Sign this Petition for Crysis 3 PC Focus

Post » Sun May 22, 2011 9:11 pm

Talon, I think you attract attention because you have like 3000 posts? But who knows, thats just me.

Nah, that's not it. ;)

@ Cry-Baby: thank you for the support! Although this no longer is geared towards a total exclusive, but more towards a PC-first/focused standpoint while going multiplatform. Since what consoles want is mostly the same except they should get lower graphics to compensate for five year old technology (so crytek shouldn't care about graphics on console and place gameplay as the priority).
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brandon frier
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 5:41 pm

No consoles = no crysis 3.
Is that simple.

We might not even get Crysis 3 considering BOTH the PC and console communities are giving garbage to Crytek. And Cevat expected Call of Duty sales (stupid expectation but yeahhh.....).
honestly, SP gameplay of C2 is too far from MW2
it was stupid to awaits the same sales..
btw i played MW2 in few days after it was released and it was not so bugged and had no stupid stucking AI
in fact i found no bugs during playing SP
f*k the consoles....if crysis 3 has consolitis i wont buy it.
i was so happy with crysis and warhead!
i wish i didnt buy crysis 2!

frankly, i think it's much harder to satisfact PC gamer then console players
PC users have much experience with different quality shooters and they expect the game to be really great
look at console users. they eat anything the dev gives them
have a look at common console shooter! god sake it's PITY!!! boring stuff with no graphics and poor gameplay. the only thing this games have - story line.. omg, it's very important...
how do you think console users met C2? WARM. "i like it!!" they say. "om it's interesting game!", "OH IT"S AMAIZING!!" god.. poor ppl... they just havn't seen AMAZING shooters...
so do you still think Ctytek choice was so wrong? why the hell they must boom their brains to make the great game for PC if they can make "just common shooter" and make console kids happy and themselves rich? logic choice i believe. and piracy much lower ... both side benifit, don't you find?
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 7:14 pm

But really think about it...I know Pc development sounds all nice and dandy when you write the possible profit on paper, but if it was so profitabke wouldn't every developer do it? 99% of games these days are either console ports or don't make it to PC.

DICE did it because Battlefield has been popular on PC since the Stone Age. If EA released NFS games with a PC Focus in full DX11 + PhysX (I think Shift 2 actually has PhysX), etc...would it really benefit them?

Would it benefit Infinity Ward to give MW3 a PC focus? MW2 is STILL among the top 5 played games on Steam, with 80,000 players at peak daily. But in comparison over 600,000 players on PSN daily at the same time.

It works for games like Crysis that have a PC base and a certain amount of garunteed PC sales, but not in the majority of games.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 2:54 pm

As much as I want the next Crysis game to be free from the limitations of out-dated consoles, it's not going to happen, not on the current cryENGINE at least.

Besides, trying to envoke change by using a petition site is like pitting the villiage idiot against Zeus and hoping the idiot will win.
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 6:44 pm

But really think about it...I know Pc development sounds all nice and dandy when you write the possible profit on paper, but if it was so profitabke wouldn't every developer do it? 99% of games these days are either console ports or don't make it to PC.

DICE did it because Battlefield has been popular on PC since the Stone Age. If EA released NFS games with a PC Focus in full DX11 + PhysX (I think Shift 2 actually has PhysX), etc...would it really benefit them?

Would it benefit Infinity Ward to give MW3 a PC focus? MW2 is STILL among the top 5 played games on Steam, with 80,000 players at peak daily. But in comparison over 600,000 players on PSN daily at the same time.

It works for games like Crysis that have a PC base and a certain amount of garunteed PC sales, but not in the majority of games.

Well, Crytek games have been popular on the PC since the Stone Age. ;)

In addition, racing games are much better with a gamepad in my opinion, and they do get much higher focus on consoles due to awesome split-screen with friends.

The "potential" profit on a PC is higher. That does not mean that every game developer can tap into these profit potentials... Blizzard makes billions each year off the PC, while other games like Crysis 2 just do not appeal to most PC players and therefore get much less sales than they should. On the other hand, a rather low budget game like Crysis made Crytek hundreds of millions of dollars because while it did not have a lot of content, what content it did have - it did right.

It takes much more effort from a developer to tap into the PC playerbase because we have much higher standards... Developers love the consoles because they can make game after generic game on yearly launches and the console players will take it up the ass each and every time.

Developers are also now just starting to see the benefits of digital distribution. All it takes is one extremely successful title to be launched on the digital platform before hoards of other developers try to tap into this potential of higher profit margins... Or they might just wait until consoles likely have Digital sales built into them with the next generation.

