» Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:23 am
Yeah, I had a similar experience. I got randomly ambushed by three thugs with a contract from some inkeeper. Unfortunately for them, they got a vicious and fatal beatdown from Lydia and me. If this was real life, I would love to walk into the inn, set the contract on the counter and say "I think this belongs to you" just to see the look on the guy's face.
For people who wonder why they got attacked, here was my situation as best as I can remember: When I got to the inn I was at my max carrying capacity so I rented a room and offloaded a bunch of stuff into a chest in the room and then set out to explore the town. After finishing a couple of local quests, I returned and found that my time in the room had expired, so the chest was now marked as "steal". So I re-rented the room but it still showed that I was "stealing". But I said "eff it, it's my stuff" and took it anyway.
If the innkeeper wants to keep sending disposable thugs to their deaths over that, I guess it's his prerogative. If it eventually gets to be an annoying distraction, I will simply go take care of the innkeeper for good.