so for me Auto saves are great.
I always save over old saves. Have never had a drama.
If that was the case, then modding would be illegal in Australia.
It isn't.
But that goes against what you post about ...
There are some people that have no issue and that's fine. However, there are some issues that are directly related to autosaves. It has to do with several things.
One is crashing during transitions. this was most recently prevalent with the Dragonborn DLC, when the character makes the transition to the island. Disabling Autosave rectifies this. It is also linked to save file bloat and corrupt saves. The latter being tied to the transitional stages when moving between cells.
Now, one doesn't have a problem until they have a problem. By then it's too late and your game is fried. The best measure is to disable it altogether and get in a good habit of manually making new saves.
Because Autosaves save over each other. You're not doing any good by making new saves, when the Autosave is just writing over itself all the time.
As save is still a save, no matter if it's automatic or not.
So is this a new version of a hissy fit?
You used the black book and I take it came back with that hissing sound? Now you could have just ask in the appropriate technical support section for advice, or just contact Bethesda support for a solution.
No contracts were broken and after all this time no Australian retailer is going to give your money back, you got your moneys worth out of the game. Your thread has well and truly morphed into something else. So it is probably a waste of time answering the problem, you will never find the thread again. Perhaps starting a more appropriate thread in the right place might get the right attention.
You could just try making a new save, do not overwrite you old ones in case you need one, then load that new save and see if resetting gets rid of the sound. Otherwise you are going to have to clear the system cache or game cache to get rid of it.