I have done 25 successful speeches , so Im half way there, but I dont know where in the heck to find 25 more??? Maybe in the Pitt?? I doubt it?
I have tried
Vera at Rivet City
knock knock - at little lamplight
evan king - arfu
folks around - megaton
cant find pappy or bittercup at big town
those are just a few that i have tried for more or repeating speeches for the trophy, can anyone help me figure this out ???
i also need to know if i go back and do the neutral or bad karma characters for those trophies, will my 25 good hero speeches stack for the trophy?
in other words, will my 25 good hero speeches be added on to my bad character 25 speeches to give me a total of 50 for the trophy? or is it 50 per character?
help? iam trying to finish all the trophies before new vegas comes out, hehe