Thanks for giving us Crysis 1.3! Now how about CRYSIS 2?!
DX11, please. Bug fixes, please. Everything else we've been asking for and expecting well before now, please. Be Crytek again, please. And I don't care if they're supposedly working on this stuff right now. After all this, I'll believe it when I see it.
To all you console fans dropping in, no, DX11 won't solve everything and be a HUGE dream come true. But hey, we were EXPECTING it and would still like to have it. So man, gee whiz, it sure would be nice of em to give it to us!
And enough of this "it looks good enough with dx9 they did a great job wow what a wonderful game why don't you all stop crying let's just live in the past forever with dx9 since it's so awesome blah blah blah blah..." Shut. Up.