» Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:27 am
Yes, you should be able to see some of them while walking near some strider ports, some strider routes crossings, and near Caldera on the Balmora\Ald'ruhn route.Yes, that was the idea. The main problem (apart from my english, suggestions/proofreading are welcome) is that some routes are long and script length is limited, anyway I'd like to add other comments. Comments about the weather/sunrise/sunset and generally unrelated to strider position are in dedicated scripts already so they have more room for expansion/randomization, comments related to the strider position are included in the strider script so room for expansion is more limited by the route complexity.
Good idea, I did not think about it.
After a quick test, it seems it works well only for the first dialog response, next filtering using choice does not seem to work. I think it could be used, but probably it would need replacing the usual multiple dialog info/checks with a call to a external global script in the first dialog refuse response, then handling everything in the global script using messagebox instead of dialog. Probably a little too much hassle.
What version of Morrowind are you using? You need at least a Tribunal (or more recent) game engine. It works without MGE for other people, so I don't think that could be the problem. Can you post a screenshot , maybe it could help?