The Empire is doing well for itself, especially with Emperor Ocato in charge. Vvardenfell however is a different story... Lord Vivec reappeared 10 years ago... Ever since he has been in his palace, the daedra did horrible things to him. Daedra are all over the place. The island is a daedric wasteland. Small fishing settlements like Khuul, Seyda Neen, and Hla Oad were overran quickly. Balmora, Sadrith Mora, and Ald'Ruhn have ordinator guards against the daedra.
You know of the current events, but how it happened you ask? Vivec escaped Dagon's Hell, through a portal made by the highest ranking tribunalites. This portal was not able to be completely sealed, however it was closed... Then finally the cults of Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, Malacath, and Sheogorath worked together to reopen the portal. Little did they know of what the daedra would do.
Lord Vivec has sent for each of you with a letter which reads, "The horrors of what the cultists have done is... Horrible! However, we have more important matters, ever since these events have happened I have been severely weakened and require you the adventurers to stand before me in my palace, Archcanon Tholer Saryoni will let you in. Stop the Four Corners of the House of Troubles and their cultists and more rewards than you can even begin to imagine will await, should you succeed that is. If you are brave enough to heed my call, then you will see what gifts I have to help you."
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