[Closed, found a solution on my own. Thanks for checking in though!]
Hello again good people of the Bethesda Forums,
For a horror themed project I've reciently decied to pick up again I've decided to place a breif and simple jumpscare in a rather unsuspecting area.
Idealy, I want the player to enter a zone and flash a wild image space modifier and loud scary sound for about .75 of a second, before quickly reverting everything back to normal. I know it can be done, as I did it twice before - the only problem being that the version of the file was lost, and I'm trying to do it all over again about 5 months later.
The current setup I'm trying for goes like this:
The player enters trigger area 1, which is initally disabled.
The player enters trigger area 2, which activates the initally disabled trigger area 1.
The scripts in trigger area 1 activate:
For the Image Space Mod
Scriptname AAABFBAddImageSpace extends ObjectReference{Adds an Imagespace modifier.};===============================================import debug ; import debug.psc for acces to trace()import game ; game.psc for access to getPlayer()import utility ; utility.psc for access to wait()import sound ; sound.psc for access to play()ImageSpaceModifier Property ImagespaceModifierA Auto {ImageSpace Modifier to add.}quest property myQuest auto { quest to call stage check on as disable, see below}int property prereqStageOPT = -1 auto{ OPTIONAL: stage that must be set for this to disable};=============================================== EVENT ONTRIGGERENTER(ObjectReference akActionRef) IF (akActionRef == getPlayer() as ObjectReference);new ImagespaceModifierA.Apply() IF prereqStageOPT != -1 && MyQuest.getStageDone(prereqStageOPT) == 1 ImagespaceModifierA.Remove() ENDIF ENDIF endEvent EVENT OnUnLoad() ImagespaceModifierA.Remove() goToState ("waiting") ENDEVENT
For the sound
Scriptname aaaBFBPlaySound extends ObjectReference ;Object script placed on an activator object that makes a noise when you activate it. ;Thanks David Brasher. Sound Property AAMyNoisyActivatorSound AutoEvent OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) AAMyNoisyActivatorSound.Play(self) EndEvent
And then so the scare doesn't repeat every time the player enters the zone
Scriptname defaultDisableSelfOnActivate extends ObjectReference {for anything that you want to disable itself once it's activated}auto STATE WaitingToBeActivated EVENT OnActivate (objectReference triggerRef) Disable() GoToState("Disabled") EndEventEndStateSTATE Disabled ;done doing stuffendSTATE
Currently the result is less than stellar. The sound does not play, the image space modifier is several times less dramatic as it is in the preview is now dramatic and jarring - but lacks any of the bloom effect I have in the preview, and the scare can be repeated indefinately. What the hell is going on here?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated, this simple thing has taken me over 6 hours.