EA themselves have stated that they are now aggressively attacking the PC platform again thanks to digital distribution profits... while this "aggressive" approach may take a while to see and was not apparent in games like Crysis 2, it is becoming obvious in their first announced since then (Battlefield 3) that they are taking the PC seriously again. This makes me confident with that a little pushing from our community, we can convince Crytek to work collaboratively with EA to create a top notch PC product like they have in the past.
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u gone see
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 7:48 pm

As much as I want the next Crysis game to be free from the limitations of out-dated consoles, it's not going to happen, not on the current cryENGINE at least.

Besides, trying to envoke change by using a petition site is like pitting the villiage idiot against Zeus and hoping the idiot will win.

LOL, that anology made me laugh. :)
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 3:29 pm

How is it that over 2000 people have seen this topic and only 30 people signed?
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 11:32 am

How is it that over 2000 people have seen this topic and only 30 people signed?

It is highly unfortunate how lazy or pessimistic people can be, isn't it? All of these people yell how petitions don't work, and then they don't sign it. But seriously, what the heck can a petition do to harm the community? It just takes a minute of your time to sign in something you agree with: a bigger focus on the PC platform with Crysis 3.

This community seems to be able to do the whining and complaining pretty darn well yet when some form of real action gets put in place and suggested to the community, they all run away to complain about each and every little issue there is with Crysis 2 that most likely won't get fixed.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 10:01 pm

I have no interest in signing. I no longer trust Crytek.
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Doniesha World
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 7:18 pm

I have no interest in signing. I no longer trust Crytek.

You can't sign in the hopes of a better game? I have lost Crytek's trust also and no amount of sandbox releases or DX11 patches will change that. It takes what, a minute of your time? If you were disappointed in Crysis 2 like most people were then you should sign in support of getting a better game next time.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 5:28 pm

They can make the game PC focused, then port a downgraded version to consoles. Everybody wins.

I'll never truly lose respect for Crytek because they made Crysis and Warhead, two of my favorite games of all time. I'll never pre-order from them again, though, that's for damn sure.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 10:14 pm

iPwn, just make a new thread, and make a poll, maybe that way people wont fear to sign it.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 2:21 pm

iPwn, just make a new thread, and make a poll, maybe that way people wont fear to sign it.

I had the original idea and the petition, I think I shall do this as well. :)
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 4:12 pm

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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 1:10 am

I'm not signing... I'm seriously beginning to wonder what happened to the Community prior to last years E3 change.. It seems that everyone has had an eye exam and became neuralyzed and everyone's been told to ignore recent developments at Crymod.....
First of all, we will be launching an Editor for Crysis 2 early in summer. This will allow you to build new maps, items and more custom content for Crysis 2. For teams looking for even more creative freedom, we have another option: The free CRYENGINE SDK.
Be Free

In August 2011 we will be launching a free CryENGINE SDK. If you want to use it for fun, like all our previous MOD SDKs it will be completely free of charge, to anyone who wants to play with it! You just register, download the SDK with a personalized license key and you're good to go!
Be Creative

We'll be giving you access to the latest, greatest version of CryENGINE 3 - the same engine we use internally, the same engine we give to our licensees, the same engine that powers Crysis 2.

This will be a complete version of our engine, including C++ code access, our content exporters (including our LiveCreate real-time pipeline), shader code, game sample code from Crysis 2, script samples, new improved Flowgraph and a whole host of great asset examples, which will allow teams to build complete games from scratch for PC.

My two cents.

But I do applaud the sentiment over getting lemons.

Cause I would do the exact same thing.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 1:40 pm

I have no interest in signing. I no longer trust Crytek.

You can't sign in the hopes of a better game? I have lost Crytek's trust also and no amount of sandbox releases or DX11 patches will change that. It takes what, a minute of your time? If you were disappointed in Crysis 2 like most people were then you should sign in support of getting a better game next time.

lol and people b!tch and complaing about our world today. Seriously I am at 360... but dos it take you less than 30 secs to sign??? i mean seriously How lazy is that.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 12:26 pm

The whole reason Crysis 2 was put onto consoles was because consoles were rising up, and its a huge market. I dont think they will make anymore PC exclusive Crysis games, just wouldn't work i don't think.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 10:30 am

All depends on profits. Crysis two was highly acclaimed by the MP left alot to be desired. And There are 2 markets for Consoles. MP exclusive or adventures.

