I always feel so weird with side777's sound mods - I've seen threads and threads of people complaining about bugs and stuff in both Better Music System and now this - but I have yet to experience a bug at all. Strange.
For those who are running Vista or Windows 7: Yes, you do need to force EAX. This was the same with Soundscraqer as it is for Side's EAX Control. To do this, you need a program called Creative ALchemy.
Download the appropriate version for your sound card. I'm not sure if this works with onboard/third party sound cards using the chipset. I use a AuzenTech X-FI Prelude, which is pretty much the same as a stock Creative X-FI, with a few more bells and whistles, but I have had no issues running Side's plugin or soundscraqer.
Basically, if you're running Vista or 7:
- Download and install ALchmey from
http://bit.ly/6gftFB- Install the EAX/Direct Sound files using ALchemy according to this:
http://bit.ly/birmeE- Install side777's plugin.
You may have to tweak some settings in the ALchemy window - the MaxVoiceCount can be raised to whatever your card supports (like CorePc's card supports 64 voices, mine does 128 (I think)), you may have to tweak these settings.
I know for a fact that this will work on any Creative branded EAX capable card under Vista or 7.
For the technical reasons behind this, check out this article: http://bit.ly/aIim58 . DirectSound, the method most older games used to produce EAX/Surround sounds was removed in Vista or higher in favor of the more open and advanced OpenAL standard. I really don't know what most of that junk means, other than it takes some extra tweaking/fiddling around with ALchemy to play older games