Sierra Madre bunker entrance freeze

Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:12 am

**Dead Money Spoiler**

Alright so i've spent much time on this character and when I decided to do Dead Money, I walked up to the little radio thing in the bunker and there's the sound and the room starts filling up with gas, although my character stays on his feet, the camera is fix (not moving) and my companions just walks around like nothing happened.

I wait like that for awhile, nothing happens, my interface is gone and I cant move or do anything.

I tried console commands, getting the quest done or playing with the variables but couldnt get anything to work.. =(
I also tried modifying the script that fires when walking on the trigger, without luck.
Any other character, older and newer than this character works perfectly.
It's just that character and the only thing i've done differently was fixing "That Lucky Old Sun" quest with some commands, went from giving power to freeside to powering the orbital platform, enabling the C-Finder.
Obviously something somewhere went wrong.. I've spent over 40 hours on this savegame, I would be eternally grateful if anyone could solve my problem =\
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