I've had cleansing the commonwealth - breakheart banks stuck since 40 levels ago, and 2 more got stuck along the way somewhere. This severely limits my leveling options.
Thanks Bethesda for this sensible fix, much appreciated for console players!
Cancelled and you can do them again or just cancelled/failed? My main strategy is just running around collecting quests and only doing them as I stumble upon them. I don't find a quest and then run off to do that quest unless it happens to be in the same location.
Hmmm.. that sounds sort of sketchy since there's tons of stuff related to quests I've finished that have items that are still stuck in my inventory due to being a "Quest Item." Guess I'll just have to play and see what happens. Going to be kind of put out though if quests disappear from my log simply because I haven't gotten to them yet. That means I'd have to go track them down again. Half the time I've forgotten what the quest is about or who gave it to me by the time I get to them.