Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:35 pm

I've found a couple typos in the loading screens:

It is with great honour that one has the duty of being a guardian of the Great House Indoril. However it is not wise to provoke one... the consequences is [are] relentless and never more appropriet way to carry out his duty than death.

Looking to buy a house in Morrowind? Seek out Clagius Caro in Reich Parkeep - he might have someting for you.

The Redoran fishing village of Ebbedin is often a welcome sight, as its the only place with a warm bed for miles. Ebbedin is sometimes not-so-fondly referred to as "The Trashbin of Tamriel (Missing quotation mark)

Many people may not like to live in socialised area's. Many prefere the bliss [of] the wilderness and the europhia of life. These people have a vast knowledge of the lands around them.
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Jason White
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:00 am

I've found a couple typos in the loading screens:

It is with great honour that one has the duty of being a guardian of the Great House Indoril. However it is not wise to provoke one... the consequences is [are] relentless and never more appropriet way to carry out his duty than death.

Looking to buy a house in Morrowind? Seek out Clagius Caro in Reich Parkeep - he might have someting for you.

The Redoran fishing village of Ebbedin is often a welcome sight, as its the only place with a warm bed for miles. Ebbedin is sometimes not-so-fondly referred to as "The Trashbin of Tamriel (Missing quotation mark)

Many people may not like to live in socialised area's. Many prefere the bliss [of] the wilderness and the europhia of life. These people have a vast knowledge of the lands around them.

Noted. Thank you Lamphibian for pointing those out. We appreciate any corrections that come our way.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:02 pm

Tried the mod today and enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for making it!

I'm 99.9% sure the massive slowdowns are happening because of bad collision on some of the meshes. I tested it - when no other actors were around and when I got these slowdowns (FPS went down to 3-4) I typed 'tcl' in the console and the FPS went up to a normal level (around 40). Actors getting stuck in collision happens only with (Packed)TriStripsShape collision (and not with MOPP), so that's another evidence. Currently extracting the bsa to see if I can find something obvious.

EDIT: An example for 'FPS killer collision' is meshes\st\imperial\decoration\ A regular NiTriStripsShape with Num Strips more then 1 (in this case it's 30) is very, very bad for performance. Found a few more that are like that, for example in the reichparkeep\statue folder. If you update every (Packed)TriStripsShape you can find to MOPP the slowdowns should be gone. And as a side effect dead actors won't get stuck in the floor/walls anymore as well.

Thanks for sharing your findings! I've fixed the collision of the models you expressly mentioned, the torchring and the reichparkeep folder. I'm going through the other folders now to see if I find more models that have that kind of collision. So far I know of Mr Siika's cog and corvette models.
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:47 am

I downloaded/installed this mod and was really looking forward to checking out, but I just ran into an issue that has me disabling it for the time being.

Silgrad_Tower_T.esm has an edit to the bedroll idle animation, which caused all the NPC's in my game to sleep INSIDE normal beds, rather than on top of them. They'd pop up to the normal position every onces in a while to do a stirinsleep animation, then slide back down into the mattress.

So, yeah, I'll be waiting until that's solved to check it out. I'm looking forward to it, it looks like impressive and excellent work.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:26 am

I downloaded/installed this mod and was really looking forward to checking out, but I just ran into an issue that has me disabling it for the time being.

Silgrad_Tower_T.esm has an edit to the bedroll idle animation, which caused all the NPC's in my game to sleep INSIDE normal beds, rather than on top of them. They'd pop up to the normal position every onces in a while to do a stirinsleep animation, then slide back down into the mattress.

So, yeah, I'll be waiting until that's solved to check it out. I'm looking forward to it, it looks like impressive and excellent work.

Noted. Sorry it is holding you up. We will look into it. Thanks for the interest!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:52 pm

Silgrad_Tower_T.esm has an edit to the bedroll idle animation, which caused all the NPC's in my game to sleep INSIDE normal beds, rather than on top of them. They'd pop up to the normal position every onces in a while to do a stirinsleep animation, then slide back down into the mattress.

So, yeah, I'll be waiting until that's solved to check it out. I'm looking forward to it, it looks like impressive and excellent work.

The only change to the Bedroll anim is that we altered the load order, so that one of our own anims works properly.
I tested it in-game and the vanilla NPC's sleep in a normal manner (on top of the bed).

