But really think about it...I know Pc development sounds all nice and dandy when you write the possible profit on paper, but if it was so profitabke wouldn't every developer do it? 99% of games these days are either console ports or don't make it to PC.
DICE did it because Battlefield has been popular on PC since the Stone Age. If EA released NFS games with a PC Focus in full DX11 + PhysX (I think Shift 2 actually has PhysX), etc...would it really benefit them?
Would it benefit Infinity Ward to give MW3 a PC focus? MW2 is STILL among the top 5 played games on Steam, with 80,000 players at peak daily. But in comparison over 600,000 players on PSN daily at the same time.
It works for games like Crysis that have a PC base and a certain amount of garunteed PC sales, but not in the majority of games.
Well, Crytek games have been popular on the PC since the Stone Age.

In addition, racing games are much better with a gamepad in my opinion, and they do get much higher focus on consoles due to awesome split-screen with friends.
The "potential" profit on a PC is higher. That does not mean that every game developer can tap into these profit potentials... Blizzard makes billions each year off the PC, while other games like Crysis 2 just do not appeal to most PC players and therefore get much less sales than they should. On the other hand, a rather low budget game like Crysis made Crytek hundreds of millions of dollars because while it did not have a lot of content, what content it did have - it did right.
It takes much more effort from a developer to tap into the PC playerbase because we have much higher standards... Developers love the consoles because they can make game after generic game on yearly launches and the console players will take it up the ass each and every time.
Developers are also now just starting to see the benefits of digital distribution. All it takes is one extremely successful title to be launched on the digital platform before hoards of other developers try to tap into this potential of higher profit margins... Or they might just wait until consoles likely have Digital sales built into them with the next generation.
EA themselves have stated that they are now aggressively attacking the PC platform again thanks to digital distribution profits... while this "aggressive" approach may take a while to see and was not apparent in games like Crysis 2, it is becoming obvious in their first announced since then (Battlefield 3) that they are taking the PC seriously again. This makes me confident with that a little pushing from our community, we can convince Crytek to work collaboratively with EA to create a top notch PC product like they have in the past.