» Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:21 am
Yeah. Great game. Sure. But it still has it's problems and as such people are entitled to post about said problems. Complaining about people complaining is even worse than the people complaining about petty issues. At least they are complaining about issues they validly care about. Also if people hated the game, they wouldn't put so much effort into complaining. people love this game, and for some it falls short. I'm one of those people. Graphically, it's awesome. But...
The quests are far too short. And just like with Oblivion, they don't mesh. Nobody seems to know what it is you're doing even though you tend to be doing the most important things in the realm at the time. Then the factions you completed quests for don't really have squat to say for it besides random lines that revert back into the same usual tone when you actually speak with them.
Magic blows. I really hate how they did it. I don't know why there aren't lower versions of stronger spells and I don't know why they removed most the spells from the game. Most spells left or added in the game I have no actual use for and the ones I would use are higher level spells that can only be obtained once you reach a certain skill level. But how am I supposed to reach that skill level if there are no spell I want to currently cast. Take illusion for example, the only 2 spells I would use are muffle and invisibility. The rest may have their purposes, but I don't have uses for them. Maybe call to arms if I have a follower. But I can't even buy invisibility on my current file because I haven't spam cast muffle enough times to jack my illusion skill up just so I can use one spell. So now I'm running around just casting muffle so I can level illusion enough to get invisibility which i could cast now if they would sell me the damn spell. Speaking of which, how are you going to make is so that the college mages WILL NOT SELL YOU [censored] while a specific quest is in progress. That really makes thins hard should you not want to do the quest right then, and need to train or buy new spells. I've been to every court wizard looking to buy a spell that none seem to sell but i know Drevis has but he won't sell it to me right now, or even talk to me BS.
The leveling system is also quite broken, especially if you prioritize crafting. You can easily end up at a fairly high level without the skills or defense to survive the battles. I can go into detail about that, but i wont. Point is, not everybody is you and thinks the game is perfect. And just because the complain, does not mean they do not like it. If they didn't like it and didn't care, they wouldn't be up here posting about it.