Perhaps it's related to another mod?
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City Swagga
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:56 am

No other mod makes changes to any sleep idles other than the vampire ones, and as far as I could tell nothing changes the beds themselves. I posted my load order in the that I made about this problem.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:53 am

No other mod makes changes to any sleep idles other than the vampire ones, and as far as I could tell nothing changes the beds themselves. I posted my load order in the that I made about this problem.

In my game NPCs still sleep like they are supposed to. So it's not the Silgrad.esm on its own.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:21 pm

I'll have another look in TES4Edit.... Here, here's a of what I'm looking at.

I won't pretend to know how that'd cause the problem I observed or how it'd be affected by what else, but that's still the only thing I can find that looks to me like it's making a change to something to do with a "normal bed."

7lbsBedrolls-OBSE.esp adds a script to Furtiture\BedrollSideEntry and BedrollCrawlEntry, which is the only modification to beds themselves in my game, so I suppose that'd be the next thing to look at. I'll have a look at that script later on and/or try loading silgrad and unloading bedrolls and see what happens.
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:42 am


Why don't you try to remove that edit and see if that helps? (don't forget to back up the file)
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:19 am

Spotty42: If you have an example of a vanilla or Forgotten Garden NPC that shows that behavior, that would be potentially helpful. Also if you could get a screen capture of the offending anim, it would help to see if possibly the hammock anim is being used for the normal bed.

One other thing to check is whether any other mod adds a static entry with the name FurnitureMarker05. That is the marker used by the hammock and since there are very few furn marker slots open, I could see this as a problem. Not much to be done about it in that case, but it could be flagged in the README.

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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:15 am

A promising sign of things to come. Yes I know it's only a beta before anyone complains of my critique, this is intended purely as feedback, not to be insulting...

- Creative use of Redoran style architecture in new ways
- Nice final reward
- Some good voice acting
- Excellent attention to detail

Not so Good
- FPS issues, obviously. Good to hear the likely cause has been found, hope an update is not far off.
- Pretty obvious gaps in the walls when inside the garden. A few mesh alignment tweaks to be done there.
- Dunmer guy's voice files are excellently performed but the quality of the recording is poor in places. Sounds to me like he needs to get his mouth further away from the mic.
- Boat ride crashes when talking to Khajiit guy.
- Butler guy seems to have nowhere to sleep, poor man.
- Inconsistent voices, some lines have been replaced with new voices but others not.

Critiques Which Are Really Just My Opinion
- The voice actor who did the Nord guy is good, but I think the performance is waaay overblown. Stop eating the scenery bud ;)
- The garden, while well designed, seems very empty. Could do with a couple of houses with people wandering about, and a merchant perhaps.
- Similarly, more to explore on the island itself would not go amiss in terms of ruins and caves.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:47 pm

Similarly, more to explore on the island itself would not go amiss in terms of ruins and caves.

Note that there is 3 dungeons on the island
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:41 pm

Ah thanks, good to hear. The slow frame rate put me off exploring but I would have thought I would still have seen more signs of them in the ground I did cover. Something to go back there for when the FPS issue is fixed, excellent... :D
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Ann Church
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:29 am

A promising sign of things to come. Yes I know it's only a beta before anyone complains of my critique, this is intended purely as feedback, not to be insulting...

- Creative use of Redoran style architecture in new ways
- Nice final reward
- Some good voice acting
- Excellent attention to detail

Not so Good
- FPS issues, obviously. Good to hear the likely cause has been found, hope an update is not far off.
- Pretty obvious gaps in the walls when inside the garden. A few mesh alignment tweaks to be done there.
- Dunmer guy's voice files are excellently performed but the quality of the recording is poor in places. Sounds to me like he needs to get his mouth further away from the mic.
- Boat ride crashes when talking to Khajiit guy.
- Butler guy seems to have nowhere to sleep, poor man.
- Inconsistent voices, some lines have been replaced with new voices but others not.

Critiques Which Are Really Just My Opinion
- The voice actor who did the Nord guy is good, but I think the performance is waaay overblown. Stop eating the scenery bud ;)
- The garden, while well designed, seems very empty. Could do with a couple of houses with people wandering about, and a merchant perhaps.
- Similarly, more to explore on the island itself would not go amiss in terms of ruins and caves.

