I have a plan forming in my head to make magical/alchemical healing in the age of gunpowder a little more complicated, engaging and interesting, not to mention actually being relevant to the setting. I wouldn't mind sharing the medical role if we could brainstorm and all get on the same page as far as how to go about it

Sure thing, feel free to shoot me a pm. I love magic, but feel that in such a realistic rp like this one, if it worked like it did in the game: we'd make it cheesy. I was going to concentrate more on the physical aspect of things, and use magic as something to enhance that. I'm interested in what you have in mind.
Name: Kaisie "Gritz" Lorunus
Age: 33
Race: Imperial, raised in Anvil
Gender: Male
Political views: Gritz never focuses on the political reasons of war or his deployments, his loyalty is to the men beside him. That being said he hates politicians, and can't stand the council or Emperor's decisions when he's home.
Religious views: Gritz only attends church when he is home, and believes in the Nine Divines, occasionally praying before battle.
Why did you enlist: He was turned down by the Navy at Anvil when he sought to see the world and adventure, and ended up enlisting with a few of his friends into the Legion instead (now all dead).
Family back home: May have a few brothers and sisters still at Anvil, but he chooses to focus on his military career.
education: Basic education in reading and writing, as well as mathematics. Learned everything else in the Legion. Well versed in history.
Personal flaw(s): A gambler
Money: 15 Gold pieces
Physical Description: Gritz is a tall Cyrodiil, broad shouldered, dark skinned with receding hair, and a small beard warming his face. His eyes are sunk in orbs of charcoal with a prominent jaw and hidden face. His arms and back are developed and strong from working in the field since 15, but his stomach is beginning to grow round.
Clothing: Black wool doublet, Black wool breeches, 2 pair Red knit stockings, 2 pair undershirt, 1 pair leather ankle boots, 1 pair wooden clogs, Steel helmet, and black cloak (which is also used as a blanket)
Weapons: Magelock Musketoon, Forkette, shortsword
Inventory: Bandoleer, equipment pouch, Powder flask, cartridge boxes, three days worth field rations (dried fish, hard tack, dried pies, barley, and a smuggled potato), http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.braceface.com/medical/Surgery_set_images/Tiemann%2520USA%2520HD%2520field%2520set/DSC00018.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.braceface.com/medical/&usg=__tCcfELaptmfX91XsQ0UrztyZN7k=&h=435&w=523&sz=268&hl=en&start=16&um=1&tbnid=ygrbJkmsPihnqM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcivil%2Bwar%2Bfield%2Bsurgeon%26hl%3Den%26um%3D1 (I'm not sure if that would be too heavy or large for him to carry around, but considering his profession I think it'd be a necessity), dried aloe vera and venison mix (to be applied to ease bleeding), jar containing shards of weystone and maggots (weystone shards preserves maggots), no holy book but he does carry around a leather bound book: The Annals of Talos' own, Light Company.
Miscellaneous: Gritz comes off as a hard ass, but truly cares for the men beside him. He tries his best to save every single person when they arrive at the operating table and takes it out on himself if their lives are lost. Also fancies himself a lover of history, and is interested in all aspects of Nirn and learning as much as he can (perhaps to counterbalance the lack of education he received as a youth)
Bio: Kaisie "Gritz" Lorunus was the son of a sailor, and as such he spent a lot of time at the docks as a youth, learning how to maintain a ship, hearing of the tales of glory in the Imperial Navy, and becoming a creature of the dock's seedier sides. He became an avid player of dice, and would often spend his money earned from the docks on the games in the afternoon.
After seeing the Navy arrive in docks, he thought he'd take his chance to enlist and see the world. Seeing how small and frail he was, he was turned down. "On a ship we can't have weak links boy, everyone has to pull equal weight". Disappointed, young Kaisie gathered all of his belongings and traveled to the Imperial City to enlist in the legion. The boy was taken in, and vigorously drilled and trained, first stationed in Black Marsh where he fought against the rebellious tribes, then to Vvardenfell, Morrowind. Attached to the Death's head legion under General Darius, where he began to specialize in field medicine and surgery. At 27 he had been attached to the 1st Legion. Since Gritz has almost no magical knowledge or talent, he relies on more conventional means. Gritz earned his name for his time in the 1st legion, he holds much of the company's personality, and has taken the duty of the Light Company's Annalist.