Ill give you a lay-out of my house mod.
Its going to be 2 stories tall and 2 stories under. there is already 2 people working on this.
Alchemical Garden
stunning view or a waterfront view
hoping to add in a servant (beer and cakes)
multiple torture holes as in a troll pit and a slaughter fish hole
we want to make lighting as natural and even as possibe
an indoor pool
an armory
Maybe a secret crawlspace or something
maybe a quest involved
we want to add in an archery/combat training room
then there is a few secret features that we dont want to post for the sake of them being incorporated into other peoples plans.
what we want in the modder:
Please be decently active
be friendly and patient
save frequently (be cautious)
be sharing, give us your opinions and if you dont like something we've done dont keep to yourself speak up! we all about teamwork.
and mainly be imaginative!
So get back to me soon on this thread and add a little info about yourself and youll be considered immediatley