Unfortunately is split in two. What made crysis 2 popular in console is the long story for an FPS... the MP didn't leave that big of a mark so.

Most likely they would be better making a Farcry2 type of game. Sand box for console with less power. Because the MP certainly didn't catch almost anyone's attention.

Dont know how sales were I cannot speculate. ALl depends on sales.
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 9:57 pm

That cant afford not to make it multiplayer - Crytek say this themsleves. Just make C2 map editor for all formats(or at very least support porting)
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 7:10 pm

The amount of people who are aware of this petition can't even reach 1,000... The most likely decision that Crytek could make is to develop the PC version first, heavily test the game for bugs and then release it. The Ps3 and Xbox 360 versions would then have their release date set several months later. If EA still has a problem with game releases then they have to get over it and learn that Gaming Community still matters, not just their sales.

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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 4:14 pm

EA still has a problem with game releases then they have to svck it up and learn that Gaming Community still matters, not just their sales.

If only that were true. But I mean its...EA... the new starbucks of the virtual entertainment medium. Do you really believe they care about the gaming community more than sales?

Why should they? Is easier to attract a new audience who have little experience with their previous titles, speaking overall here. Than to maintain the trust of their loyal fans in other games.

Current marketing strategy for most video game companies, including EA. More profitable and less expensive to attract new less knowledgeable audience than to maintain the loyal fan base.

With the exception of a few games that they will repackage every year or two for the rest of eternity and still its base will buy it no matter what.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 6:51 pm

Current marketing strategy for most video game companies, including EA. More profitable and less expensive to attract new less knowledgeable audience than to maintain the loyal fan base.

Though I enjoy playing Crysis 2 on my PS3, If this game had a PC focus then maybe the current bugs many gamers encounter could've been addressed before the release. I have to stop taking this so seriously.
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 12:26 am

You want it for PC only. I dont really care. I wont loose sleep over this game not being multi platform. Simply put if their revenues for crysis 2 were enough a certain threshold they had forseen then they will most likely re-engineer Crysis 1 and Warhammer completely as some sort of Farcry 2 knock off the actual PC game. All the costs will certainly be overshadowed by the profits of a new customer base in the ps3 and xbox 360.

If the revenues weren't as expected for crysis 2 as they had hoped then it will stay pc most likely.

Crysis 2 was just testing the waters, and regardless of what you or I think they will do what brings them a bigger bang for their buck, regardless of "respecting the community". The Community is a band of fans dedicated to the game who will be free testers, brain stormers and in the best of scenarios; someone who will make an incredible mod who they will claim as their idea in the next installment. AKA Fallout New vegas "customizing" idea was a mod for fallout 3.

Either way yeah relax dont take it so seriously, our word only counts towards bug finding mostly.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 10:03 pm

I think he's not talking abot a PC exclusive. I think he wants Crytek to focus on PC for the next game, not being limited in design by the consoles, like map size, control layout, stupid limitations like in weapon customization (only 3 attachments for every weapon slot), the way MP was designed (Too small maps, fast paced gameplay, ranks, unlockable stuff, DLC) The bad thing about Crysis 2 "ported to PC*" is not all about graphics (relying on too much post processing effects and filters, to hide the lack of detail on some areas.)

No user smart enough wants any exclusives (unless what I told before happens). They want to choose the platform they want to play.

Crysis 2 was like making Far Cry Instincts Predator for PC instead of Far Cry.

(* = wasn't really ported from consoles, but they focused on them.)
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 1:45 am

I understand. But having a game be "focused" one the PC or any console in particular is a death wish in today's marketing thinking.

If you focus on one group you leave a huge new market behind that most likely will not buy new games from them. So in the short and medium term they loose money.

When a game company splits profits between the 3 systems it gets 3 bases. Focusing on PC leaves 2 new groups out of the loop Which will turn into the usual console wars w/e but short and to the point. Their new invested will failed miserably. Crysis 2 was good but still overall people have doubts about the next installment.

CRytek has two options most likely:
A- Make crysis 3 PC exclusive period. Saves them money from developing for other platforms and all the costs that go with it.
B- Make it multiplatform but not focused on any single platform. Draws bigger profits, at the risk of alienating its PC base.

The trick with B is whether the customer it looses from PC will be replaced by PS3 and/or 360 gamers. After all crysis 2 wasn't a HUGE hit.

So is a gamble. Should the make a crysis 3 multiplatform and focus on PC. They will have 3 groups with 2 being alienated.

If you now have 3 cows do you rather loose 2? or just 1?. After all you can still milk the ones left.
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