i actually prefered the old map

but it doesn't matter to me.
and although my argonians don't have strong elite soldiers, we do excell at guerilla warfare. hehe

I believe that's where our elites are located

you should probably defend your goods very well. I'll post a CS later this evening. I'm looking forward to it.
oh and ps: we are imune to poison and almost to disease so you aren't poisoning me

edit: a yes sorry, wouldn't it be awsome to if the redguards got split up at the council to, in two or three. I don't know how many factions they have. but each could be controled by another player and they would have to join eachother first, or not. the crown and Ra 'Gada never got along well. so they could actually fight each other and form different alliances.
another edit: weren't the Dunmers driven out of morrowind? I thought they all took refuge on solstheine(spelling?)? because i believe the map is not correct then. Or I may be wrong.
and one more: how long after the payback by the argonians does this take place? I'm thinking of having my character being the one who started, along with some others and help from black marsh, the war that drove the dunmer out of their home land.