Thanks for taking the interest Doctor Cox. I believe I speak for all of us @ Silgrad Tower when I say we very much enjoy constructive criticism and we think it helps in making the mod more enjoyable for the community. That being said we will look into the issues you mentioned.

The game crashing when talking to "Khajiit guy" sounds like there were other issues involved - 'fps'? As that is the first after hours of play testing. The 'butler guy' has the servant shack to sleep in, if he so chooses :). I for one very much enjoy the Nord :). The island itself is supposed to be 'forgotten' so having alot of folks roaming about among merchant shops might make it less than forgotten. We could have added more caves and possibly ruins but it is time consuming and we are still working the Silgrad Tower mod itself. This is a mod we put together to give some idea of what we are doing for STv3.0.

The inconsistent voices sounds new. Thank you for mentioning that and the garden walls. Again I/we appreciate that you tried the mod and that you took the time to post a critique. We hope to improve by your remarks.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:33 pm

As for the number of people, I'm not suggesting it be turned into a fully blow town, just a couple more people wandering around would help the atmosphere I think. As for a merchant, again subtlety is the key. Maybe even that Khajiit guy would make a logical choice, as he sails a lot so it's believable he might pick up a few random odds and ends. Otherwise, where do the people in the garden get their supplies? Isolation is one thing, that's good and I like that feeling of the mod. But there's just some things the populace need but will not be able to get locally.

I wonder if it's possible to script the appearance of a ship and merchant to visit the place once a week? That would be cool, and would suit the mod's ends perfectly. When the time comes, enable it as soon as the player is out of sight in another cell (eg the garden itself). Reverse the process when it's time to go.

The inconsistent voices were most obvious during fights. The Nord guy would sometimes call out in the new and old voice. Most of the lines were from me hitting him if that helps, cause I was testing removing the enemy health bar and he just happened to be closest at the time.

That's good about the servant shack. I did not notice it myself, again the FPS issue discouraged exploring.
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jessica sonny
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:49 pm

im really interested in trying this except for the FPS issue. can i just run the meshes through piffy myself or does something else have to be done with them?
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joseluis perez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:00 am

I'm itching to check this out! As soon as I get a new hard drive, Oblivion and this mod are the first things going on it :D
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:01 am

im really interested in trying this except for the FPS issue. can i just run the meshes through piffy myself or does something else have to be done with them?

PYFFIing them would probably help but that is not the major problem; bad collision format which PYFFI does not fix.
Pacific Morrowind
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:30 pm

Hi all we are making progress on the items everyday. The Silgrad Tower 3.0 is also moving along nicely. If you have not tried the Forgotten Garden mod then please do :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:35 am

Hi all we are making progress on the items everyday. The Silgrad Tower 3.0 is also moving along nicely. If you have not tried the Forgotten Garden mod then please do :)

That's great to hear. I have played TFG through about 5-6 times now, so as you can tell I enjoy it! I love the feeling of being back in Morrowind and am very much looking forward to the ST 3.0 release.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:30 am

Hi all we are making progress on the items everyday. The Silgrad Tower 3.0 is also moving along nicely. If you have not tried the Forgotten Garden mod then please do :)

I'm waiting for a mesh-optimised version of Forgotten Gardens before downloading. My connection isn't too good so I don't want to download it twice :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:11 am

I'm waiting for a mesh-optimised version of Forgotten Gardens before downloading. My connection isn't too good so I don't want to download it twice :)

I've made that mistake. :( I'd love to play it, but it's not possible for my PC. So I wait for update to download it again.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:47 am

I added some voice samples to the opening post. They are youtube videos created by SACarrow "The Voice Guy" one of our team members and voice artists. The voices were contributed by Ibsen's Ghost, AndySlayer, and swthemer, who are a few of our team members and/or contributors.
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 am

I added some voice samples to the opening post. They are youtube videos created by SACarrow "The Voice Guy" one of our team members and voice artists. The voices were contributed by Ibsen's Ghost, AndySlayer, and swthemer, who are a few of our team members and/or contributors.

Are there going to be any fixed meshes uploaded? I want to try this out, but I don't think my rig can handle it if the meshes are still having those problems
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