Why did Crytek use a silenced Scar in the videos for Cloak Tracker, Energy Transfer, Detonation Delay, Threat Tracer, Side Pack and maybe a few other module vids? QA/consistency fail?
And before you say that's a Scarab, no, no it's not.
They removed it to balance the game. People still claim the Scar to be overpowered. With silencer it would be the only gun to use. So instead of reducing the damage making it too similar to the Scarab, they removed the ability to equip a silencer. I'm actually glad they did, so I'm forced to use another gun for once if I want a silencer. Although of course I'd love to have a silencer for my Scar too...
They removed it to balance the game. People still claim the Scar to be overpowered. With silencer it would be the only gun to use. So instead of reducing the damage making it too similar to the Scarab, they removed the ability to equip a silencer. I'm actually glad they did, so I'm forced to use another gun for once if I want a silencer. Although of course I'd love to have a silencer for my Scar too... I understand this, that's why it's a consistency fail. If we can't use it in game then it shouldn't be in videos of that part of the game.
It's not a huge deal or a game breaking thing, it's just well... stupid. Yet more proof that Cryteks QA isn't doing their job.