Siege defense questionsworries

Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:22 pm

Spent a couple of nights battling in Cyrodiil and I was wondering about a couple of things. Maybe some more experienced Cyrodiil goers can shed some light on these?

-Is there no way to port in a keep once enemies are attacking it? If so, is there some sort of warning mechansim that will allowe people to port in to a keep before it gets locked down? Seems unlikely people will just hang in a keep in case it might get assaulted, so won't it usually just be empty, when a group decides to assault it?

-If the previous is true, what are the incentives to gather up a raid and ride to the rescue of a keep? Isn't it more profitable, for the same effort, then to ride to assault an other keep instead and get the possible quest bonus for taking a keep?

-What are the personal incentives to repair keep structures after a battle? I mean it costs loads of AP to repair a downed wall, it's just boring clickin, and what do you get out of it? Wont you just want to leave it to others?

-Did anyone try a "tanky" character succesfully in pvp? Aside from a few a couple vs a couple skirmeshes I was in, I was mostly poking from range and when death (or a kill) came, it seemed to come very quickly. Did someone find a durable character actually being able to endure being focused?

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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 5:35 am

Most of the questions can be answered easly by... Guilds will protect their keep they captured. In the beta no one really cares about the keep (there is no reason to) and push onward to the next keep they want to take.

Guilds will have the desire to repair their (Guild House), protect it from attacks, and promote people to venture there to trade. You will see the beauty of ESO PVP once it goes live and guilds are more established.

As for personal reason (those not part of the guild), there could be PvP quests added that require you to repair such and such to complete. simple enough.

High health characters did well in beta pvp.

- Allow one to live longer while siegeing with a weapon.

- Allows one to survive better in highly consatrated AOE

- Allows one to push deeping into enemy ranks, allowing your Damage members to lower the enemies on the field.

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rolanda h
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:08 am

Tanks work in PVP but obviously you can't be the only one.

I had a heavy armoured Templar that carved it up from time to time, but if it was just me charging against an army of ranged enemies well no build is going to help you then is it.

Once I reached my targets they didn't have much of a chance though, so its all about getting close WITH A GROUP, not just on your own.

Bottom line is, battle with people that aren't complete panzys.

I'm also curious to know about the details of AP and other mechanics, i mean whats the incentive for spending the AP on repairs as opposed to seige weapons that can land you kills and thus xp?

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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:38 am

Am I missing something? You repair the walls so its harder for the enemy to get in. Thus helping your alliance win.

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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:38 am

an attentive and well put together guild will have a huge interest in keeping their keeps well defended, just as those guild who are not the strongest and well put together will have their keeps taken over time and time again. Eventually the campaign will see massive battles between alliances at guild keeps that are well put together as those keeps will be huge bragging rights within the campaigns.(i cant wait to see how PvP develops in this game)

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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:55 pm

The point about the guilds is interesting. Will guilds be able to invest in their keeps and will they loose their investments if the keep is taken? Still I doubt any guild will be able to have enough people standing watch at a keep with nothing to do to withstand a siege zerg. In fact most such games have vulnerability windows to assets. I wonder if we've seen all the base mechanics in place yet actually.

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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:50 pm

You can't repair walls that are being attacked, so you have to drive off the attackers before you can do so.

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Chloe Lou
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:47 am

You can just ride to a keep that is being attacked and walk in the back door (assuming it has one) to help take up the fight. And by looking at the map it's fairly straightforward to predict which one will be attacked next based on enemy team progression and coordinates of current fights.

If everyone could just autobeam into keeps under attack the attacking force would never stand a chance. I think they're trying to keep things as fair and balanced as possible. I personally think it works even though it's a PITA to ride to a keep. But even that can be fun - could bump into enemy on the way.

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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:42 am

I know you cant repair till the battle is over. The OP says whats the point after the battle. Seems like the question is why should I waste AP without getting any recognition (Kills, Exp , etc). To that I say you should do it for the good of the war which is more important than your kill count.

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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:04 am

Yeah but there's no use riding in alone or in a small group, since there won't be enough defenders anyway. And with a large group I think there is more incentive to assault another keep instead.

Obviously there can't be unlimited transport/respawn to a sieged keep. I just thought that there might be some sort of limited option like for guildmates or a counter of X times or a small time window or something. And how do those forward camps work btw? Do they have some respawn limits?

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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:20 am

You can buy repair items 4 gold. And by repairing walls/doors u can gain AP. So it is a Good way to transfer gold--->ap.
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:04 am

The Forward allows 20 players to respawn there but it can be easily burned down by the enemy, so it should never be left unguarded.

I didn't test this but I heard that forward camps can be deployed inside the keep, however outposts are too small to have room for one.

You can also buy soulgems for alliance points from the quartermaster at a keep, combine that with the forward camp and you can expect a very sturdy defense from an organized group.

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