Talon95 is an idiot.
Newsflash: Crysis 2 PC WAS a huge focus for Crytek. But see, the main focus to working THIS hard on a game is to get money. Crytek's Crysis 1 was a failure in sales to them. Numbers don't matter, because most of you don't consider that it's mainly initial sales that matter, that EA takes a chunk of money, THEN Crytek splits it among themselves.
Crytek never wanted to change their fanbase, they wanted to expand it and they wanted to expand who they sell their game to. They had a focus for PC AND consoles when it came to Crysis 2. This petition means nothing and actually will not do anything. It's pointless, retarded, and Talon95 is just being the usual idiot he is.
If Crysis 1 was a failure in sales to Crytek, then Crysis 2 is a complete flop.

Have fun with your DOA Crysis 2 game, Phenom.
Nope. Crysis 2 for Crytek on PC is just as successful as Crysis 1 (but that's taking into account BOTH retail and digital sales combined). Actually, I think it's MORE successful. And then bring in the console sales....you'd be shocked HOW MUCH money Crysis 2 made for Crytek. Although it's not the Black ops or Modern warfare 2 sales Cevat Yerli wanted, yeah....compared to Crysis 1, Crysis 2 is totally a success for Crytek.
You fail to look at this situation from a business perspective, thus you fail to properly understand. THUS, your post fails.