» Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:19 am
Everyone harps on Ulfric saying "racist racist racist'. Nobody seemed to mind when the Dunmer acted racist. Everybody was cool with that. But in any event, he's more nationalistic than racist, at least at the present.
I dislike both factions. The Empire suffers those Justiciars and the Legion tells me what to do a lot, and they also assume I'm loyal way too much. The Stormcloaks have done some bad things, although I have decided that the Solitude royalty is full of BS after that execution. They claim to hold to tradition and at the same time they know fully well that the guard that opened the gate wasn't disloyal- he was a political football. The court is also effete and arrogant. General Tullius is so full of himself he could pop, and he complains alot about Nords when you hear him talk. He's a pro, but he's a pro that's not inclined to favor the country he's in. His force is an occupying one more than a protecting one.
Ulfric won't deal with certain threats, ostensibly because they don;t affect Nords, but I've done a couple quests along those lines, and those bandits targetted everyone; Ulfric still didn't do anything. So the point about his being anti-everything-but-Nord doesn't hold water in those cases- he is equally callous to everyone. He wants power sure thing.
Everyone also seems to assume that a Skyrim broken off from the Empire weakens both sides. I'm not sure that's true. But it could make a two-front war for the Thalmor
And re: Ulfric being an 'asset'. That's what the Thalmor think and hope, alright. Is it true? They also say a Stormcloak victory is to be avoided in the same dossier- they don't want him to be in a position to win, and maybe even don't want him to be High King. How does that mesh with his being some kind of agent? He'd have more power and influence over the struggle with the Empire. Plus he allows talos worship, and the Aldemri hate that. They imprisoned him and released him in the hopes he;d be their agent but he makes no indication that it's possible. He hates the Aldmeri representative. What evidence is there that Ulfric will ever aid the Thalmor cause other than a dossier written by the Thalmor? Everyone assume that they are correct all the time? I guess they really are superior, then...
An independent Skyrim may hurt the empire but I don;t see how that means it must aid the Aldmeri. The empire is washed up anyway