+I'm in love with the art style (at least when it would actually render properly)
+Of course the SMART system is just an amazing idea that I think still holds limitless possibilities.
+I truly like the idea of blending multiplayer and single player. While this function could probably be better utilized I have to give them kudos for having the balls to try something new.
+Not enough shooters these days have in depth character customization. This is something I would love to see more of.
+I like that there is no clear "good" side or "evil" side. To many games rely too heavily on this distinction. I think its more natural for everyone to think they are doing whats right.
+I like the sci-fi premise. I think they have the makings of a truly epic war and a great setting for it.
Now for the things I wish they would have spent more time on. Like I said I'm not a hater. I'm just an avid gamer who is really disappointed when games that do so many things so well let the ball drop in so many other areas. Please don't just reply to this to burn me for my opinions, after all I'm stating right up front that these are only my opinions and you probably all have your own opinions. I still think their wrong but I respect the fact that their yours and I can't change them.
- The graphics always tended to slow to load and, at times, made the game downright ugly. Even in offline mode.
- A lot of the menus feel like Splash damage went in at the last minute to change things without really thinking too much about what they were doing. They lack that professional touch and it really makes me think "what were they thinking" when at the character select screen you can choose to customize your character when you can also easily customize your character from the main menu.
- I don't mind the fact that you can switch between security and resistance in between levels, but wtf is the point of them asking you to pick your side when you first make your character? This just seems rushed and silly too me.
- None of the levels really seem all that unique too me. You could probably line them all up together and most people wouldn't be able to tell where one ended and the next one began. They have a great setting with the ARK. If they had spent more time and afforded more creativeness I'm sure they could have figured out ways to incorporate all kinds of epic locations. The tight indoor levels feel really closterphobic for these epic fire fights, and the color scheme gets really tiring after a while. I just wished they had more maps, and more variety between the maps.
- I honestly was expecting more customization options. I figured with the big deal they had made about it, and after giving the female characters the shaft so that the male characters could have better options, it should have had many more options + the ability to edit the color schemes manually.
- I know your all sick of hearing this one but... after seeing the number of customization options I feel strongly that "it would have been too difficult." Is no excuse for not having female characters. No it's not about having six symbols in the game and I don't care how ugly the heavies would have been. It was a mistake to forgo them, this game deserves so much more effort than they were willing to put in.
- It truly perplexes me that you can change your side and body size on a whim but tattoos and skin color are made permanent. They should have either made all body modifications permanent to give us a sense of loyalty to our character or let us have full control at all times over how it looks for versatility.
- The in game character animations never looked natural enough. The way they were moving always reminded me of how things looked as far back as the PS2.
- Melee attacks felt extremely nerfed. I'm used to being able to rely on melee as a life save when encountering an enemy but in BRINK I just couldn't rely on it when I was in trouble. I know people will hate this but I do wish they had at least a small assortment of melee weapons, I'm not asking for anything as far as swords or bats but it would have benefited from like a small lead pipe or bayonet with a lunge attack. Just something to make melee feel like something more than a rushed after thought.
- Some more acrobatics would have been nice. Something like the backwards dives from Mirrors Edge, and dodge rolls would have been great (at least for light classes).
- I've heard this one argued about on these forums pretty constantly. I've been told bullet penetration has ruined shooters and I honestly tried to give those who have said that the benefit of the doubt but after playing the game I have to say it is extremely disappointing to not have it. I know Black Ops ruined it for everyone but come on. They don't have to make the same mistakes Call Of Duty did. They can do it better, they just need to add it in with a light touch. Shattering glass and small destructable objects would have made my guns feel like they actually had some power. The way it is now they feel more like cartoon guns.
- Grenades svck! The explosions do not look good at all and they are useless when trying to save your ass while reloading. I don't want them do be so good that people spam them but sheesh they feel more like you shook a can of root beer and threw that at them!
- I would have liked to have named my characters even if it was just in the form of simple tags. It really seems like they went out of their way too detach me from my characters.
- Any one who says that they were truly immersed in the story line is a hardcoe liar. I hate that the story takes place over eight days. This could have been such an epic war but instead it was scaled down into just a few vaguely militaristic power plays. Hell the guys talking during the loading screens talked way more than the ones in the cinematics did. And seriously wth is up with making my character just a set piece? They already have done a good job of keeping me from caring about my character as it is, why should I care any more about the handful of bots that actually get speaking lines in the grand story? The resistance should have been fighting for control of the ARK not to escape it. All the voice actors sound like they are trying really hard to talk in corny accents making them difficult to understand. (not aided by the fact that there is no subtitle option)
- Objective based combat is only good if the objects remain interesting over time. In BRINKS case the objectives all feel really lame and get extremely boring by around the fourth or fifth time challenging it. This also means that most of the levels even when done online will only end up having a finite number of ways that they can be done. The game really should have had a well balanced team death match type mode to offer something a little different.
- The bots are terrible. They stand around, they ignore me, they cill me out of nowhere with no warning, and whole teams will bum rush you while your entire team is off doing unimportant secondary objective and you try to hold down the main objective.
- Enemies take far too many hits before going down. Heavies are the only ones who feel like they take an appropriate amount of damage. Everyone else feels like they take a super human amount of damage.
- Abilities just don't feel that rewarding to use or unlock. And I still wish your character could grow in their chosen class instead of just letting you buy a handful of upgrades. I also wish that the abilities felt like they were actually worth it (especially for the operative and engineers, my personal favorite classes).
During the weeks of anticipation I had been expecting something along the lines of Modern Warfare with free running and customization options, instead I got a game more like Team Fortress with free running and customization which isn't necessarily a bad thing but in the end is just extremely disappointing. When a game does so many uniquely great things like this, it really svcks to see the ball get dropped in so many other areas. I know some people aren't going to agree with me and personally I'm glad for it. It means that this game may hold on to its online following. Unfortunately it seems just as likely that this games online following will end up going the same route Team Fortress has. If you took the time to read all of my complaints and don't harass me for my opinions then I appreciate it. I especially appreciate it if any of you actually work at Splash Damage and take some of my ideas to heart (that would be both ridiculous and amazing at the same time) I want to hear more about what people think Splash Damage has done right here, and what people think has been done wrong (mostly I'm interested in seeing what people think could be done better) I find it hard to believe that anyone who has been anticipating this game hasn't been somewhat disappointed in one or more areas of it, so please constructive criticism is important when testing out new game ideas, and I don't want this game to fade into obscurity. I really do hope BRINK does well enough to warrant a full fledged sequel. Hopefully the second time around they have a better handle on what a good shooter needs to be. It's only been out for a day or two and I'm already ready for the sequel. If it ends here then all my expectations for this game are going to leave a very bitter taste in my mouth. In summation I do think that this game was deserving of far more attention than anyone at splash damage was willing to give it. Anyways thanks for listening!