smart enough in combat, some of them are genuinely interesting..
I think we all got dogmeat blocking us on the stairs down when hes looking for kellogg. BUT THIS DOG IS A BAD***.. I mean, come on. He walks through fire panting away cheerfully for gods sake.

There'll be patches to fix that kind of stuff. But progression, speech, ect for companions is as is.. Complain all you like,
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:16 am

In other words, they'd actually do what's expected of a game company a lustrum ago?

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Horror- Puppe
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:26 am

Enough of the personal attacks and treating one another as lessers because you disagree!!!!

Either post in a civil manner treating one another with respect or don't post at all.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:30 am

I still say there's something up with Dogmeat. Nothing bothers him (okay, except enemies beating him down). He's walked through fire, mini-nukes, countless grenades and molotovs and can apparently retrieve items from impenetrable locked containers and isn't phased in the least by radiation. There is definitely something up with my best friend and he won't tell me the truth.

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Baby K(:
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:30 am

If one expectation is that a game company should pander to every little nitpick everyone has, you have very little respect for them.
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:23 am

I am no child, just so you know, and Fallout 4 (RPG) isn't my first rodeo. Let's see, there is the Elder Scrolls series, The Fallout series, from Fallout one, back in 1992, to present day--plus Duke Nukem. There is also the Dragon Age series as well as the Mass Effect trilogy. All of which I still play. And then of course, there was Donkey Kong and Super Mario Brothers back when my son was a young boy. He is now thirty-four. Like I said video gaming isn't my first rodeo.

Oh, darn, I forgot to mention that I play Tera Rising too.

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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:34 am

Why do you take that to heart so much? I meet you half way and just "NO IM NOT A CHILD"

Illuminatataytay comfirmededed

((You have made me give up any effort at this point))
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:19 am

I like dogs just fine so long as they are well trained and are not a nuisance. I don't like dogs that are under foot all of the time. My brother has three Labs that are like and when I am home I am constantly tripping over them, mostly because they are begging for food.

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