I've found a couple typos in the loading screens:
It is with great honour that one has the duty of being a guardian of the Great House Indoril. However it is not wise to provoke one... the consequences is [are] relentless and never more appropriet way to carry out his duty than death.
Looking to buy a house in Morrowind? Seek out Clagius Caro in Reich Parkeep - he might have someting for you.
The Redoran fishing village of Ebbedin is often a welcome sight, as its the only place with a warm bed for miles. Ebbedin is sometimes not-so-fondly referred to as "The Trashbin of Tamriel (Missing quotation mark)
Many people may not like to live in socialised area's. Many prefere the bliss [of] the wilderness and the europhia of life. These people have a vast knowledge of the lands around them.
The last phrase of the top line (the STCuLoadOrdinator1 line, specifically) leaves something to be desired. I suggest "the consequences is relentless and never more appropriet way to carry out his duty than death." to be changed to "the consequences are relentless and
there is never a more appropriate way to carry out
one's duty than death."
Also, in the last line, "europhia" is not a word as far as I know. Did you guys mean http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euphoria? You guys can avoid such problems by using a good grammar/spelling checker before finalising dialogue, and even then, a linguistically adept human would be even better than a machine. I haven't downloaded the mod yet, so this is as far as I can go in terms of help for now. It does look very good from the screenshots, though.
I hope I'm not nitpicking.