Yeah, they're more accurately called suppressors and require subsonic rounds to work with full efficiency.
But yeah, the combat AI has been greatly improved, taking a page from Dawnguard and adding to that as well.
From tv tropes:
Despite some odd pathfinding issues, enemy A.I has been greatly improved from previous games. Shootouts no longer consist of NPC's standing in the open like a firing squad; gun wielding enemies will take cover, flank, and retreat to heal themselves, and now know how to pin you down with suppressive fire. Raiders are also quite liberal in the use of grenades, flushing you out of cover and preventing camping strategies that were common in previous games. However, human A.I isn't the only thing that has been improved. Mutated animals such as Wild Mongrels will attempt to circle the player while in combat, and Deathclaws are now intelligent enough to weave to the sides to dodge gunfire. Feral Ghouls, instead of serving as shambling bullet catchers, are now flailing, erratic, and extremely aggressive adversaries. In cases where the enemy is incapable of finding its way to you (such as Deathclaws being unable to climb a truck), they will retreat to cover and stay there until you either manage to shoot them from another angle (which makes them retreat even further) or come down to ground level, which renders you vulnerable to attack once more.
Enemies will eventually wise up to the direction of incoming sniper fire, even with a suppressor. Remain hidden without relocating and a group of enemies may start firing blindly in your direction in hopes of forcing you to reveal your location, before moving up to sweep the area. Some raiders can be armed with missile launchers or even a fat man, which do a great job of forcing snipers to relocate one way or the other.
Rule of thumb: The smarter, better trained, more elite the foe, the more clever the tactics they can use.