... unless you are a girl, and/or play female characters and change the name, the male spouse would then have to have a name that means lighthouse.
I disagree and think your reasoning is incorrect.
As to the significance of lighthouses, I really don't know.
Light houses do, in a way, resemble rockets, so, there could be some space travel metaphor going on, or, if you want to get all interpretive, there's the Freudian angle where every rocket, lighthouse, baseball bat, cigar, as well as every other phallic object is representative of something tied to sixuality, but, that's Freud. 
There's certainly an actual lighthouse in the game. Perhaps the back-story extends to parents of the couple? You, regardless of whether you play as male or female could have parents that are lighthouse keepers, or you grew up in a lighthouse, or, your spouse has/had parents that were lighthouse keepers and grew up in a lighthouse. Pictures of lighthouses in the player character home would then make more sense, especially so where the lighthouse has an actual family history association. 
If the devs have gone so far as to make the baby a composite of both make and female player character options, then, it's plausible that parents of the player character and their spouse, grandparents to the baby might also be included in some of the story, if only as a mention, and not ever really seen.