Silence doesn't work on ps3 goty edition!

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:49 am

yeah, i found that enemies can silence me (hate those gloom wraiths), but nothing i do works on them. I've tried silence spells, purchased and custom made in the Uni. silence potions - also useless. Made my mages staff imbued with the silence option by Delmar - useless too. Silence scrolls - useless!

In short silence doesn't work, at least on my version.

Has anyone else found this? Is it just a glitch on ps3 or all goty editions? Is there a workaround?
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:16 pm

I also have the PS3 GOTY version, but I've never noticed this problem. This is what the UESP says about it:

"Ghosts are encountered at all levels; ancient ghosts are a somewhat stronger (more health, more powerful attacks) version. Ghosts rely upon magical attacks, in particular Frost Damage. They have both touch and targeted attacks; the touch attacks are generally immune to Silence (i.e., these spells are still effective even if a silence spell is cast on the ghost)."

----------(the text below is from a different part of the UESP than the text above)----------

"Greater and Lesser Powers are immune to Silence effects. Be aware that most Monsters and Undead have at least one power at their disposal (specified in the creatures' detailed descriptions as Immune to Silence), so Silence may have little or no effect on them."
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My blood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 pm

Seti is right. There are plenty of times when silence won't work, generally because your target is immune to it or is casting a special power (silence only works vs spells, not special powers).

A spriggan is another good example. Both their heal three times a day and summon bear are special powers and can't be silenced.

If you want to see silence work well, try it against necromancers or conjurors and watch them turn into wimps with daggers.

Now if you get silenced, you might try using a special power of your own (I love Cobra's Dance from the Serpent Stone).
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